Kuraki Kyuuden no Shisha no Ou

127 Lesson 35: The King of Illusions

I felt as if I had been reborn.

There is already no pain that has eroded my soul until earlier, and a strong sense of omnipotence runs through my entire body, as if everything at night had been on my side.

Lord Horos' manoeuvres were perfect. Apparently, the power accumulated during the escape was only enough to lead to a mutation long ago.

The flesh, shackled off by the keyword, instantly mutated, swallowing the curse of Sable, which had been causing me so long.

And as long as there's no pain, there's no obstacle to moving.

There was a king in front of me. A pitch-black hair reminiscent of darkness. The disappointed flesh is covered in metal armor, holding a thick metal spear in his right hand.

King of the Shadows.

You inherit pre-reincarnation power, you can barely feel signs of death, but the smell tells you that you are a compatriot.

But - gradually I'm better up there.

There is untrained sunlight. But okay.

Enough about me. There is no need to think about the future. The race has already been thrown.

I was hoping that the new power of the curse gained from the mutation would be revealed in my soul now or now.

The King of the Shadows, with his bottomless power, showed him by knocking down a centipede I can't win.

Before my greatest enemy, I had no fear. [M]

This is instinct.

When I was a lower vampire, I was suppressed, the fighting instinct of a vampire. The instinct of a family of darkness who killed the living and sipped blood, which I was endangering.

But it's no bigger than I thought.

I'm still cool.

The centipede saved me, and the centipede lay on the ground. It wasn't until one day when Albatos seriously wounded her that she was so weak that she was constantly releasing radiant vitality.

A strong urge gushes up for a moment, hurrying his arms apart and holding his forehead.

A king of liberated phantoms retreats one step later.

The liquid that was flowing through my cheeks from my eyes was blood, not tears.

Even if it is no, it will make you understand.

It's not complete. A sudden mutation would be quite a burden.

Even before, when Lord's soul was devoured and he mutated from a ghost (ghoul) to a lower vampire, Lesser Vampire, he rolled around for hours in agony.

I can tell you it's still better this time compared to that.

Unlike then, I still have the strength to fight.

"The surgical formula of reincarnation found multiple flaws. So obsolete."

"What...... so!?

The knowledge of the Lord is only a little pervasive.

The eyes of the Phantom King, who is wary of this one, are opened.

And in that moment, I swung through my fist.

Your palm pierces the air and leaves the sound behind.

To a totally unexpected poke, the Phantom King showed a terrible rate of reaction.

Swing the spear and align it with your fist. The arm that should have been broken had been playing for a long time.

But there's no way a half-assed undead can take my attack right now.

A curse is power. Vampires have powerful weaknesses, but therefore isolated powers.

The thick spear received breaks. The feeling of crushing meat and crushing bones conveys joy that is difficult to describe throughout the body.

Time stopped. It can be clearly seen that the armor of the Phantom King crumbles, the flesh distorts, and hits and bounces hard on the ground.

Is this the one you hear rumors about, sending a comma to a movie machine?

Oh, I hate violence - but I have to commend you for feeling the best.

My instincts are delightful. The curse that corrodes me is glowing. [M]

The Phantom King takes the passive halfway through the bounce, instantly generating a new spear and piercing it to the ground.

The ground shreds and draws a deep line. When the king finally succeeded in braking, he and I were a dozen meters apart.

The Phantom King rises. The crushed armor regenerates and the limbs, which were almost just crushed hanging, instantly revert back to normal.

Lower vampires. Definitely. That's where I was earlier.

Despite being attacked. The consciousness of the Phantom King was not here. Just groan.

"Defects... so?

The power of death that Avicord was collecting was immense.

Perhaps he would have been able to reincarnate into vampires at least if he had assumed. Lower vampires are half-bakers who can only bear the disadvantages and use their special abilities.

He doesn't know. I won't tell you. That's one reason the reincarnation ceremony was abandoned a long time ago.

You will be destroyed without knowing why you failed.

Vampires are demons of blood.

You can't be a true vampire (vampire) without a drop of blood.

The Phantom King produces a wave of sword from the ground. The magic of the earth.

There was a time when magicians were once at the core of production. It seems that the magical users of the earth refined the metal and did not allow other followers in its processing.

Far before I was born, perhaps he was a magician of his time.

The Phantom King waves a pitch-black sword and smiles spectacularly. But those eyes are terribly serious.

"Young creation. Magic doesn't work on vampires. But my technique is different!

I have not seen the battle between Cenri and the Phantom King. [M]

But I understood why the centipede was torn with those words.

