Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1024

Xiao Hua wants to sacrifice and refine Chenwei by himself, but he knows that although he already has the method of sacrifice and refining, his level of sacrifice and refining is far from perfect. He can only practice the casting skill of Qianji Pavilion first, and then he can successfully sacrifice and refine Chenwei.

"That's all!" Xiao Hua thought, "let the disciples in the space use and perfect this Chenwei first, and Xiao will slowly understand the method of casting utensils."

It's just a cup of tea. There's another urge from yudiesi in the space.

"That's asking for trouble!" Xiao Hua is a little tearful. There was yudiesi Buddha in front of yudiesi. Yudiesi didn't dare to urge him. Yudiesi Buddha has a face. Unlike yudiesi, who is shameless and shameless, he doesn't rush to urge him. Now it's OK. It's yudiesi's turn. He can't "buzz" in Xiao Hua's mind like a fly every day?

"Alas Xiao Hua is about to enter the space with a sigh.

At this time, there was a slight but messy sound outside the military account.

Xiao Hua frowned and let out Yan Nian to sweep, but he was angry!

Then Xiao Hua got up and stepped out of the tent. Before Xiao Hua's tent, there was nothing wrong. There were some immortal generals around Jiang Meihua's tent. At present, one of them was roaring at Jiang Meihua who was standing in front of the tent.

But listen to that fairy will stretch out a finger and point to Jiang Meihua who is a hundred Zhang shorter than himself and scold: "which onion are you? Dare to sacrifice the general's account here? Don't you know that there can't be anyone within a hundred li of Laozi's account? "

As the immortal said, Yu Guang looked at Xiao Hua and saw that Xiao Hua came out. He became more and more arrogant. His hand, which was pointing at Jiang Meihua, turned into a slap in the face!

Jiang Meihua was very angry. He didn't expect that this immortal would suddenly start! He is not the enemy of this immortal general, and it is impossible to resist in a hurry!

"Hum..." Jiang Meihua immediately urges the secret skill and reveals the shadow of the unicorn.

"Bold!" Xiao Hua roared, and his body was already flying up. With a "brush", he flew to the immortal general's back and grabbed him by the neck!

"Hey, hey..." The immortal general gave a sneer, as if he had expected that a Hairy Ape arm had been born in the waistcoat. There was a filament of fire on the ape arm, and there was a roar in the air.

"A small skill of carving insects!" Xiao Hua sneered, clenched his fist in his left hand, and hit the ape arm.

"Be careful..." You Xian Jiang didn't expect Xiao Hua to fight hard directly, so he hastened to remind him.

Xiao Hua's left fist collided with the immortal's arm, "boom..." With a loud noise, the compressed space fluctuates around, and twisted wires of fire, and even some waves blow the silver light of some immortal generals to pieces.

"Ah The immortal general screamed, but his ape arm began to burst from his fist, and the flesh and blood burst out along the ape arm. Even under the flesh and blood, the skeleton of Bai Sensen was smashed inch by inch and disappeared into dust!

Another look at Xiao Hua, who is as stable as a mountain. His left arm armor burst, revealing his crystal clear arm. There are strange textures on that arm, swimming like a snake.

"Go away!" Xiao Hua looked at the immortal general's forehead and sweat. Without hesitation, he raised his right foot and kicked the immortal general's abdomen with a "puff" sound. The immortal general's armor produced water color light and shadow, but the halo was stamped out just after it was born. Between the "click" sound, the immortal armor was broken and there was a gushing of blood light.

The immortal body was crushed by Xiao Hua!

Not waiting for the immortal general to cry, "pa..." Xiao Hua slapped the immortal general's face with his backhand. Although the immortal general's helmet flashed with light and shadow, and countless small runes poured out, these runes were annihilated in Xiao Hua's palm.

"Wu..." In the wind howling, the immortal rolled the immortal body and fell towards the distance!

"Ah..." Until this time, the immortal general just screamed out!

"Damn it Behind the immortal generals, there were five immortal generals with a height of more than 600 Zhang. Each of the five immortal generals took different immortal utensils and surrounded Xiao Hua with loud curses.

"Interesting Xiao Hua saw that the five immortals were making an immortal array, and the blue light with blood was rushing out of their armor. They were connected to each other and coagulated into a Xuanwu shape. He pinched his chin and looked at the diffuse glaucoma with a smile.

"My lord..." At this time, fan Qing's voice suddenly came to Xiao Hua's ear, "run away, these six immortals are called the six generals of Moyun. Although they are not the most powerful in our team, they are the most famous..."

Fan Qing's voice is getting smaller and smaller, obviously isolated by the battle, and Xiao Hua's eyes are gradually producing a lightless space, in which the water is murmuring!

"Roar..." In one corner of the battle, a mysterious shadow came stepping on the water. His arms shook and roared out. The space was broken, and countless Water Dragons roared around Xiao Hua.

"Wuna man..." Xuanwu is just one of the five generals. The generals stand up and send Xuanwu armor all over their bodies. The generals' eyes are shining with water, and they roar, "if you dare to hurt my brother, don't you kowtow to apologize?"

