Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 803

"Pull it down!" Xiaoxiao sneered, "the sacrificial priest in the Liu family has said for a long time that the marriage of their family is about the great fortune, which has something to do with the revival of our ancient family. Do you think I am?"

"Horizontal view is not, vertical view is not..." Rong'er laughed, raised her hand and pointed to the vast sea area, and said, "all over the fairyland, anyone may be, but you may not be!"

"Yes Xiaoxiao also touched his nose and looked at the inexplicable Xiao Hua in the distance, "even if xiaoxianying is, I am not! After all, when the Huang family proposed marriage, I was rejected by the other people on the spot! "

"Hee hee..." Rong'er said with a smile, "you don't have to be so depressed. Their divination skills of the Liu family are magical, but..."

"But what?" Little light said, "but can't stop the decline of the Liu family? If so, I would rather their divination be true. "

"OK, ok..." Rong'er patted Xiaodao and said, "we don't have to argue about this. There is not much left in the ancient aristocratic family. They are all struggling. Since you and I are charged with the mission of guarding the ancient immortals, we have to do our own job. We don't have to care about other aristocratic families."

Rong'er discusses with Xiao Chuanyin, and Xiao Hua thinks about it. Now he finally understands why rong'er and Xiao are so nervous. After all, the stupid Taoist priest and the elder sister zhen'er have not shown their appearance in front of Xiao Hua. Obviously, the disciples of the ancient aristocratic family can't easily appear in the fairyland. The fact that these two disciples of the ancient aristocratic family are actually present has broken some taboo. They must not be caught by others. It's inevitable that they will be killed.

First, Xiao Hua wanted to test whether they knew the stupid Taoist. Now he didn't dare to kill him. This kind of test is to try to kill himself!

No matter whether rong'er and Xiao'er are in the same family as the stupid Taoist and yuan'er, they have been protected by silver light. They have asked themselves to call them fairy friends. They just don't want people to know that they are ancient families?

"If so, Xiao can't even ask about the life and death of Si Si and Wang Yuebai!" Xiao Hua thought to himself, "fortunately, when the dragon people robbed, time was too urgent. They didn't find Xiao, and they didn't expect that their voice had been heard by Xiao. Of course, maybe they are too confident. After all, their voices are completely different and their looks are all different. "

"Oh, by the way, there are also Xinggong seals..." Xiao Hua suddenly thought, "that thing must not be taken out! It's just, why do they take such a big risk to show up? "

Xiao Hua, rong'er and Xiao Xiao are on the same boat. They have their own thoughts. It's not appropriate to describe them as having a strange dream. But rong'er and Xiao can't imagine the cause and effect of this fairy baby with them in the future I went to the sea!

After half an hour's flight, rong'er and Xiao Xiao stop to talk. They feel a little embarrassed about the seclusion of the boat. Xiao Xiao says with a smile, "by the way, Xiaoyao, where are you from? How did you become a fairy baby? "

Xiao Hua had a lot of smiling faces and was ready to talk to Xiao Xiao. When he heard this, his face was lengthened and he said with a bitter smile, "Xiao Hua, this is my sad thing! You can't help mentioning this when you're all right? "

"Ouch..." Small embarrassed pat forehead way, "indeed, indeed, I am impolite!"

Xiao Hua took the opportunity to change the topic, some complained: "if you care, you can point out the way for me and see how to coagulate. I'm going to break through Yanxian..."

"Oh?" Rong'er is stunned. She looks at Xiao Hua unexpectedly, and then the strange purple gold light and shadow flash in her eyes. Although the purple gold light and shadow flash away, Xiao Hua feels that he is hot all over, as if there is a warm current pouring in.

"I'm really wrong!" Rong'er said with a smile, "I thought you were just the middle level of Yanxian before, but I didn't expect that you still had a secret skill, and there were also Crystal symbol suppresses the realm

Xiao Hua nervously covered his mouth and said, "Oh, I lost my word!"

"Ha ha, it's OK, it's OK!" Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "we will keep a secret for you!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Xiao Hua arched his hand in a hurry.

Rong'er frowned again and said: "however, Xiaoyao, it's not a simple thing to condense the body. According to As far as I know, the material of coagulating body is very scarce, which seems to exist in Zixuan immortal realm, but what is exactly unknown. "

"Yes Xiaoye rubbed his hands and said, "I've heard about the key to Xianying congealing body, but I really don't know where the material is."

Xiao Hua moved in his heart and said tentatively, "I don't dare to ask for the origin of any coagulant material, but I have some doubts. Can you explain?"

Rong'er and Xiaoxiao look at each other, and they smile together. Rong'er says, "naturally, but what? You have to promise me one thing, too. "

"Rong'er, please speak!" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

"Like Xiaoxiao, he needs Xuanhong Zijiao, and I need huojilongdan..." Rong'er said, "if you can summon the business alliance, I can give you some suggestions for your reference."

"Of course Xiao Hua answers decisively and "releases" a messenger crystal.

Rong'er and little nature explore carefully again, but they can only smile bitterly at the strange disappearance of Jingfu."Well..." Little said, "you say it!"

"It's like this..." Xiao Hua said, "I got a real immortal's ink immortal pupil..."

Xiao Hua talked about the failure of Qi Ling Zhen Xian's congealing body, and finally said, "this Mo Xian Tong is the only record I got about Xian Ying's congealing body. I can't understand it. Why can't he find his own body?"

"Hey, hey..." Rong'er laughed and said, "you really asked the right person. To tell you the truth, I happened to read a record about this situation."

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and said, "please tell me, elder sister."

"Who is your elder sister?" Rong Er is angry.

"Sorry, sorry!" Xiao Hua Wu mouth way, "is under anxious."

"That's it Rong Er didn't say anything else, but said, "there are two ways to coagulate Xianying's body, one is to coagulate the body on Xianying's body, the other is to coagulate a new body outside the body..."

"Coagulate a new body outside the body of the baby?" Xiao Hua was greatly surprised and said urgently, "isn't it with the immortal body coagulated in advance?"

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Today is the five chapters that Tanhua promised to update for free, plus the update of several new alliance leaders, it is still ten more!

Here comes the key question

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