Landing in the Fantastic World



Hearing the sudden news, even Mu Yu couldn't help exclaiming.

Long Yaotian has fallen!

It's really incredible.

He is the strongest man standing in the land of Shenyuan for thousands of years. It is even rumored that no one in the whole land of Shenyuan can catch his move.

How could such a terrible character fall?

"According to the letter, long Yaotian's practice is too rebellious for heaven and earth, so his Shouyuan is very short-lived compared with other saints."

"Three months ago, he knew that Shouyuan was approaching, so he went to the ancient battlefield alone. After he came back, he became an old man with white hair and white hair, old and old."

"After the account, I went west."

Gu Yuan explained the contents of the letter.

"What did he say when he came back?" Asked Mu Yu.

Gu Yuan said: "the God of the dead is really terrible. I, long Yaotian, think I'm invincible in the world. I didn't expect to lose half of my moves."

It's the God of the dead!

Mu Yu's eyes were bright. He had heard the name of God of the dead many times. He was the God of all the dead people.

As long Yaotian's anti heaven cultivation, he lost half of his moves. It can be imagined how terrible this God of death is.

If he comes to the land of God, I'm afraid it can make everyone despair.

"I'm not strong enough now."

Mu Yu clenched his fists. Although Xuanqi world is not his hometown, there are his lovers, friends and elders. There are too many people worthy of his protection.

How can he watch the whole mysterious world destroyed by the dead.

"There's another thing. At present, the army of the dead are invading the northwest. In a short period of half a month, most of the territory in the northwest is lost, including the largest city in the northwest, which is far away from Tiancheng, and is almost occupied."

At this point, Gu Yuan looked at Mu Yu.

He knew that Mu Yu was born in the northwest Lingyuan. At the moment, the northwest was in trouble. He didn't know what he would do.

"I'll go to the northwest."

Mu Yu looks dignified and immediately makes a decision.

"Brother Muyu, don't be impulsive!"

Xun'er grabs Mu Yu's arm and looks at him anxiously.

"Yes, brother mu, it's too dangerous for you to go alone."

"Moreover, the master of Yueer palace in Chaotian Palace is already gathering all the major forces. In a few days, he will enter the northwest territory and fight with the dead spirit clan."

Gu Yuan also quickly dissuaded.

Mu Yu shook his head: "I'm afraid we can't wait that long. Once the army of the dead will come down, there will be no grass left. At that time, leaving Tiancheng will become a dead city, and no one will survive."

"You don't have to worry too much about me. No matter how dangerous it is, I still have the ability to protect myself."

Xun'er knew that he couldn't persuade Mu Yu, so he told him with tears, "brother Mu Yu, you must be careful. Xun'er will wait for you here."

Mu Yu gently stroked her cheek and said, "don't worry, I will come back as soon as possible."

After leaving the ancient clan, Mu Yu went straight to the northwest.

Because the teleportation array from Tiancheng was destroyed, Mu Yu could only teleport to the remote town in the northwest.

Although these cities, the dead have not yet crossed the border, but the influx of a large number of refugees makes these cities become very chaotic.

Muyu did not stay, directly through the sky, with the fastest speed to leave Tiancheng.