Kuraki Kyuuden no Shisha no Ou

109 Episode XVII: Battle of the Old Castle ③

Strength increases. I can see exactly how Albatos was showing such a rampage.

With this power, it is stronger to entrust oneself to the wildness that springs from the bottom of one's soul than to work in small pieces.

The weakness of a vampire remains intact, so you have to be careful about that, but the other person is the same vampire. I wouldn't have prepared it.

In the event of a battle without small work, it would probably be more advantageous for me to get a tattoo from Cenri saying, "If it's just power, it's already outnumbered by the same vampires."

Apparently, what you get from mutations from lower vampires are alien abilities, and your physical abilities don't change that much. That gives you so many diverse abilities, even if it's a single mutation, so it would be an anomaly if you went up significantly to your underlying abilities.

The werewolves scatter and surround me. The vision of the transformed state is slightly different from that of the human one, but even if you are in a blind spot, you can tell where you are by the smell.

Albatos and Reinell when fighting me. Maybe he felt this way?

roaring toward the Sable floating high in the sky. Jump with your current physical abilities and you'll reach enough, but that would be bad for me without the means to move properly in the air.

Stand up big on your back leg and stretch your front leg to the sable - making it look like it, jumping at the werewolf who was closest to you.

A werewolf rushed to take the attack, but he stomps and crushes it regardless. My hands are shredded, but you can't just scratch me with your fingernails. And while werewolves can only be hurt by silver weapons, the sadness of their families or, exceptionally, attacks from vampires.

"Heh... surround me! Hold him from all sides!

Sable gives the order. You lick me too much. Where it was attacked at once from all sides, it is not the number of things.

Will Sable himself take the fall in the first place, even though he has been somewhat worked out to the extent of a werewolf, and even reduced to not killing him?

If I were you, I'd have to laugh, thinking I could hit as many measures as I wanted.

The werewolves come at us in agony. I shake myself and blow my all-powerful, waving down my auspicious arm.

I can't hold a sword with this body, but I have nails. And there's no reason to give this one a break.

As long as we get rid of Sable and his men, we're done.

If you can't get in the way, I can't lose in case the centipede is holding back at times of need.

The more you kill, the easier it will be. You'll manage to make a werewolf as long as you have a capable vampire, but you should need training to be able to use the curse you've received.

"Huh............ damn!

Whether you understand the disadvantage or read my thoughts, Sable throws up.

And - it rained blood.

It wasn't a metaphor, it was blood-generated rain. Every drop of well ejected blood falls to such an extent that it becomes a bullet and there is no room for evasion.

The outer wall of the ancient castle, which was still there, collapses under the rain of blood. The werewolves attached to me get bullets and blow up hard. Exactly. It was a monster business.

I have heard that high-powered attack magic aimed at a wide range of subjects is something that multiple magic leaders work together to chant over time.

In that sense, Sable, who releases an attack that wipes out the inflexible werewolves with little time lags, deserves to be called a thousand a ride.

But this form of my flesh is much more robust than the outer walls of werewolves and ancient castles.

Blood rain stops. I lifted my head up and saw Sable with my eyes on purpose.

"Did you do something...?

"Grr... all of you, 'the original ancestors'..."

There was a heavy shock. Some of the blood bullets ate into the meat. But that's all.

The wound had already healed. A handful of wounded werewolves who have survived the rainfall of blood fall back vigilantly.

I obviously couldn't afford Sable's complexion any more than earlier. There still seems to be some war left, but exhaustion cannot be hidden.

Why are you so tired when you have hardly fought yet? Slowly chew on the mundane question.

See the blood buildup produced on the ground. I see......

"The blood that flew - can't you move it?"


"You don't have enough blood, do you? This is your blood."

You should assume that there are some conditions rather than not being able to move. Neither can I put 'pointy nails' on my severed arm nails.

And I'm sure the only reason I see exhaustion on Sable's face is because I've used most of the blood in my body.

"That's worse to use than flawed abilities..."

