Landing in the Fantastic World


"You dare to talk nonsense! I want to fight

Duanmu Qingling's face is as red as a small apple, plus her beautiful face, it can be said that she has a different style.

"Mu Yu, he likes to talk nonsense. Don't worry about it."

Duanmu Qingling said shyly.

"It's OK."

Mu Yu didn't pay much attention to it. He just asked, "Qingling, since you are familiar with it, have you ever seen the moon shaped stone walls or other objects?"

The shape of the moon?

Duanmu Qingling and Duanmu Zhuangzhuang were both stunned, and then fell into deep meditation.

"I feel like No, I haven't

Duanmu Zhuang shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Mu Yu. I haven't seen him either."

Duanmu Qingling is also apologetic.

"It's OK. I'm just asking. Maybe I'm wrong."

Mu Yu nodded, this treasure map is the reward of system task, absolutely can't be false.

The position recorded by the orange star stone is very vague, just a sign of the shape of the moon.

According to his original idea, there should be a moon shaped object in the place where the orange star stone is located, which may be a stone wall, a huge stone, or a pattern carved on the ground.

"Why do you think so much? As long as the orange star stone is still in this area, I will be able to find it. "

Mu Yu didn't think much about it. He turned to Duanmu Qingling and Duanmu Zhuangzhuang with a faint smile: "I'm going to have a look deep."

"Or I'll go with you."

Hearing that Mu Yu was going to leave, Duanmu Qingling felt nervous for no reason.

"I feel that there are many crises in it. You'd better not go in."

Mu Yu shook his head.

"Well, when you come out, you must come to our Duanmu clan."

Duanmu Qingling stands in the same place, lips light pursed, beautiful eyes full of expectations.

"Well, I promise you."

Mu Yu nodded, and then his figure disappeared in front of them.

North luocangya forbidden area.

Mu Yu's figure is shuttling among them at a high speed. It's night now. Besides insects singing and eagles singing, it's very quiet.

However, Mu Yu didn't relax his vigilance. There are a few breath here, which are very powerful.

With the help of Ziji Shentong, Mu Yu searched most of the North luocang cliff, and found nothing in the shape of the moon.

"Maybe the moon sign in the treasure map doesn't mean that."

Mu Yu thought in his heart.

At this time, Mu Yu has reached the center of the North luocang cliff, and can feel that there are many powerful spirit beasts around him.

He didn't want to waste his time. He directly used the dragon breath to force all the spirit beasts around him back.

Walking, in front of a huge lake, like a mirror in general quiet, only the slightest water ripples dancing with the wind.

After stopping, Mu Yu couldn't help picking up a stone on the bank and flying toward the lake. The stone rippled and danced on the lake for more than ten times, then sank to the bottom of the lake.

Suddenly, Mu Yu saw the starry sky reflected on the surface of the lake, and in the middle of it was a bright moon.

"Here! Are you... "

Mu Yu's mind flashed, suddenly thought of something, suddenly like a river burst, maose suddenly open.

"Yes! I can't even think of how stupid I am. "

Mu Yu patted his head heavily. The moon sign in the treasure map does not represent the shape of the moon, but refers to the lake reflecting the bright moon.

Only this lake can be seen in the whole North luocang cliff, which means that the orange star stone is probably under this lake.