Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 690

Speaking of this, Lian Xiuyuan couldn't help spitting and scolded: "bah, now any fairy, a three legged cat, brews some sweet water and says that he can make immortal wine. It's not shameful enough!"

Xiao Hua had a fever on his face when he heard this. When he was in the world, he made a lot of wine and boasted of being a master! When we get to the fairyland, we just have no leisure, otherwise we will make wine like Yu Yazi.

"Can Xianyou alchemy?" Lian Xiuyuan asked suddenly.

"Yes Xiao Hua nodded hastily.

"How about Xianyou's alchemy?" Lian Xiuyuan is getting to the bottom of the matter.

"Xiao is the first Dan master of Dan Dao League..." Xiao Hua thought for a moment and replied, "if you pass the selection, you will get the second grade Dan master's Dan master card!"

"Xiao Xianyou is actually the second grade Dan master. It's really powerful!" Lian Xiuyuan was a little surprised. After all, there are few Dan masters in Dan Dao League.

"Don't dare, be regarded as the technique profession to have to specialize in!" Xiao Hua replied modestly.

"What's the difference between the elixir made by Xianyou and the elixir made by Xianyou?"

"This..." Xiao Hua hesitated, and immediately explained, "with the same material and the same furnace, our elixir should have the means to transform decay into magic, and the effect of refining elixir is absolutely different."

"That's right!" Lian Xiuyuan said, "the real sacrificial wine, when brewing immortal wine, is actually the same as the sacrificial alchemy. I can also refine elixir. Although I can't compare with Xianyou, I also know that refining elixir requires the balance of five elements and the integration of yin and Yang. The master of elixir is good at mixing five elements and harmonizing Yin and Yang! And brewing immortal wine, ordinary immortals feel that fermentation, blending is OK, the quality of immortal wine is all in the wine material, in fact, brewing immortal wine is a process of fusion and evolution of various materials together! When it comes to essence, it is actually a process of annihilation and rebirth It involves the way of life and death! "

"Boom..." Lian Xiuyuan's words are like the top of his mind. Xiao Hua is really a soul stirring man. He never thought that wine making should involve the way of life and death! However, if you think about it carefully, in the process of wine making, all kinds of materials are first destroyed, then fused, and then evolved into immortal wine, and other new things are born again. Isn't that the process of birth and death?

"This It's the essence of immortal wine, Xiao Xianyou. I don't know if my explanation is too rough? " Lian Xiuyuan didn't want to say too much. He asked, "after all, Xianyou is not sacrificial wine. I don't know how to make wine. I can't explain it in detail."

"Well, Xiao knows something!" Xiao Hua replied, "excuse me, Xianyou, is sacrificial wine the name of a wine maker?"

"Offering sacrifices to wine was originally a honorific title for the master of wine making. Later, it became an official post of immortal officials in the ancient immortal world. It is said that the Confucian immortals also use it now..." When Lian Xiuyuan talked about this with great interest, he suddenly felt that it was not appropriate. He quickly changed the conversation and said, "this has become a memory. When it comes to offering sacrifices, who can know? By the way, Xianyou "is it difficult..." Xiao Hua was stunned and asked, "in all the immortal wine, there must be the death of the ghost house?"

"A drop of immortal wine may not need the dead breath of the ghost house. With the understanding of the way of life and death, we can improve the brewing techniques, perhaps pure. But the high-level three inch bitter wine Maybe there must be death in the ghost house! " When Lian Xiuyuan said this, he said with regret, "I've been looking for the fruit of the ghost world, but I can't see it. I hope there will be a harvest in this sea market!"

"Oh, I said too much! I don't know if you are satisfied with my reply? "

"Satisfied, satisfied!" Where can Xiao Hua not be satisfied? Now every more sentence you listen to will bring you more insight!

"The third question of Xianyou is why Huang Zengtian didn't have three inches of bitter wine?"

"Yes Xiao Hua nodded and said, "is there any secret to brewing three inch bitter wine?"

"It's no secret..." Lian Xiuyuan explained, "I only think that the sacrificial wine that can brew three inches of bitter wine can't exist in Huang Zengtian. What's more, the so-called "three inch bitter wine" is the sweetness that is different from the ordinary liquor. This kind of spirit fruit can not be produced by Huang zengtianxian's spirit. "

Lian Xiuyuan's explanation is very vague, far less detailed than the previous two questions. It sounds as if there is something hard to say. Xiao Hua's heart moved, and quickly waved his hand and said, "if Lian Xianyou doesn't think it's appropriate to say it, then forget it!"