If there are disadvantages, they should be used without leaving the body. Blood rain is perfect for killing large numbers of humans, but it's not powerful enough to kill monsters like Reinell.

Now this woman - you've never fought a life-threatening battle.

Sable's eyes are narrowed and sharp fangs can be seen from the edge of the clenched and meshed mouth. So I sighed, and I said as if I was frightened.

"To this extent... for this minute," King of Piles "is no big deal either. I'll miss you, you can go home."

"Heh... obvious, it's a provocation!

I said it because I thought it was obvious to me, so I get embarrassed to be pointed out.

But when Sable unwinged his blood on the spot, he stepped down to the ground.

Why now...? You know it's provocation.

Think unexpectedly. At that time, the mutation had begun.

The thin arm of the sable swells up and the jaw stretches wide. My silver hair grows different from mine and makes dizziness and noise.

Albatos has always appeared before me in the form of a black dog. This is the first time I've seen a mutation with my eyes, but this is - a little, creepy.

Flexible limbs crush the ground full of holes.

Sable mutated was a beautiful silver great wolf. His height is over three meters, and the only red eye that doesn't change looks up at me.

"Fine, I guess. Let me show you a real vampire."

"Wolf and dog............ wolf looks stronger"

Exhale the crossed breath of curse flames for intimidation and divulge the truth.

Wolfed vampires gain fighting power, Cenri said. Perhaps the essence of this cannibalization lies in the enhancement of enemy capabilities. If that's all I see, I'm the one at a disadvantage.

"Well, if it's the same size, it's a story."

The wolf that Sable transformed is huge, but only half the size compared to me.

She doesn't understand. Those who are greater than those who are smaller are stronger. So I've been struggling my whole life.

Sable jumps his fangs out. I punched him with my forefoot. [M]


The air trembles. Two giant beasts are raging beneath a full moon glowing sky.

Cenri had a look that seemed complicated, observing the situation from a distance.

The black dog with the end transformed was overwhelming the silver wolf.

Silver wolves are never weaker, either, but they are too different in stature. It is said that the size of a vampire after its transformation is proportional to its power. In other words, it shows that End Baron's foundational abilities have already surpassed those of the "King of Piles" family. Though the opponent had already worn out in the exchange before that, it is not normal that the end, which has changed and is only a few months old, has reached that range, even though perhaps the opponent is not yet at full strength.

Strong. Too strong. I'm not that much of a struggling opponent from an end knight because I don't have vampire abilities yet, but if I get powerful vampire powers, I'll turn them all in once and for all.

Cenri trusts End, but if her blood gives End so much power - I feel indescribable.

The state of the end has hardly changed since we met. No, just for what I could afford, I'm even loose.

Perhaps this is - vegan.

He originally had talent as a warrior. The handful of flesh, which was infirm, disappeared, and after numerous experiences, it blossomed.

Great power attracts demons. It becomes harder to live in peace than one major force has discovered its power. I can't even run into the Knights of the End. Whatever happens, the Knights of the End don't allow vampires.

Cenri had no idea how peaceful the 'Crystal of the Night' she had obtained by fulfilling it would give that vampire.

The nail goes deep through its flesh and the sable raises a roar that frightens me.

But the end doesn't alarm me. A big, glossy, dark dog eats up in a row by a blown wolf without giving him any time.

I'm going to make up my mind on a series of attacks. But it won't be possible to kill him off. It's hard to kill off that class of vampires without advance preparation, even with multiple end knights. Not to mention, the other guy knows there's a centipede on the end side. I didn't think you were stupid enough to come this way without preparation.

Even if you erased all the flesh of the wolf today, it would be a flat resurrection. Vampires with experience are infinitely close to immortality.

The undead had already been destroyed by the hand of the end. It is unlikely that the demons will reach out to the mercenaries.

Proceed with your steps, taking care to put them in the help whenever you get pinched.

