Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1026

Xiao Hua is concerned about the jade ultimatum, then he is confused. When he is calm, he suddenly finds that Xumishan falls on Zhang Qingxiao, but Zhang Qingxiao doesn't change much. When he is treated more, there is a golden light in Zhang Qingxiao's heart. The golden light looks like Xumishan!

"I'll go!" Xiao Hua can't help but scold. Xumishan, who is beyond his control, has something to do with Zhang Qingxiao.

"Good luck!" Yudietianren also whispered. He had been to Xumishan, and he felt helpless to those demons. Who ever thought that Zhang Qingxiao condensed the body of demons when he was forming the magic space!

"Go, go!" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, looked at the rudiment of the magic space and said with a smile, "you and I need to practice quickly. I can't say that they will catch up with us in the future!"

"No matter how you practice, you can't compare with the devil!" Yudie heaven and man scolded, "this guy will jump out of more than ten parts as soon as he farts, and each part will surpass Laozi in practicing a skill!"

"Each part?" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, was suddenly surprised, as if he had thought of something. His face was overjoyed. He bowed and said, "I'm really in the mountain. If I hadn't been reminded by a Taoist friend, I'd have gone nowhere!"

"Why?" Jade die heaven and man strange way, "do you want to practice?"

In other words, a burst of complicated light and graphics fell into Xiao Hua's mind.

Xiao Hua's face was shocked as soon as he saw it: "what is this?"

"Secrets in scorpion's memory..." Jade die heaven and man haughtily said with a smile, "it remembers too much, I don't want to see much, so I get a little elite from it. That's the secret. This thing It's not a skill. It's not suitable for human cultivation! "

"I was going to throw it away, but I just saw Zhang Qingxiao. I know something about it. My friends are so weird that they can't use it!"

"Have a look, poor way!" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, said with a smile, "the scorpion has a great mystery in remembering light and shadow. I hope you can explore it more!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Yudie heaven and man smile, urge the body still back to the Honghuang divine space.

Before leaving the space, Xiao Hua took a look at a forbidden place in the distance, where he got something from Tianxue Liuli. Unfortunately, he didn't have time to see it until this time.

After the return of the mind, Xiao Hua didn't rush to explore the secret skill given by heaven and man. Instead, he patted his own door and said, "boom..." Green light rushed out, fifty-two fairy babies flew out of his Dantian!

"What's the matter with you Fifty two fairy babies bowed and asked.

"You've been practicing very fast, and now you've got Er Qi Xian. What's wrong with you?"

"Good teachers know!" All the fairy babies said with a smile, "there are Taoist friends practicing and realizing before, and then there are the magical skills of stepping on the divine palace. We have no mistakes in our practice."

"That's good!" Xiao Hua felt that the foundation of the immortal babies was solid, and he was relieved to say, "now you Taoist friends and I have become one again. I have something important to entrust."

"Friends of the way, but it doesn't hurt to talk about it!"

Xiao Hua looks at the 52 immortal baby and laughs in his heart. Now he wants to cultivate a lot of things, such as the way of talisman, the way of alchemy, the way of casting utensils, the way of wine making and so on. But he has been suffering from no time to cultivate. Even now he has leisure, he can only cultivate one of them himself.

In the ordinary world, Xiao Hua had ten parts to help him practice. Now he wants to do the same thing again, but these complicated practices are all the skills of the immortal world. Xiao Hua doesn't know whether he can practice again after the part is condensed.

The words of heaven and man awakened Xiao Hua. Are these immortal babies Xiao Hua's part! Before the Star Palace seal or these fairy baby help Xiao Hua sacrifice refining!

Xiao Hua thought about it and told the fairy babies what he thought.

"Good!" Who knows, Zhu Xianying's reaction was beyond Xiao Hua's expectation. "I'm tired of practicing all the time. Some other skills are just the adjustment! More is better, more is better! "

Even all the fairy babies said that. What's Xiao Hua polite about? One should want to understand the secret arts, are taken out to distribute, the result of the fairy baby too much, Xiao Hua's secret arts is not enough, several fairy babies also understand one.

Thank you, Fairy Friends Xiao Hua sends 52 Xianying back to xiadantian.

After seeing off the immortal baby, Xiao Huacai sat down again with his knees crossed and carefully understood the light and shadow sent by heaven and man. It took him half an hour to make up his mind. It's a strange secret skill. As yudie Tianren said, it's not the kind of skill that can be practiced by the human race, but Xiao Hua is different from the ordinary immortal. After he understands it, he thinks it can be used as a kind of Yuanshen cultivation method.

At present, Xiao Hua has two ways to cultivate Yuanshen. One is from Zifu painting scroll. Although Zifu painting scroll was taken away by real thunder to supplement the general outline of reincarnation of Brahma, the realization of real thunder will be passed on to Xiao Hua from time to time. The other is Qingqiu mountain's Secret Art. The cultivation of Yuanshen in Qingqiu mountain's secret art is not the main road, but the skill.

