Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1087

"And..." Xiao Huachong, Zhou Xiaoming, etc. nodded and Fen said, "when I take on the mission of the strange star rain sky on the first day, Kou Chen should also be looking for a mission. He is the same as me. Well, he is not even as good as me. He must find a mission to pacify the restless immortal generals! So He must be able to see the strange star rain sky mission, but I was preparing to choose another mission at that time. Seeing the strange star rain sky coming out, I chose the strange star rain sky with a flash of my finger. Even if he saw it, he didn't have time to choose... "

"Master Shengming!" Zhou Xiaoming, of course, has the potential of a black bear. He immediately sent a high hat to him. "Since Kou Chen saw the mission of the strange star rain sky, he must know someone is coming. Although I don't know what happened, kouchen must have never seen the corpse of master Chang. So he must have a ghost in his heart, and he will Come and see the sky

Chang Yue said with a smile: "Kou Chen won't come. He's not strong enough, and he has to take the immortal generals to other places to experience, so he joined hands with him to attack Chang's immortal generals Be sure to come back and have a look... "

"And this immortal general, he won't go to JieChong 167. Naturally, he won't know that JieChong 167 has fallen into the hands of the demon clan. When he arrives at the strange star rain sky, can we return to the immortal world?"

"Master..." Zhou Xiaoming flattered, "you are more thoughtful than your disciples."

"Go away..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I just got more information!"

"My lord..." Chang Yue calculated it and said, "I don't have much time to wait. I'd better hurry back to the strange star rain sky. Kou Chen, they have a ghost in their heart. They will come at the first time!"

"Even..." Lu Shu added, "they may even kill the master together!"

Chang Yue does not forget to mend the sword: "that's inevitable!"

Instead, Jiang Meihua calmed down and reminded: "my Lord, Chang's strength is not inferior to that of him. If he can sneak on her, the immortal general's strength will not be inferior to that of him. If they come to investigate..."

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua smile, and did not answer.

Wen Wen was quite depressed. He had already reported his task to the clan. Suddenly, he went to Kou Chen's emergency message, and he had to go to the strange star rain sky.

Wen Wen doesn't want to come here. After all, he has wounded Chang Yue. He saw her fall into space debris and be drawn into the abyss by the pillar of fire in the starry rain sky. He has killed more than ten immortals in Chang Yue's belt.

The most important thing is that even if Chang Yue is alive, he can only find Kou Chen, who doesn't know who he is!

But Wen Wen can't help but come, because Kou Chen told him the reward offered by the strange star rain sky, and he had to report it to his family. The elders in the family were afraid of leaving any horseshoes. They patted his head and let him see. If there was any trouble, they killed the immortal general who took over the task by the way!

"Wen Xiao, do you think there is something wrong with their heads?" Wen Wen flew out of a green Monument and stood in mid air to sacrifice a leaf immortal boat. When another young immortal flew out, he cried angrily, "it's just a tiger teaching military post. If you're afraid that things will be revealed, you can kill Kou Chen directly. Why do you want me to run to the demon League?"

The young immortal was very thin, his face turned white, and his eyebrows were not angry. The young man was also very boring: "if you don't want to come, why do you tell the clan?"

As the young man said, he grabbed the tablet with his backhand and jumped into the fairy boat.

"Can I not tell you?" Wen Wen didn't win sympathy. He was even more angry. He urged the immortal boat and said, "Kou Chen told me all about the dog shit, and Wen Feng and Wen Ying are missing. Not only did he not get the thing, but two treasures of the clan, zhuxianchen and Yingren, disappeared. There are strict orders in the clan. If there is any information in the clan, we must report it to him..."

"Isn't that the end?" Wen Xiao shrugged, still a dead man's face, "you've told me, so I'll let you come! However, you can come as soon as you come. How can you hold me? There is no shadow blade here, no immortal dust! "

"I didn't pull you!" Wen Wen said with a smile, "it's the clan that thinks I'm not reliable. Let you help me."

"Are you sure the moon has fallen?"

"Nonsense, of course I can't confirm it!" Wen Wen said, "the abyss of the strange star rain sky has the inborn confinement comparable to the interface barrier. I can't get in at all. But since I can't get in, how can chang Yue come out? "

"You..." Wen Xiao hesitated and said, "in fact, you should go in and have a look!"

"You think I'm stupid!" Wen Wen sneered, "when Chang Yue escapes into the crack of space, there is a breath of terror coming out. How dare I go in?"

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice: "in fact, I really let a fairy puppet go in, but as soon as it fell into the space crack, I lost contact with it. After Kou Chen left, I waited for a few days, but the fairy puppet didn't turn back. I suspect that there is another demon realm in the demon League under this abyss."

"Alas..." Wen Xiao looked at Wen Wen and sighed, "Wen Wen, you don't understand the importance of this matter at all!"