There were countless bones scattered across the ground. Much of the undead is created by the Necromancer. There are not so many more patterns of undead being made from undead carcasses, but they should not be left unattended at this amount. You'll have to purify it later.

The cold wind was stroking my cheeks. It's going to take a little longer for the signs of the spread undead to disappear.

And so Cenri's eyes captured the knight who refrained in the shadow of the walls. He is a knight armed with dark and disastrous armor.

On your right hand is a pulsating sword with an obviously strong curse. And on my left arm...

"" Knight Without a Neck (Durahan) "…"

A dry neck held in his left arm looks at the centipede. The orbits that remind me of Nara are very creepy in another way than vampires.

Durahan is an undead, symbol of death. Being a variant of a boner, it outperforms a vampire if only pure combat ability, although it is less troublesome ability. At this level, the Light of Liberation (Seoul Release) cannot be erased, so in some cases the End Knight may be killed.

Even considering the undead trend we've been attacking, it would definitely be the raider's trump card. Black lips on the severed neck slightly distort. The sword is pointed at the centipede perfectly.

The type of cursed sword that sucks away the owner's life as a price for power is the strongest weapon for the undead. Seeing that sophisticated move, Cenri pulled out her sword without moving a single eyebrow.

A raw, warm wind blows. Quiet as the wind, at a windy rate, Durahan steps in. The centipede gently flushes down the shaken blade with the sword of holy silver.

I don't deal with them from the front. I don't have to cross blades to lose a lot with force, I know.

Giant swims. At that time, Cenri's sword was playing his left arm wide.

A held head dances through the universe. No extra attacks. Kill them before they get used to it.

One breath. The third shot pierces a section of the neck covered with a helm.

So, it was over.

The remaining body cramps, kneels down, and falls to the ground. Neither superior endurance nor regenerative ability makes sense to be poked weak with a holy silver sword.

Almost at the same time, Sable raised an international loud roar. Ends nearly twice the size of your head crush your head.

Vampires are immortal, but heads and hearts are as weak as humans. If you crush it, you can make an obvious gap to regeneration.

From there the movement of the end ahead was fast enough for Cenri to watch and be horrified.

When he solves the mutation and returns to the human figure in an instant, he stretches his right five-finger nail straight and pierces the chest of the fallen and lying silver wolf without a moment's cruise.

Silver wolf cramps. A symbol of vampire power - I'm going to pull my heart out. Through the heart, the ability to regenerate falls extraordinarily and limits its ability.

But that changed the look on End's face.

He floats an obvious rush, pulls his hand out once, and pierces it in a slightly off position. Confirm a few times and groan with dismay.

"Stupid...... impossible"

So Cenri moved forward in front of the end. Signs of a sable hit by a scattered end are on the verge of disappearing.

It's so brittle that I don't think of it as an immortal vampire. I say it with an eye that makes the end look like a centipede.

"Cenri... my heart... no. I don't have it!

".................. some hands like that. He's hiding his heart."

Only the heart is removed and stored in a coffin. The force drops dramatically, but you don't have to die when you have to.

Sable's crushed head slowly recovers. I don't have a heart, so I guess my powers are already on the bottom.

The regenerated eyes look at the end and the centipede and say in a hateful voice.

"Ma'am, or so far, I didn't know you were getting stronger... underestimated, I was there"

"It's cowardly to hide your heart! Undead or Necromancer only have cowards!

"Why, with so much power, welcome to the enemy, the Knight of the End..."

Words that I really seem to regret. I guess I don't have the power to change into a bat and run anymore. It was undoubtedly the power of the end that drained us so far.

Even if he was transformed and left with the power to escape - though Cenri would never miss it.

"" Ancestor, "M.O. Saw. Next, don't be alarmed. Next time, just your head, I'll take you."

"Ya... stop, give me that. My loss, leave me alone already! I just want peace!

End still looks like he's going to cry. That said, he collapses on the spot.

There is a slight grin in Sable's mouth. At that moment, End stretched his fangs and protruded them against the neck of the silver wolf.