Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1125

"Please..." Su min doesn't ask Chen Jin what to say to Qian Yuhan. He agrees that the silver light around him boils and disappears as streamer. Chen Jin's silver light bursts and disappears into the darkness as a broken firefly.

Thousand feather cold also dare not neglect, a clap seal command way: "where is Xu Chong?"

"My lord..." A thick voice rang out, "the end will be here!"

"Team up quickly..." Thousand feather cold a word a way, "limit you to arrive at nihilistic Yue Heng Tian one place in one yuan day!"

The voice was startled and said: "my Lord, the last general's team is resting. This time, it's not..."

"No nonsense!" Qianyuhan didn't allow him to finish. He yelled, "this is the order of the army. Team up quickly!"

"Yes, my Lord!" The other side dare not say more. After Qian Yuhan sent the location to Xu Chong, his body cracked and turned into countless feathery flakes.

After Xiao Hua sent the position to Qian Yuhan, he still used the skill of light escape to return.

After waiting for a long time, the sky wind roared around, and the strong immortal light made Xiao Hua itch. Xiao Hua patted his forehead and said with a bitter smile: "Xiao is wrong. Since master qianyuhan can receive Xiao's message, it means that she is still in the fairyland of JieChong and has not gone deep into the demon League. All the actions of the army have just begun, and all the tasks of the team have been released. She is old Even if they want to send troops, they must ask for a reconciliation and a herald. This time can't be short. Xiao Hua is idle again. It's better to take the time to practice! "

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua offered a sacrifice to the star array in the capital, flashed in, and led the immortal Xuanguang into the body, and began to practice!

After nearly a day's waiting, there was no general coming. Xiao Hua's trump card could not feel butianxianwei, so he could not receive the message from qianyuhan. He was not in a hurry. The immortal Xuanguang in the color world was really precious. He was happy to practice for a while.

However, qianyuhan didn't come, and yudie thunder came. Xiao Hua sensed the call of yudie thunder in the space, and received the skill and spirit to enter the space.

After Xiao Hua coagulates his body, he doesn't see Yu Ti Lei Ting again. Xiao Hua knows that Lei Ting is shut up, understands the purple mansion picture scroll, and is ready to complete the general outline of the reincarnation of Brahma. When he can see the iron blue on Yu Ti Lei Ting's face, Yu Ti Xiao Hua is stunned and asks tentatively: "is it the Taoist friend who has encountered a problem?"

"I've been prepared for what happened to Ye Jian for a long time, but I didn't expect that human nature was so despicable that now some disciples began to attack me! "

"Isn't your noumenon still closed?" "And you didn't attend the advanced ceremony. You went to experience directly. What did they attack you for?"

"Xiaolingtian's token!" "And it was one of the martial uncles who leaked it to one of his disciples, that disciple I happen to know about Chen Xiaohai... "

"They were so sure that the token you used was sold by chenxiaohai?"

"You underestimate the strength of Chongxuan mountain!" Yudi said with a sneer, "Chenxiao Haixian fair is just a small fairyland in the enlightenment mainland. The disciples of Chongxuan mountain have a heart to explore, and there will be no secret! And don't forget, there is also a magic pill for treating martial uncle's injury! "

"Alas, there is no absolute prohibition in this fairyland!" Xiao Hua sighed, "the things about chenxiaohai, which is smaller than Zhima, can be spread to Chongxuan mountain in LiuTian land, which is a fairyland in tianwu."

"It's not a matter of spatial distance!" Yudie thunderbolt said, "it's the problem of human despicable!"

"How did you deal with it?" Xiao Hua asked with great interest, "after all, there is something wrong with the timing of this matter!"

"As soon as I got out of the pass, I was called to go by my master. The fog at my head made it difficult for me to escape. I had to say that my cultivation was not good, so I wanted to practice meditation for the time being..." Yu Ti Lei Ting explained, "master, seeing that I was in a dilemma, told me to go back to the cave first. But since master asked, I think there must be a question. I will give you an explanation in a few days!"

Xiao Hua smiles and asks, "surely today's Chongxuan mountain also knows the business alliance?"

"Of course!" As if he had thought of something, he nodded and said, "if nothing else, the little lotus seed is really famous. Xiao Daoyou's name is not obvious, but the stream of business alliance has attracted attention."

"That's easy!" Xiao Hua raised his hand to take out a Chuanxi and said, "this is Chuanxi. You take it and say it's old with Lianyi business alliance. When xiaolingtian was in trouble, he thought of Lianyi business alliance. After receiving your message, Lianyi business alliance immediately gave you elixir and token with Chuanxi."

"Ha ha..." Yudi thunder already knew the function of Chuanxi, and then said with a laugh, "it's so complete. I'd like to see what those people with ulterior motives should say!"

"It's not enough to fight alone!" Xiao Hua took out some little lotus seeds and said, "those immortals who are dying and close to three failures are your strong backers!"

"Exactly so!" Yu Ti Lei Ting took the lotus seed and said, "I'm calling my friends to come here. That's what I mean. I'm still weak. I don't have a foundation."

"A constant stream of business leagues is your biggest backer!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "moreover, you might as well reveal something about Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu to see if they can help me find them!""Easy to say, easy to say..." Yudie thunderbolt full of promise out of space.

Looking at the back of Yu die Lei Ting, Xiao Hua smiles bitterly. The root of the matter should be Xiaosheng Lianzi's. Lei Ting is only affected. Now there is a legend that can explain it. I think Lei Ting's position in Chongxuan mountain is more stable!

With his eyes closed, Xiao Hua was about to get out of the space, but his eyes inadvertently swept through the fairyland space, and he didn't feel a strange look on his face.

Because in the fairyland space, many female disciples of the nature gate are pregnant, and they seem to have just been pregnant.

If there were one or two, Xiao Hua would not be surprised. How could it be that hundreds of immortals were pregnant at the same time?

Even Xiao Hua is embarrassed to ask directly about such things. Fortunately, there is a part of the mission. Xiao Hua knows that the culprit is the mysterious water that Xiao Hua sent into space!

Xiao Hua raised his hand and a mass of water fell into his hand. After squinting for a long time, Xiao Hua nodded to himself. The water was full of strong vitality. Although the disciples of the Zaohua sect could refine it into a precious elixir, the elixir was also the medicine of the supreme spring. After taking it, female immortals were more likely to get pregnant.

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Fairyland space can be a large number of immortals breeding!

, in addition, Wang Ming, who is in the WeChat official account, tries to read, and you can look at it and help to make an opinion.