Apparently, the king's name is not Dade. But if you don't run, that's convenient.

Xu has gone somewhere. But I don't need a weapon.

I proclaimed to the king who understood the difference in my rank but did not break my unceasing attitude.

"Oh...... old man, you lost once, no matter how many immortals you are, you are too bad at birth. Now I'm going to slap you in the grave."

I heard a noise from my arms. The bones of the right arm make noises and change, turning them into a swinging spear.

settle by dawn. The one who interrupts people's love paths is dead.


The attack was completely unknown to me.

I don't think I just came back, it was a terrible force.

If the Phantom King stuck his spear to the ground, the earth would rise, and if he whined a few words, stormy debris would pour down.

Countless spears from nothing rubble, swords are generated and ejected.

It is undoubtedly this power that completely collapsed the ancient castle.

It was like a natural mutation.

Magic of the earth. It was supposed to be a handy auxiliary magic in my knowledge, and apparently it would be a powerful attack if the extraordinary operator manipulated it.

In the roar, the laughter of the Phantom King sounds.

"How about this! This, this, this, this! Ha, ha, ha!

What allows for a constant series of attacks is a tremendous amount of magic that keeps your hair running.

Magic is a force different from blessing and blood.

In my lifetime, when I was asleep, I was regularly treated with healing magic.

During his escape with Cenri, he was accidentally subjected to attack magic by mercenaries.

But the power exercised by the king in front of him is exactly isolated from them.

With this power in front of you, no matter how many elephant mercenaries you have, you can't deal with them.

I can see at a glance the magical karaki that I can feel infinitely in my eyes, although I don't think very much after the fierce battle with Cenri.

They are sucking up and exercising their magic from the earth.

Originally, a species called vampire boasts powerful magic, but this makes it difficult to target out of magic, which is fundamental to fighting against magicians.

- Well, originally, I don't mean to target protracted wars or anything.

Run out without hesitation toward the immense mass that will strike you.

I don't mind stepping through the shaky ground and being torn by a blade, only crushing huge debris that can hinder progress with a spear of bone, just moving forward.

A dagger sticking out to the ground pierces his legs and fine debris strikes through his body.

The dull pain running all over his body was immediately swallowed up by the will.

Oh, I feel great.

Surely the magic of the earth seems to lead to vampires as well. But sweet sweet sweet sweet.

I'm a monster. I'm not human. What can be prevented by such a half-life attack?

Damage and other immediate healing. The only thing to be aware of is the attack by silver and the piercing of the heart.

But apparently silver, the metal of exorcism, cannot be produced by the Phantom King.

There is no problem if you consciously defend and avoid the heart as well.

I'm already ready to take the pain.

Same goes for vampires such as a dozen metres in between.

Step on protection in an instant. It's no use hiding,

The vampire's eyes see magic. I can smell it. There is no reason why we can't trace its source using enormous magic so far.

My sensory abilities had reached their culmination here.

Take the slaughter released from the blind spot with a bone spear. The Phantom King struck his tongue.

"You... Dead soldier!?

"Oh. He's already dead."

You didn't think it would come to light, the Phantom King steps in even further.

Can you even do melee!?

It was an odd leg trip. The center of gravity movement is unnatural. It's not human range of motion. Before that, it's physically disgusting.

But I immediately think of the identity of the discomfort.

This guy is the same inferior vampire I was before. It has no special powers, it's a vampire pupa. Then the attack should also rely on the power it has cultivated.

Then the answer is one - this strange movement is due to the magic of the earth.

Probably moving your feet on the ground with magic.

The motion of the Phantom King was not as worn overnight. He moves lukewarmly without moving his legs, releasing a slash of divine speed that also exceeds the attack speed of the centipede.

A newly grown wall blocks the exit path.

I rattled my nose and played a straight slaughter with a bone spear with the power of a single hit.

The eyes of the Phantom King are opened. They repositioned it again and let it go. I take it further. Take it, take it.

As he continued to groan again and again, the expression of the Phantom King distorted into agitation.

Don't you see why I can't hit it?

Too pitiful. Probably the strongest once, but not now.

"Amateur. Your slaughter will help."


Mixed combat skills with magic are brilliant. A human opponent would have no problem.

Even the End Knight, accustomed to dealing with attacks, may be able to overwhelm.

But no matter how fast the movement is difficult to predict - the arm of the sword itself is no big deal.

It is the pinnacle of foolishness, such as challenging me with a sword that cannot even be called a sword, against an opponent with more than the same physical abilities, and who has repeatedly fought against Cenri.

