Kuraki Kyuuden no Shisha no Ou

97 Lesson 5: Town Against the Immortal ②

"End, you're growing pretty fast"

Look at me with a sincere eye, Cenri says. It sounds like I'm in a bad mood, but I already understood that it's vegan.

Senri Silvis seems to be a former end knight and very kind to his people. So I couldn't help but snort at the voice. [M]

"But this [Descend] has been over-reacted. It's dangerous to go outside. I'm going to check the situation... be nice."

"... okay, Cenri. Be careful."

She leaves the room looking at me worried. I left my back on the wall of the room as little sunlight as possible.

Hearing loses sight of Cenri's footsteps.

Because of my ability to canine, my sense of smell is much sharper than other senses. It will be easy to track.

But you shouldn't do anything to undermine her trust. Trust is hard to gain, but it's a moment to lose. Besides, there's nothing I can't do in my room.

I slowly meditated my eyes when I was sure that the senri would not return for a while. [M] Concentrate your consciousness with an image that buries inside you.

The goal is the memory and knowledge of Horos Carmen that should be in me.

Ever since I became a lower vampire, I've grown much stronger. But from now on, I needed the knowledge of the Lord to cross with the real vampires in line.

Cenri has secrets.

Cenri doesn't really want me to be strong. [M] She taught me the basics of how to fight. But he didn't tell me how to apply it.

Of course, there are times when I didn't ask - Cenri looked the same age, but he was the knight of the end of the war who went up to second grade. We should have slaughtered all sorts of vampires before, and we should have known a little more about how to fight vampires.

For example, you should have naturally known that if you invest in "pointy claws," you can stretch like a sword, and that you can increase your regenerative ability by controlling the power of blood. Even if I didn't know how to do it, I must have seen it as an event. But Cenri didn't tell me that.

In retrospect, Cenri didn't even mention that I was classified as Ancestor until I asked.

I don't think there was any malice there. I guess she just wanted me to live a peaceful life. And to that end, I'm trying to eliminate all the obstacles that block me from my own peril.

I appreciate the feeling. But not like this. It was very unfortunate to me that the centipede would disappear.

And I'm sure the disaster that appears before me will soon be beyond her control.

Cenri has secrets. And of course - I have it too.

I still haven't told Cenri that Horos Carmen is on the inside.

This is a matter of concern and, at the same time, a force. It was Lord's knowledge that saved me from Sable's demon hand after the battle with Reinell.

Strong survival instincts dug up my sleeping knowledge - I can do the same now if I want to. And if we catch a few more memories, we'll be able to manipulate bone men like Lord.

Of course I'm not going to manipulate the dead. But that abominable knowledge should also be a means to protect oneself.

When I kicked everything around me out of my head and concentrated, my consciousness sank more and more.

Sure, you're supposed to be standing on your feet on the earth, but you feel like you're floating through the universe.

Somehow I can see the mass of power that moves into my center.

It's blood. We suck blood. Lord applied his hand to the blood-sucking and produced Curse Steel. We are monsters of blood. [M]

I understand that it is the undead created by the Lord. I have Horos Carmen.

There's a connection between me and him. Sure, he's in me. But the signs are fine. I don't know where he is.

Apparently, Lord's knowledge is sealed stronger than I thought. Was it because I was timid, or was that all his knowledge at stake? At least I thought it was a tip, but I'm not going to be able to dig it out overnight.

Desperately seek means.

Maybe if I'm dying, I can dig something out again. But it's too late.

It's absurd to take action after the incident.

It was a miracle that I was able to survive the Sable. If Cenri had arrived a little later, he might have died, and not necessarily survived the next similar event.

And most importantly - it could be the other way around. I don't have enough power or knowledge, and if anything happens to Cenri, I can't die.

Due to too much concentration, I have a dull pain in my head. Still, searching for the bottom carelessly.

I feel something awkward in my body. It's my instinct as a vampire to keep it down all the time. My head gets hot and my fangs hurt.

And then something came up in the dark.

It could just be paranoia. I can't make a decision.

But it showed up seeping out of the darkness. It was - a human skeleton. In a black robe, a pompous, empty orbit. For some reason, I found out it belonged to Lord.

I'm dying. Overall, the bone body is holed up like a bug and is likely to collapse now.


I can't hear you. But it conveys the will.

There was no grudge there. Absolute rulers do not hold grudges against their subordinates, no matter what.

Now. There was so much I wanted to check. How to use force. Reasons not to mutate. Where to get crystals at night. But none of the questions that came up.

"What was Lord going to smoke in this' Curse Steel '?

The dizzy orbit is looking at me.

Curse Absorption is a powerful force. But it's too peaky. At least not the power that the most powerful king of the dead should have.

A curse is not just a convenient alien ability. The curse has its disadvantages. Some of them would be unacceptable to me.

Things have a reason. Lord is not an idiot. You knew this ability was at stake.

It should have made sense for me to have given this ability to an individual I plan to take away.

The skeleton did not reply. I just got the impression that I was sniffing.

A strong impact on my head rushes as if I had been beaten. Consciousness surfaces.

- And I opened my eyes. Soon, I was on my knees on the floor.

Hold your head. My heart is beating hard and my hands are shaking.

The light that had been plugged into the curtain grate changed to a pearlescent color at some point, and the short needle on the clock had progressed considerably from memory.

There is already no sign of the load I was feeling until earlier.

Vampires have no physical fatigue. But I rolled straight onto the carpet. [M]

Stare at the ceiling and think.

No information was available. But now I know that Lord's will is still in me.

The power relationship can already be done. I'm much better up there, and I won't cover it that way. But Horos Carmen hasn't given up yet.

My powers are supposed to keep rising all the time, but it's really troublesome to be a Necromancer.

It shouldn't be strange when Cenri returns. I felt like falling asleep a little more, but I get up with my hands.

But I'm glad I tried. I've only found out one thing.

Information sent by Lord when we broke up.

The only reason I still don't mutate is because, as I had thinly guessed - the load was locked.

True vampires say they are proud of their resistance to magic enough to play Necromancer magic. If my mutation is due to a program that Lord has incorporated into his curse, then it is only natural to counteract it in case the careful Lord does not mutate.

In the first place, when Lord found out about the Knights of the End raid, he said to me, 'I was supposed to perform rituals after I became a lower vampire, Lesser Vampire'. I didn't think anything of it then, but I mean, I guess that was the final point. There were many tips.

"Have mercy... are you going, Lord"

No, you wouldn't. I'm sure Lord is just confident that he'll do something about it, even after I've done something about it.

Even though he's almost extinguished already...... what a horrible man.

Diving into darkness is still dangerous. But you can't just not do it.

As I took a big, deep breath, my footsteps approached me from outside the room. It's the rhythm of Cenri's footsteps. When I unmuscled my tense face, I decided to go to the corner of the room and hold my knee.



"............ yes. Part of the castle seems to have collapsed. It was five years ago."

Says Cenri with a disgruntled face somewhere. I guess it doesn't fall to my heart that the Knights of the End didn't have any information.

But since the castle drop was peaceful hundreds of years ago and ever since, I don't think I can help but think the Knights of the End didn't notice.

And apparently... something definitely happened.

"Looks like we've had more travelers since. But who knows more... I couldn't find it. I just have to go."

I don't know the causality. But we don't lose money where we shake the sky.

Let's take a sightseeing tour of the same undead castle. Maybe one day it will help me when I live somewhere in hiding...

He nodded loudly at me and said with a slightly more silent, slightly stiffer look than usual.

"End...... there are signs of undead near this city. You better be careful."