Landing in the Fantastic World


"Patriarch, no good!"

Suddenly, an anxious voice came, and a Duanmu youth in his twenties came running in a panic.

"Wu Lan, what happened?" Duanmu Fenghua frowned and asked.

Duanmu Wulan is a very steady man in ordinary days. What is worth his being so bold.

"The void cave collapses suddenly. All the three elders are seriously injured and in a coma!" Duanmu Wulan panted.


Duanmu Fenghua's face has changed greatly. The three supreme elders are the pillars of Duanmu clan. Nothing can happen!

Duanmu Qingling's face became pale, and his heart was full of worry.

"The void cave has been tens of thousands of years, and there has never been an accident. How can it collapse inexplicably?"

Duanmu Fenghua's eyes flickered, and a trace of uneasiness emerged in his heart.

"Go! Go and have a look

Duanmu Fenghua's figure turned into a whirlwind and rushed out quickly.

Duanmu Qingling took a look at Mu Yu. Mu Yu nodded and said, "I'll go with you."

They soon came to the outside of the void.

At this time, it is not a void hole, but a ruin.

At a glance, countless collapsed boulders rolled down everywhere, which seemed extremely desolate.

Many Duanmu people gathered here. Among them, three old people with gray clothes and white hair fell to the ground. Their cheeks were black and purple, emitting a strange smell.

"Patriarch, don't touch the bodies of the elders. Just now Xiaojun wanted to help the elders. As a result, he was infected by the black fog from the elders' bodies, and now he is also in a coma."

See Duanmu Fenghua go to the three elders, next to a Duanmu people point to the side of a young Dao.

"What are the three supreme elders infected with?"

Duanmu Fenghua shook his head, helpless in the heart, the current situation really makes him helpless.

"It's the dead!"

Just then, Mu Yu spoke.

As soon as he got close to the three elders, he felt the breath of the dead.

Many Duanmu people all looked at Mu Yu. Most of them had never seen Mu Yu before. They were stunned to see Mu Yu's strange face.

"Young Xia mu, are you sure it's the necromancer?"

Duanmu Fenghua's pupil shrinks. If it's really done by the dead, Duanmu is really in trouble!

"I've dealt with them many times, and I'm so familiar with their power that I can't make a mistake." Mu Yu said firmly.

All Duanmu people are aware of the seriousness of the matter, and their faces are full of tension and worry.

In the past two years, the dead have destroyed the land of the God's source, which is irresistible.

If they really invade Duanmu tribe People shudder at the thought of it.

"Patriarch, what shall we do?"

Everyone turned their eyes to Duanmu Fenghua.

Duanmu Fenghua looked at Mu Yu and said, "young Xia mu, do you have any countermeasures?"

Mu Yu said: "the deathlings are unpredictable. They may have lurked around us. For today's plan, first cure the three supreme elders, and then investigate all the people one by one."

"But how should the three supreme elders be treated?" Questions have been raised.

"Just give it to me. I can cure them." Mu Yu touched his forehead, then looked at Duanmu Fenghua and said, "please prepare a secret room for Duanmu clan leader. I will heal the three supreme elders."