Over and over again, I got a guide. Laughed, scolded, and shrugged from Cenri, he learned how to fight the End Knight with his body.

In the end, the way I fought eventually settled on what I relied on for my physical abilities, but the teachings I received are definitely in me.

Play the sword hard and go on offense.

I stepped in. So the walls that were surrounding each other - the battlefield was smashed and scattered.

Have you understood the disadvantage of the melee, follow the king of the phantom that falls behind you.

Winning. It's too late to notice any further misprospects.

The Phantom King mutters something small.

I gently jumped over the countless spears that burst out of the ground.

Dance the universe. The eyes of the Phantom King are wide open.

Terrible magic. I have little chanting time to call it a magician's weakness.

But I see magic in my eyes. If you know roughly what kind of attack is coming, any surprise attack is not hard to evade.

I already saw out that attack. My previous experience in death fights tells me the best move.


Fall back as the Phantom King was pressured. Because of this, the tip of the bone spear protruding from the sky remained to shallow cleave the cheek of the Phantom King.

Leaves a sense of softness paralyzed in your hands.

For the first time, the expression of the Phantom King was distorted.

The damage done is far from fatal, and the scars heal quickly, but I did strike a blow at him.

I know the ability of vampires to regenerate through my own experience. The battle between vampires is a muddy beating until one of them is exhausted.

- If it should be.

"I don't know. Why, in the same body of the dead, do we undergo so many mutations and shred ourselves to help humans?

The Phantom King takes a great distance. It's a magician's call.

I didn't go after him. It would be troublesome if I could escape, but the Phantom King is going to come and kill me with all his might. My blow must have made him serious.

And apparently, he's not taking hostages.

If they were human, I'd use as many dirty hands as I want, but in the same vampire opponent, would pride get in the way or something?

Ground raised with the power of witchcraft. Hang your feet over a large flat rubble and narrow your eyes.

"Cut yourself...? I haven't shredded yet."

Sharpening - here's the thing.

Grab the hardened, spear-shaped right arm with your left arm and twist it from the ground up into a single breath. It makes an unpleasant noise, and with dull pain, the sensation is defective.

The Phantom King beholds. And the right arm I gripped - burned up.

I'm stronger. The range of forces that can be used in lower vampires and your species of vampires is different.

I'm not too keen to test the new powers in this mighty king, but this is an application of the powers so far.

A pitch-black flame - burned with a curse flame, Sang's right arm kept its shape.

It has not lost its power even when it is disconnected from the body. I haven't returned to the dust.

Sable was still moving even after he pulled out his heart. Then there's no way I can do the same thing right now.

Even if it's not physically connected, the spell connection is not broken.

It's already disconnected, but I know the power of blood goes through your right arm. Enough to make it a weapon.

Shake the hardened right arm spear wide. The Phantom King screams.

"Are you serious?!?

Oh, yeah. Now, yet another thing, there was an error in the king's words in front of him.

I don't take action to help people. It's for Cenri.

I fight for Cenri, who helped me without asking for anything in return, knowing what results await me later.

I don't want you to understand.

Step through the rubble vigorously while throwing a spear.

Instantly multiple walls are created between the Phantom King and me. But the burning spear released by the power of the vampire penetrated the thick wall like a piece of paper.

The power taken away from the cannibalism - the flames of a wrapped curse burn down the penetrating walls into drools.

Even vampires can't spare a deadly blow all over their bodies.

In contrast, the action taken by the Phantom King was' evasion '.

The Phantom King jumps. A bone spear pierces the place where the king was until a few moments ago.

The debris bounces off like an explosion, and there's a big hole in the ground. Stop, Sang, the pitch-black flame had not gone out.

Seeing a spear pierced into the center of a small crater, the Phantom King looks flat in his own hand.


Were they licking you? No - no.

Perhaps at the core of their raison d 'être, the King of the Dead, is' power '.

Lord chose not to flee even as he caught sight of the End Knight's approach. Even the Necromancer who has been undead in the ancient castle is.

They kept asking for strength. Whatever the reason.

And as a result, he overcame death and was scared of the king for a long time.

The Phantom King was defeated by the Knights of the End. But that complacency hasn't changed the shards either.

How shocking, the Phantom King distorts his face.

"Yes, I can't..."

No, it could be. You will definitely kill here.

This endurance - give it time and your opponent's immortality will no longer be on your hands.

The lost right arm - a cross section of the right shoulder - is complaining of dull pain.

The torsion-cut thrown right arm does not play.

The bone spear on his former right arm still remained pierced to the ground.