Xiao Hua has always wanted to cultivate Yuanshen, but real thunder once said that the general principle of reincarnation is a secret skill of the school, which is not easy to leak. Xiao Hua understood the difficulty of real thunder, so he didn't really practice it. Now that he has a better secret skill, how can Xiao Hua not be moved?

After the realization, Xiao Hua isolated the place of the Niwan palace from the whole immortal body and formed an independent existence. This independent existence changed again with the urge of the secret arts and turned into a scorpion!More than that, the scorpion is just an appearance. Inside the scorpion, there is a strange shape like a spindle, surrounded by 365 oblate circles of different sizes, which rotate slowly. The 365 tracks are different and do not disturb. After a week, the inexplicable fluctuation arises out of thin air, falls into the spindle, and the red light and shadow begin to flash.

"Queer, queer!" Feeling the gradual expansion of Yuan Shen, there were signs of inexplicable powers. Xiao Hua could not help sighing, "how many mysteries are there in this world?"

Xiao Hua didn't dare to take it lightly. He waited for a long time. Seeing that there was no difference in Yuan Shen's cultivation, he was relieved.

"It's time to see what Zihuan left chongyunqian!" Xiao Hua finally calms down and enters the space again.

Standing on the top of the forbidden area, Xiao Hua felt his heart beating when he looked at the mountain of things. When he opened the forbidden area on the first day, he thought it was just some rare immortal utensils. Who knows that the forbidden area was full of things. He was afraid that he had sent all zihuanguo's Treasury there. Xiao Hua's mind rolled up more than ten times in succession, and then he emptied the things in the immortal temple in the eyes of Bao Qiong and Bao Shan!

There were too many things for Xiao Hua to take a close look at. He glanced and raised his hand to take out some important things.

The first thing Xiao Hua took out was a half star lock. The half star lock was exactly the same as the star lock left by the fall of Xingling king. The two stars fell together to form a complete star lock. When the star lock was condensed together, there was a strong power of the moon and the star from the star lock, and he wanted to tear the void. However, although there were layers of space torn, he still couldn't see it The end, this let jade die Xiao Hua is very puzzled.

as like as two peas of the celestial being opened, the half star lock was exactly the same as Xiao Hua's half star lock. So Xiao Hua knew at that time that the great Kunqu kingdom was afraid of another half star lock, so he recast half of the star lock to cope with the abalone.

When Xiao Hua looks at the star lock, he doesn't know why the state of Da Kun and the state of Zi Huan attach so much importance to it. Even the state of Da Kun specially set a trap to deceive the purple imperial concubine.

When Xiao Hua looked again, he suddenly saw a series of numbers in the deep of the star lock, "one seven seven..."

Xiao Hua's head is full of black lines. He keeps the number in his mind and thinks about it carefully for a long time. He doesn't know what the number means!

"Just, just!" Xiao Hua finally said, "maybe it's just a number. What's the matter with it?"

Having said that, Xiao Hua is going to take the star lock away, but he takes out the Star Palace seal and puts the star lock into the Star Palace seal.

Then, Xiao Hua took out a bronze tripod shaped immortal utensil. As Xiao Hua raised his hand a little, the immortal utensil opened, and there burst out 9981 air filaments of different colors. The air filaments condensed together to form a scroll like air column.

With the column of Qi rolling, there is "Yuanqi primitive chapter" in it!

Original vitality? Is this what Mei Yun said about the cultivation of vitality in the five elements?

Isn't this secret skill lost after ancient times?

Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, looked at it carefully and finished the original chapter of Yuanqi word by word.

"Great goodness!" Xiao Hua caresses the palm, the sky way in the starry sky, Xiao Hua also called. Then Xiao Hua's star dome began to flash again, and Xiao Hua understood that he was stepping on the divine palace again.

The original chapter of Yuanqi is the secret skill of Taigu immortal to cultivate the Qi in his chest. Xiao Hua can practice it, so after reciting it several times, Xiao Hua passed this skill to several immortal babies to make them understand it first.

The last two things are also tripod shaped immortals. In fact, Xiao Hua can't see anything special about the jade ultimatum, but the two tripod shaped immortals are close to each side of the bronze tripod shaped immortals, and their shapes are the same, which naturally attracted Xiao Hua's attention, because the fragments of Yuanxing deities all seem to have this feature.

Sure enough, Xiao Hua couldn't see through the two tripod shaped immortal objects. Xiao Hua couldn't help but feel hot in his heart. He waited for Xiao Hua to sacrifice the fragments of the original spirit chapter, "boom..." The two tripod shaped immortal utensils immediately burst apart. Without waiting for the broken utensils to produce a whirlpool, they immediately turned into two groups of silver lights and rushed into the book like meteors.

"Brush..." On the scroll, there are two big purple characters of "seven Spirits".

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Zihuan kingdom is really the queen of the archaic fairy family. It has a deep foundation