"Oh?" Wen Wen was stunned for a moment. Qi Dao said, "what's important? Isn't it to arrange an immortal general to occupy a military position of tiger education? ""Why did the clan appoint the tiger education of team 103, the important place of kouchen, instead of others?"

"Do you know who was the tiger teacher of team Diqiao 103?"

"Why would you rather let us come to the demon league than abandon Kou Chen?"

Wen Wen was puzzled by a series of questions. He said with a wry smile, "tell me, I really don't know!"

"Zhao Yunshu is the tiger teacher of Diqiao 103 team. He fell at JieChong on 760, where he also disappeared when he heard the wind and the shadow."

"It is said that Zhao Yunshu is a member of the Shen family!"

"I see!" Wen Jing said, "that thing is in Zhao Yunshu's hands! No, I heard that an immortal general escaped from the No. 760 boundary. Does that immortal general have that thing in his hand? "

"The immortal general gave Zhao Yunshu's trump card to the team, and whether Zhao Yunshu had that thing in his hand or not was two questions."

"Isn't it for that? Where can it be if it's not in Zhao Yunshu's hands? "

"So..." Wen Xiao said, "the tiger position of Diqiao 103 is very important. It's so easy for us to send Kou Chong to this position. We can't give up all our previous achievements!"

"All right!" Wen Wen thought it was reasonable, so he said with a bitter smile, "no, this is the land of demon alliance. I have to urge the immortal boat magical power..."

As Wen Wen's voice fell to the ground, the light and shadow on the immortal boat gradually converged, and the stars appeared. After about half a cup of tea, the immortal boat was invisible.

Wen Wen looks at the distance and feels like it's raining. Knowing that the sky is near, he says in a low voice, "Wen Xiao, I don't know what's going on in the sky. You should be invisible. I'll go and have a look first. Let's act according to circumstances..."


Wen Xiao nodded slightly and flew out of the fairy boat.

Wen Wen was stunned and said to Wen Xiao's back: "I I haven't finished yet

"Be flexible!"

Wen Xiao's words made Wen Wen laugh and cry.

Looking at Wen Xiao disappeared, Wen Wen patted the immortal boat, and the fire flashed on the boat, which was still the appearance of fairyland. But when Wen Wen looked at the sky, he frowned and said, "now it's the stars and the moon in the sky, and the universe has never risen, so The interface space has not been opened yet. Am I waiting here? Or go and have a look first? "

The night of demon League was so long that Wen Wen didn't want to wait, so he just thought about it and flew over.

Wen Wen naturally has the secret skill of Wen family. He urged the secret skill to explore far away. Seeing that there was no immortal soldier outside the sky of the strange star rain, he took out a square immortal weapon and said in a low voice: "it seems that the old folks in the clan think much!"

"Don't be careless..." Hearing the roaring voice, "maybe people have already saved Chang Yue."

"Well, how can it be!" Wen Wen is cold.

When Wen Wen urged the immortal boat to rush into the starry rain sky, he was slightly shocked again, because in the mid air around the previous pillar of fire, more than ten immortals would form a battle array to encircle the space, and the pillar of fire that should have been burning did not have too many flames.

A patrol around the value of the immortal will see the boat flying in, quickly flying over, will stop the boat, scolded: "who?"

"Why?" At this time, Wen Wen's body was protected by a thin silver light. The silver light condensed into a strong strip, and he could not see his face clearly. He was a little surprised and said, "who are you waiting for?"

"Master..." Looking at Wen Wengao's immortal body, the immortal general quickly bowed and said, "we are the mending heaven team..."

Speaking of this, the immortal general suddenly woke up and said with a smile: "elder, we are immortal soldiers in the army. We don't know the identity of the elder. We can't divulge the military aircraft. Elder, wait a moment, please come here!"

"Well, go!" Wen Wen watched these immortal soldiers turn around, and he secretly thought whether he would join forces with Wen Ying to kill people in the future!

Because judging from the current situation, the immortal general who took the reward has not entered the abyss of the starry sky, let alone the moon.

"Don't hesitate..." Hear the voice of Xiao to spread, "should kill to kill!"

"The problem is..." Wen Wen said with a bitter smile, "after killing, there will be people coming!"

"If there are too many dead people, no one will come!"

"Don't say it, it's coming..."

In the whirlpool in the distance, Xiao Hua stepped on the thunder cloud, his silver light was broken, and there were some blood stains on the fairy armor.

"This..." Xiao Hua didn't hide his appearance. He looked at Wen Xian's body and bowed reluctantly. "I don't know if the elder came to the demon League far away. What can he do for you?"

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Behind the scenes

, in addition, the WeChat official account of "Duan" has a "wizard Wang Ming preface". You can look at it and help to make an opinion.