Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1035

As soon as Xiang Zhili was about to open his mouth, Zhuang Bi suddenly thought of something and said, "by the way, are you waiting for that martial uncle Xiao Hua to be a scattered baby?"

"No way!" Xiang Zhili and the other three said in one voice, "he is not an immortal baby!"

"Hoo..." Zhuang bi was relieved and said with a smile, "that's right! The Xiao Hua I met is Xianying. I think it's a duplicate name! "

However, Cui Yingying said cautiously, "what does the five element fairy that Master Zhuang met look like?"

"Oh, like this!" Zhuang Bi's big sleeve waved and drew Xiao Hua's image at will!

"Adoptive father?"

"Elder martial brother Xiao?"

"Martial uncle?"

Ruthless and other three people call different, but the surprise is indeed the same, they are cheering after shouting!

Zhuang Bi is silly. His face is a little feverish. He knows Xiao Hua's strength very well. Can the immortal who can attack and kill the two Qi immortals in Zhanglu palace be the five element immortal?

These immortals have just been flying for sixty years. Compared with other people, they really live to the fire spirit beast!

However, Zhuang Bi turned a little, looked at the ecstatic three dust immortals and said in a low voice: "don't be happy when you wait! I have bad news for you. Wait... "

"What's the matter?" Three people suddenly feel bad.

"Xiao Hua has fallen to the secluded land of enlightenment!" Zhuang Bi said, "I was beside him when he fell, and it was only after he fell that I returned to the mainland."

"No way!" Heartless and so on three people naturally can't believe own ear, blurted out.

Zhuang Bi's mind is finally balanced. Xiao Hua is a genius, but after all, he has a short life. Only when he can live can he talk about cultivation. The dead are not qualified and will soon be forgotten by others.

"In fairyland Nothing is impossible! On the first day of the year, there were two high-level fall of the two immortals and two dragon families. If it wasn't for my good fortune, I would have been trapped in it. You don't know. It's very secluded. The whole annihilation... "

"Good fortune is deep?" When Zhuang Bi said that he had a good fortune, Xiang Zhili and others felt it was not right. They were sad, but fortunately they were not absent. They naturally knew how deep Xiao Hua's fortune was!

So Cui Yingying said in a low voice: "Master Zhuang, can Can you tell me the process of your acquaintance with my martial uncle Xiao? "

"All right!" Zhuang Bi thought for a moment and said, "I'm just going to have a rest. Please wait and let me talk about it carefully."

Zhuang Bi has a very good impression of Xiao Hua. Seeing that he is the nephew of Xiao Hua's later life, he also treats Xiao Hua differently. He takes the three of them to the sky and finds a safe place to stay. After a little breathing, he tells the story of his acquaintance with Xiao Hua.

At the end of the day, when Zhuang Bi escaped, he was annihilated. He was born with a vision, not to mention the ceremony. Even if Cui YingYing and Zhuang Bi were merciless, they all had a smile on their lips! They are outsiders. Naturally, they feel that if three points of this natural vision are given to Zhuang Bi, the other seven points are given to Xiao Hua. If Xiao Hua's body is not found, how can we say that Xiao Hua has fallen?

"Master..." To the ceremony to see merciless, bow to the ceremony way, "the younger generation know that the elder is the generation of faithfulness, say words certainly count."

"That's nature!" Zhuang Bi said with a smile, "even Xiao Xiao you said that about me!"

"Then..." Cui Yingying took the opportunity to say, "my martial uncle's qualification is better than yours."

After pondering for a moment, Zhuang Bi said helplessly, "if I were better than Xiao Hua before the five element immortals, I would not be as lucky as Xiao Hua after the five element immortals."

"The elder just said that if my martial uncle is better than the elder, you won't force me to wait for him..."

"Who said that?" Zhuang Bi sneered, "I mean your martial uncle's reputation..."

Speaking of this, Zhuang bi was dejected again. He waved his hand and said, "it's all right. If you don't like to worship, don't do it. I can't bully you and wait for these dust immortals, can I?"

"Master..." Xiang Zhili asked in a hurry, "do you always have anything to say? The reputation of the younger adoptive father in the enlightenment mainland? "

After Zhuang Bi leaves Youji, he will naturally go back to chenxiaohai to inquire about the news. He must know about Xiao Hua's business alliance, so he can't compare Xiao Hua's fame! So he said helplessly: "your adoptive father's strength is average, but he is a stream of business leagues..."

"An endless stream of business leagues?" As soon as the eyes of merciless and others brighten, they know more and more that Xiao Hua must be the one they are looking for.

After Zhuang Bi finished, he got up and said, "it's said that there are big leader Bai Xiaotu and deputy leader Li Moyi in the business alliance. If you want to find Xiao Hua, you might as well find them first! Let's go. Come with me later! "

Merciless big urgent, said: "the elder is not to say don't let younger generation worship into the elder's door?"

Zhuang Bi didn't have a good way: "you've been waiting too long! On a whim, I think it's my chance to accept you as my apprentice. It seems that things are not what I think. Since you don't want to be a teacher, I won't force you. However, since I met you, I have a destiny with you. I want to return to Xiangyu mainland. Don't you also want to go to Mingdao fairy land? It's about lifting a hand! And the chance I said may be to meet you and wait, and send you to Xiangyu mainland! "Heartless, Xiang Zhili and Cui Yingying were overjoyed. They all bowed and said, "thank you very much, elder Gao Yi!"

"Ha ha..." Zhuang Bi laughs, "what's righteous or not? I just think Xiao Hua is pleasant to the eye, and I love you so much!"

Not to mention Zhuang Bi's return to Xiangyu mainland with Xiang Zhili and others, we can only say that the imperial palace of Ming Dynasty is still the quiet courtyard and the Leichi. There are still thunder flashes in the Leichi. Countless thunder filaments are mixed with Leiyun, and all kinds of illusions are produced. Many thunder beads are broken in the depth of Leiyun.

Before Leichi, she still stood with a flash of thunder light. Under the thunder light, Ningxue, a female immortal with armor, but next to her, situ Hong, who left in high spirits on the first day, would never stand there again.

There was no door in the courtyard. At this time, he Qiong's voice came from the air: "my Lord, I'm here to see you!"

Ning Xue's face was expressionless, and a door was born out of thin air.

After he Qiong flew out of the room, she knelt down on one knee and said, "my lord..."

Ning Xue didn't turn back. She took out a bag and sent it to he Qiong. She said, "this is what situ Hong promised you earlier."

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Zhuang Bi's character is really good, though he's very strong