Xiao Hua was in a bad mood. He had expected some bumps when he joined a team. But he didn't expect that someone would come to the door just after he got into the army tent. Moreover, Hu Jiao, named Han Yu, didn't show up. He was not as good as Lu Yun. At least Lu Yun met himself in the army tent.

Xiao Hua even doubted whether these generals were sent by Han Yu.So, after listening to the general's scolding, he sneered in his heart and said, "just you? What's hiding in the turtle's shell, do you want to make grandfather Xiao kowtow? You're not even qualified to kowtow to Grandpa Xiao! "

Immortal generals have seen the world, and Xiao Hua has never heard of such sarcasm. In fact, he is most afraid of Xiao Hua's soft clothes. Xiao Hua angrily scolds him, which makes him very happy. When he raises his hands, two black sledgehammers come out of the air. The sledgehammers flash with dark light and shadow, and the void around is distorted!

"Kill The immortal general was in front of Xiao Hua in a flash, and the sledgehammer was raised and smashed on Xiao Hua's shoulder!

See sledgehammer avoid his immortal mark, Xiao Hua already understand what! He also stretched out his hand to hold out Ruyi's stick. His body retreated abruptly and said with a sneer, "don't they all surround Xiao? I haven't seen you all yet... "

"Do you want to escape?" Behind Xiao Hua, there is a column of water rising from the sky. A fairy with the same iron bar in his hand will show his figure and coldly say, "how can I walk without kowtowing?"

"Ha ha, it's so funny. You want me to wait for five people to come out!" In the other three places, three generals turned out with immortal utensils. The whole space was closed by the flood of water and light. One of the generals laughed, "I've seen so much bravado!"

"If you beat the small one to the old one, you'll get five free!" Xiao Hua laughed and said, "grandfather Xiao has seen many shameless tricks."

"Kill The five people set up the array, waiting for the moment when they saw that there was no lotus in their mouth. They all waved fairy weapons at Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua's whole body is covered by five immortal utensils except for immortal marks. The five immortal is planning to damage Xiao Hua's body.

"A bunch of clowns! How dare you jump in front of grandfather Xiao? "

Xiao Hua sneered and pulled up his body. The water around him broke!

Ruyi stick first hit an immortal general with a big hammer, "boom..." With a loud bang, the sledgehammer flew obliquely like a paper bar, which could not be avoided by the immortal general. The tail of Ruyi stick skilfully bypassed the water light, "poof" hit the immortal general on the neck.

There was no accident, the blood was gushing, and the immortal general's neck was beaten to pieces!

The immortal general's scream didn't ring. Xiao Hua's Ruyi stick came out of thin air and exclaimed: "long..."

"Wu" Ruyi stick suddenly grows thousands of feet.

"Boom..." Ruyi stick was just under the armpit of the next immortal general, "Peng..." The immortal general was more miserable than the previous immortal general. The wind only came out of his chest, and immediately cracked his immortal body. In the blood and flesh splashing, an immortal baby shivered and flew out.

Xiao Hua doesn't even look at it. He rushes to the other one with a loud bang. It's also an iron bar. The iron bar is bent by Ruyi's stick, and the head of Ruyi's stick is sticking out from the iron bar. Fortunately, Xiao Hua can miss the immortal mark, otherwise the stick will kill him.

"You You... " However, in his breath, Xiao Hua destroyed the bodies of the three immortals, as if the three immortals were dolls with no power to bind chickens. The remaining two immortals were really stupid! At this point, how can they not know that Xiao Hua's strength is far beyond them?

"Kowtow?" Xiao Hua shakes the wishful stick, and his flesh and blood fall from the inside.

"Bullshit!" How could the two immortal generals be subdued? They all rushed forward with a big scold. They carried the strength of the battle. Unfortunately, even if the five generals together were not Xiao Hua's enemies, what could be the result?

"Poop, poop..." Ruyi stick shot down, easily beat two generals into meat sauce!

"Hum..." Looking at the five generals surging with water light, the immortal trace flickering slowly mended the immortal body, and the eyes still there were full of panic. Xiao hualeng snorted, "boom..." Another blow in the air.

The light of the water rips, the battle is broken, and Xiao Hua's figure flies out.

"Come out, come out..." The immortal general whispered, "I don't know if the immortal body of the new immortal general is broken..."

Seeing Xiao Hua come out, "ah..." All the people were shocked and couldn't help exclaiming.

"If you have time, don't practice more..." Xiao Hua's eyes swept the generals and said faintly, "otherwise, there will be no chance to bully the new immortal generals in the future."

With that, Xiao Huafei fell into the army tent. Behind him, the battle line was annihilated, revealing the future of the five broken immortal bodies!

"Oh?" Inside the central military tent, the seal on Han Yujun's case flickers slightly. There is a voice inside. It's the conflict between Xiao Hua and the six immortal generals. Han Yu's cold face is a little surprised. "Is this real Xiao really capable? I thought it was the offspring of that family... "

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Terrans are always like this. Maybe this is human nature?