In retrospect, there was no heart in the sable where I breathed blood.

For vampires, the heart is the most important organ, but it never regenerates, but it remained lost.

I didn't even question it then, but now I know.

Sable's heart wasn't regenerating - because there was still a cursive connection between the heart he hid somewhere. Just like me right now.

Think. Rotate your head.

My physical abilities are up here, my experience is up there, and besides, I even use magic. You look like you're pushing it at first sight, but if you stop moving, you can't even use the trump card.

How can I kill this guy?

So the Phantom King raised his face. Red eyes like the blood I once had.

The voices that came out were different and harsh than before.

"Admit, I have to, I seem to have to, Coma Palace. You are strong... maybe more than this, fictional shadow - Jet Numite Braklion,"

What is a name is important to a magician.

Once, as Lord tried to bind me by name. And so they name their names when challenging the duel.

The Phantom King - there was calm back in Jet's expression.

He pushes and kills anger and grief, and proclaims a word.

"I will kill you. In the name of my shadow."

I felt my consciousness switch.

Undoubtedly, the shadows of the past were also alarming to me. It was all I could do.

But I wasn't risking my life. I'm sure he's dying next time.

The expression was natural and strong. Until recently, I didn't even feel fear or any shards... but I can't run away.

Stimulate yourself. Turn a strong look into a laugh.

I have a protector. [M] He doesn't have it. This is a big difference.

Tighten your chest, End Baron.

It was a protected side in the Battle of Albatross.

Even though the battle of Reinell was a success, the beginning was with me.

I've always fought for myself. But not this time.

This time, I fight like a human for my beloved.

It's okay, we can win. How much you care to die doesn't mean your abilities change dramatically.

Hold down the cross section of your right shoulder, with the utmost intent to kill, and stare.

Deform the left arm into a sword. I didn't raise my name, but the look on Jet's face didn't change.

Perhaps that was like a kind of switch for him.

"Dry. Thirsty. Oh, you don't know the hearts of those who have long lost their desires."

I get it.

From the earth, the force is sucked into the jet.

The debris turns into sand, and a vast amount of magic gathers in one place.

The magic was clearly different from the previous one.

Darkness took shape. It was a beautiful wave of crystal sword that was created in its hands.

At a glance, I could see the sword's power. The transparent polished blade is pitch-black like the darkness itself, sucking in the power of death around it.

Perhaps that is the magical depths of the earth. A muscle of blood flows from the edge of the jet's mouth.

Playback capability is not working. The power of blood is dying out.

Jet gently waves the sword. The blade cleaved the darkness, tore the atmosphere apart, and cut the ground deep.

It was too ridiculous. Sharpness to the point of obscenity. I'm sure they won't even take a bone sword.

"The dawn sword. You don't know, this is the wisdom that was obsolete in my day. Yuku - King"

Dawn. A word that means dawn. A sword too unworthy for vampires to use.

Jet steps in. You're supposed to be weak, but every move of it won't be as bad as it was earlier.

I don't use any other magic anymore, but the pressure is far higher than earlier.

I didn't feel optimistic about the sword. Deform the left arm sword longer.

Big difference in reach. This was the one where the cutting edge arrived first. A jet takes a sword at the blow it fires on the horizontal giraffe.

There was little impact. A sharp-clawed sword far beyond the coarse metal was cut without sound.

I expected it, but it's terrible power. Back off, while the jet makes further strides.

Slash unleashed in a row. The sword body of the crystal sword clearly reflected my face, which was not supposed to be in the mirror.

Spray a curse flame. Kick up the ground and obstruct vision. But the jet's progression won't stop. He steps in without evasion or defense.

Even though I didn't use small techniques such as walls and debris, the attack was starting to carve my flesh a little bit, but surely.

Sharp pain not comparable to earlier. I did hear the footsteps of imminent death. [M]

I'm not being cowardly. Their steps are getting bolder. I give up my magical cover and hang all my abilities on my sword.

But that was the same method of warfare I did to the Phantom King earlier.

Certainly the difference in physical ability that should exist did not make sense here.

The opponent is dry. But even if it dries right now, the Jets won't stop attacking.

There is not even a gap to step in and push back.

Unlike before, I should be able to use vampire power. But they know that.

In extreme circumstances, what I chose was the magic I had been practicing.

It's the magic that Cenri remembered after reading the life magic guidebook she bought. I thought I'd be able to use it someday.

I know the weakness of vampires. The sword deeply cleaves the flank. I chanted.

"Creative Water"

Very preliminary and common magic that produces a little water from the air.

