Kuraki Kyuuden no Shisha no Ou (WN)

110 CHAPTER XVIII: A Woeful End

And Sable Bloodpane was reborn in his own coffin.

He lifts the heavy lid with one freshly regenerated hand and slowly raises himself up.

His pale skin is revealed in the darkness. Her unblemished skin was like ceramic, and her well-balanced limbs and appearance were so neat that it was hard to believe she was from this world.

However, the blood drained from her face, and her eyes were red and bloodshot. I held his chest and yelled at him in a rough voice.

"What the hell is that king--!

"Master Sable, what is going on?

"Shut up! Oh, the whole unit's gone!

He shook off the vampires in his household who had rushed towards him. The vampire's heart, the source of its power, beats fast and hard, producing the power of blood.

The blood seeping out of her body forms a thread that wraps her naked white body in a jet-black robe. As she tried to stand up, Sable staggered heavily as if she were anemic. Her eyes widened to their limits.

It's impossible. That's a ...... low!

I couldn't believe it. It was true that Sable wasn't at her best at that moment. But that doesn't mean that he cut corners.

The power of Sable's body was weakened beyond recognition. It was only natural, since he had lost everything but his heart. It would be some time before he regained his strength.

It was true that Sable had carefully extracted the source of his power, but since the source of his blood power had been removed, his use of it was severely limited, but that was all. Other than that, that body was definitely Sable herself.

From what he had observed during the battle with the Demon Lord Rynell, he was more than capable. He had a squad of werewolves with him.

But he lost. It was an overwhelming force. What Sable had misjudged was his growth potential.

He was clearly stronger than when he was fighting Lynel. The King of the Dead is growing fast.

It's hard to believe. Originally, the Lord of the Dead was a necromancer who was skilled enough to turn himself into an undead.

They must know all about the undead, and even if they are used to it, it is unlikely that they would change so rapidly.

And the most alarming thing is the moment Sable died.

In an instant, his alter ego, which should have still had power and a powerful regeneration ability, disappeared.

I couldn't even see what had been done to me. That wouldn't have happened even if my head had been crushed.

The power that should have been left in his body instantly drained away. Sable would not forget that feeling for a while.

The last thing his alter ego heard was the voice of the Ancestor begging for his life. Immediately after that, it was annihilated. You're making a complete fool of yourself.

I punch the stone wall with all my might. The thick wall caves in deeply, but I don't feel any better.

I sank deeper into my chair and racked my brains.

All I need is calm. Sable has already failed twice. I can't fail next time.

"The werewolf is good. Precious as they are, they're still replaceable.

She glared at her family members who were waiting for her with a pale face. He is a powerful vampire who has inherited the power of his blood-pains.

But no. They're useless to me. That's not good enough. Vampires are much stronger than werewolves, but not if they have a Knight of the End.

Keep calm by repeating your thoughts. Forget about the death you surely felt in that moment.

"Yes. The problem isn't the Founder. It's the demise knight who still holds that man to the human side.

It's hard to attack him by force and drive a wedge. And even if you could, there would be considerable damage to us as well.

To begin with, vampires live in darkness. The current situation is distorted.

If I told other vampires about the demon knight and vampires together, they'd laugh at me. At least the Founder didn't shun vampires. If there was a chance, the situation would turn our way.

And then, realizing something, Sable smiled deeply.

One, just one ............ lump ...... is right--

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. I can understand if they kidnapped him and tortured him to find out his weaknesses, but the founder was not restrained at all.

I'm sure of it. It was the demise knight's own decision. Then there's a way to get .......

§ § § §

And I'm in the closet holding my stomach.

I felt a terrible pain in my stomach that wouldn't stop, and nausea like I'd never felt before in my life. I learned for the first time that even lowly vampires can sweat when they're at their limit.

I'm at my limit. But it's no use going to the bathroom. Because vampires don't go to the bathroom. They digest all their food. So this stomachache is not because I ate something weird or something.

I feel sick to my stomach. ......

"Because you're smoking something weird.

Senri's voice was also a bit disheartened.

Oh, Sable, you torment me inside my body too. You're a fearsome opponent.

The change in the blood-sucking sable was remarkable. In an instant he was dust. Apparently vampires disappear when their curse is sucked out of them. It's probably because their existence is a curse itself.

The blood I swallowed tasted good, but it was so thick that it lingered. It was right after the blood was swallowed that something strange occurred in my stomach.

My arms were torn off, my whole body was burned, my neck was cut off, and many other things happened after I came back, but the pain was worse than any of them. I felt like I was going to be turned upside down inside and out. I tried to throw up, but I couldn't. I went to the bathroom, but nothing came out. I clawed at my stomach, but that didn't help. There's nothing I can do.

Senri, help me. ......

I don't know any vampire doctors: ......