Xiao Hua's words are naturally a plan to motivate the general. Anyone can understand it after listening to them, but Lian Xiuyuan just ate it. He was a little displeased and said, "where is Xiao Xiaoyou? It's not a secret, but I think I'll tell you It's possible to cast pearls before swine. "

Xiao Hua hears clearly, and Lian Xiuyuan calls himself Xiao Xiaoyou. His eyes are narrower, and the color in his eyes is more like a fox.

"Lianxianyou's piano hasn't been played yet. How can you know that Xiao is a cow?"

Lian Xiuyuan frowned and said, "it's just, it's just, I'm just going to talk to you. If you understand, it's like this..."

Xiao Hua secretly congratulated, and quickly echoed: "well, well, Xiao, Congratulations!"

"I have said before that there are five kinds of immortal wine: sweet, bitter, pungent, sour and salty. The sour and salty taste is not the common taste in the immortal world, nor is it the acid that makes immortal wine fail. It's a kind of How to put it? It's sad that one's heart is in a long river, but one can't pursue the storm, and it's sad that one's wife and children are separated, one's family is broken, and one's life is ruined... " Lian Xiuyuan explained, "this kind of taste is not something that can be understood by ordinary Qi immortals, nor can it be brewed by the immortal fruit produced by the immortal vitality. Let's put it this way. Yujietian's chenxianniang is mainly spicy and sweet. There is even a misconception that the sweet chenxianniang is higher than the spicy chenxianniang. This is bullshit! Not to mention that I can't brew three inch bitter wine, even if I can, do they taste it? ""In fact, that is to say..." Xiao huaru thought about it and asked, "Huang Zengtian doesn't have the fairy fruit to brew three inch bitter wine, and he doesn't have the conditions to brew it?"

"So to speak!" Lian Xiuyuan was excited for a moment, and some of his interest was lost. He nodded and said, "in fact, it's impossible for the whole fairyland to have the conditions to make real immortal wine. After all, there is no spirit fruit of the ghost house. I have always stayed in chenxiaohai, where I run chaobi Pavilion... "

At this point, Lian Xiuyuan hesitated for a moment and said vaguely, "I just want to see if there is a chance..."

"You Ji?" Xiao Hua thought of what Lou Xiao said and said, "Xiao knows that Youji is the deepest place in Chenxiao sea. Do you think Youji can lead to Jiuyou?"

"Ha ha, so Xiao Xianyou was cheated by Youji's gimmick?" Lian Xiuyuan laughed and asked.

"No, no!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "Xiao I'm a member of the Business League. I came to Haishi to escort my disciples who have important positions in the Business League and have a bright future. "

Lian Xiuyuan was stunned and asked, "which business alliance?"

"Come to the business alliance!" Xiao Hua lost no time in marketing, pointing to Bai Xiaotu and saying, "Xiao, the disciple, is a leader of the business alliance. Xiao accompanies him to have a look."

"No!" Lian Xiuyuan didn't give Xiao Hua face, light answer way, "should be unknown."

"Indeed Xiao Hua just threw out a stream of business leagues to give an introduction to the possible transactions for a while, and then asked, "since Xianyou is not for Youji, what is it for?"

"Of course, it's to see if there are any ghosts in Haishi!" Lian Xiuyuan said with a smile, "but I'm not stupid enough to go to find out the truth of Youji! I won't go to Youji even if it goes straight to Jiuyou! From time to time, the legends of the fairyland will create some heroes who attack the ghost house and beat the ghost generals to death. They are all deceiving. They are the nemesis of the spirit of the fairyland. I'm afraid there are only Taiyi immortals, and the spirit condenses into Taiyi Only in this way can we dare to go in and out of the ghost house! "

Xiao Huacai didn't believe that lianxiuyuan was in chenxiaohai to find the spirit of the ghost house, but he only saw lianxiuyuan for the first time. People couldn't confide in him, so he thought a little and asked, "with lianxianyou's exquisite wine making skills, you must know how to make a real two liang old bar?"

"Of course!" Lian Xiuyuan said haughtily, "if I can't, who can be in the fairyland?"

"Admire, admire..." Xiao Hua's half true and half false bow hand, but the tone is really with admiration, wine can brew to such a degree, also really no one.

"But..." Xiao Hua asked, "can lianxianyou elaborate on how to make real immortal wine, or Can these secrets "Deal with Xiao?"

Lian Xiuyuan was not surprised by Xiao Hua's idea. He just squinted at Xiao Hua and asked, "isn't it that Xianyou heard something about life and death and thought that wine making Can you make Xianyou's cultivation more smooth? "

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Lian Xiuyuan looks very mysterious. Won't Xiao Hua's abacus fail?

Thank you for your support. I see feng Jia rong'er's post about praising Daoyou. Thank you even more