But with that, magic of convenience will be a sufficient means of attack if I use it.

The air dries at once. The extracted flowing water hit the jet - and it was swallowed by massive amounts of soil raised from the ground.

"Dumb. Can you beat me in surgery?"


Overwritten. This was the first one to cast a spell, but they caught up to me.

Understand mistakes. But before I regretted it, the pain ran all over my body.

Disfigured. No - My leg was slit.

The blade hits me relentlessly when I fall apart.

The senses of the flesh are parted at once. I have no idea where or how many times I've been cut.

When I realized, I was looking up at the jet.

My body - I can't move. No, I don't have a body.

The heart and brain still seem to be safe, but it just takes time to regenerate when the majority of the body is detached.

The jet was also full of creativity. The complexion, which was blue and white, has already changed to earthy, with its eyes in a frantic light. Standing on me, I hold the crystal sword backwards. The tip is pointed at my skull.

"Phew, Phew... Quite, I'll do it. But it's over."

"Same, as a vampire, no solicitation or anything?

The Phantom King frowned upon a questioning hung with hope.

"There can't be. You take it."

Well, I know. Apparently, in a few moments of battle, he understood me deeply.

I can't stand. I can't even hold a sword. Apparently, the limbs are severed. I can't move. I can't even play it in time. I gave up scratching algae and lost my strength. [M]

Afraid to demand.

"At the end of the day... I have something to say"

"... say it"

I'm not begging for my life. I'm not even asking you to help Cenri. You won't listen to me anyway.

My head creaks. When I was ready, I said what might be the last word. [M]


"... what... ugh!?

I heard a howl. A dog wrapped in a pitch-black flame clings to the arms of the Phantom King, who was looking down.

Earlier, it was my right arm that remained detached.

A burning black dog. The Phantom King, upset by an unexpected surprise attack, falls.

What I transform is a dog, not just a dog.

I thought I could.

Vampires of truth say they turn into massive bats. I turned only my face into a dog. [M]

Then it is its application to turn only the detached right arm into a dog.

A flame burns the armor of the Phantom King. The screams echo on the moon and night.

No matter how much you don't die, your first curse flame will be painful.

I won the bet.

Concentrate on that gap, regenerate the flesh except for the right arm, which is working hard as a dog, and stand up.

You recovered from the pain, or the Phantom King, who slashed and killed my faithful right arm, rises.

Anger, emotion, pounding.

"Shit, crap, tricks,"

Thanks to the dog's death, his right arm regenerates.

Sure, it's a piece of crap. But the rhythm is back. Calmed down just a little bit.

The jet cuts even harder than earlier.

I was struck by a series of fires. [M]

The blade misses my shoulder, it doesn't reach my stomach, and my whole body is blown away by the big side.

But it hasn't hit me.

The look on Jet's face draws, and he steps in even more, but it's no use anymore.

You don't know that? This is - Abicord used it, the art of dodging.

The art of feeling magical and not defying the flow of air, and flushing and dodging attacks as if they were willows.

No matter how powerful a weapon, or boasting a heterogeneous cleavage, it makes no sense if it doesn't hit.

It looks like an imitation, but would it have worked quite well?

I think the Phantom King was invincible. I know little about the art of dodging because I had an invincible flesh. It is to the left that my attack was hit.

Thick metal walls grow in the rear. Jets exhale blood in abundance.

The body that is supposed to be immortal is screaming. I can't help it.

It's not normally possible, such as being able to fight this far without breathing a drop of blood. Terrible obsession.

And insight that slight discomfort just saw through the callousness of avoidance.

Any signs of magic are disappearing from the surrounding earth. Rubble and soil turn into fine sand and rise whether it is a side effect of losing magic.

Probably temporary depletion, but this wall would be the last magic.

You can no longer afford to unleash words, or the Phantom King steps in unobstructed.

Is fatigue no longer wasteful, its footing, its standing is terribly sophisticated compared to the first attack.

From the strongest sword, the strongest blow is unleashed.

One way or the other, I was cut off from the path, and I don't even have the "light eater" that I always had with me.

Just concentrate even.

The landscape flows in slow motion with a blade that is shaken down.

The look of a distorted jet. I can see everything from a filled combat instinct to the joy of coming, smoking behind those eyes.

And at that moment when the blade reached me - the Phantom King pierced his whole body into the pillars of blood that emanated from all sides.

The expression freezes with joy. The sword I was holding in my right hand separates and pierces the ground.

Totally unexpected. The pile of blood penetrates the entire body, capturing the neck, the heart, completely.

"I said, I forgot. I have power, too."