The sun was probably already up outside. But the pain showed no sign of abating.

The only thing that saved me was that Senri had been talking to me from outside the closet.

"When I die, ...... sprinkle my blood on my grave every day.

...... Maybe you'll be okay. Your power hasn't diminished at all.

Senri is not being kind. Apparently my power hasn't diminished. That means I'm not going to die just because it hurts.

That means the pain will last forever, as if my belly is revolting.

It's better than dying. ..................

Hmmm... ...... I didn't see that one coming.

In the closet. A load of skeletons that haven't come out in a while are saying interesting things. I wanted to punch him. But even if I tried, he'd still be transparent. Even Senri can't see Lord, he's just an illusion.

He's always appearing like that, but he never helps me. What is it?

"It can't be helped. Failure is inevitable. I can't even try. I failed at that once.

"Is Sable's blood the cause?

The curse is stronger on vampires than on subordinate vampires.

Tell me first. It's a complete waste of time. And you don't even have Sable's power after all.

d*mn you, Sable. It was a sophisticated tactic to incapacitate me by making me suck your blood. I misjudged the power of the King of the Stakes' family to exploit a weakness I didn't even know I had.

"Well, you won't die. If you're going to die, you'll die sooner. You're lucky you're only sick to your stomach.

This guy thinks he's someone else. ...... Will this ever go away?

"I don't know.

The Lord's vision is gone. That's all he had to say.

But this is bad. I was going to leave this city, but now I can't move. Can we go to ...... to fight?

I held my stomach, which was beginning to say 'no', and twisted around.

"End, can you transform?

I don't know.

If you turn into a puppy, Senri will carry you. I think I can transform if I try as hard as I can, but I doubt if I can control it in my current state of mind, let alone transform. I'm not sure.

If Senri entered with a puppy and tried to leave with a huge dog, he would definitely be stopped. There's no excuse for her to have grown up.

If you suck Senri's blood, you might be cured.

"...... Do you want to suck the next one?


I'd rather not. I'm in no condition to enjoy bloodsucking.

But what can I do? Sable knows where we are. It's not safe for you to stay here. Senri's power is strong, but there's only so much he can do if he knows we're alone.

As I was thinking about this, Senri whispered to me.

"End, you should stay here until you feel better. The vampire protection here is ...... nearly perfect. Sable can't get in.

"There was a werewolf. We'll just have to carry him up the hull.

End. A werewolf is not an absolute submissive, and without a heart to generate power, it can't go over water.

I know what Senri is trying to say.

For vampires to go over the wall, they need to have a heart and the help of werewolves. If they're wary of betrayal, they won't be able to get past the outer wall.

The flowing water takes all power away from us. Surely a werewolf without power can slaughter a vampire like twisting a baby's hand.

Even Senri could kill me easily if he wanted to. If we don't have faith in each other, we can't enter this city.

But that doesn't mean there aren't ways. For example, you can destroy the wall from the outside and fill in the moat ......, but if you go that far, it's already war.

"Besides, there are no spare Night Crystals because End burned them without thinking.

That's right. I left one of the Night Crystals with Senri and kept the rest all to myself. And the ones I had were all burned up when I used the Spell Flame.

I'm an idiot. I didn't think about it. Incidentally, the reason why I had so many of them was because there was a limit to the amount of power that the night crystals could drown out, and it would take many of them to completely eliminate the presence of me.

The crystals that I had given to Senri are now erasing my presence, but it seems that the negative aura is leaking out to the extent that the Knight of the End can detect it if he sees it.

This makes it impossible for him to have a beautiful wife who has moved to the countryside and a good-hearted young mercenary who only goes out at night.

I'll never forgive you, Sable. What will I do next time I see you?

As I cursed in the dark, closing my eyes and enduring the pain, I suddenly heard Senri stand up outside.

Razzal and his friends are here. ...... They want to see you.

I didn't tell them where you were staying.

There is a way to find out.

Well, they certainly can't keep it a secret forever. Descend is not that big of a city.

Maybe it was yesterday. A little too much.

Senri is right.

In addition, I had a stomach ache and collapsed, so there was no time for the usual cleansing.

No matter how you look at it, those numbers are more than just mercenaries can handle. Until now, they've been hiding our presence and reporting back to the city, but I guess they can't cover it up anymore.

What should we do? Since they know where we're staying, there's not much we can do. As I was thinking through the pain, Senri said in a quiet voice, "I'll go talk to him.

I'll go talk to him.

It's dangerous. But Senri is strong. I can't go. I thought about it for a while, but couldn't think of a better way.

Then I said the words I needed to say.

"...... Luu, I'm too tired from yesterday to move. There's something fishy about this town, be careful. Come back soon.

I know. Baron, don't worry, you can get some rest.