Kojiin Tamer

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When I crossed the dome of magic, it was... an ordinary forest.

It looked the same as the surroundings.

No, there was something different about it.

For some reason, a house had been built.

It\'s not a mansion or anything like that, but an ordinary wooden house. Bigger than any other house in town. And it was more beautiful than an orphanage.

Why a house in a place like this?

When I used my magic detection in the dome, I got a reaction from the creatures. There were multiple reactions, one of which was next to the house. The other reactions were from inside the house.

If you look next to the house where the reaction occurred, it looks like someone is near the tree. It doesn\'t look that big, so I wonder if it\'s a woman or a child.

I was wondering if I should call out to him, or approach him, or what I should do, when Mew started running again.

I just got mad at him earlier!

Mew was running around as she approached the person. The person seemed to be surprised at Mew\'s sudden appearance.

After a few laps, Mew stopped turning and went closer to the person.

The person was too surprised and froze in place.

It\'s a good thing that they didn\'t attack me, but if I hadn\'t gotten close enough, I might have been attacked just for getting close enough, so I have to be careful.

\'\'Mew, come back! Is that person over there okay~!

I spoke to him loudly so that he could hear me.

Miu Miu heard it and came running back.

The person remains frozen.

I approached the returned Miu, careful not to suddenly approach the stranger, and approached that person.

\'\'Um~ Are you okay?\'\'

I approached someone who was frozen.

It was a girl about my age.


The girl asked shakily.

\'Well, I\'m Shu. And Hornrabbit over here is Mew and Grey Wolf is Queen. And then.........ah!

I had forgotten all about it, I had left Pee-chan to watch from the sky.

I tried calling him telepathically, but he couldn\'t get through. Maybe it\'s blocked by the dome?

I had no choice, so I decided to ask the queen to get her.

"Excuse me, Queen, but can you go get Pee-chan?


The Queen barked one bark and ran out of the dome.

I turned to the girl.

Sorry, there\'s a little eagle outside. His name is Pi-chan.

After hearing my introduction, the girl slowly replied.

\'\'Wow, I\'m Sakuya........\'\'

\'\'Sakuya-chan.........eh, Sakuya-chan lives here? Is there someone in the house?

\'Uh, yeah, I live with my grandma and grandpa...\'

As we were having this conversation, I heard a voice from inside the house.

\'\'Sakuya~, what\'s wrong?\'\'

And the one who came out of the house was probably an old man. Probably because he didn\'t look like an old man, but had a thin, macho body. His face is an old man, but his body is more solid than the town\'s adventurers.

\'\'What\'s with the little guy?\'\'

Well, nice to meet you, my name is Shu. And this is Mew and the other two are out...


They came back in good time.

\'\'Oh, that Grey Wolf over there is the Queen and Little Eagle is Pichan.

The tamer? A novelty. So, how did you get here? We\'re warded in here, so we shouldn\'t normally be able to come here.

Warding? So that dome was a warding?

Well, I was running a spell check and I felt something magical and I looked into it and that\'s what I found.

Detecting magic. You\'re pretty good at that for a human.

Excellent for a human?

I was curious, and I was surprised when I did my appraisal. Neither my grandfather nor the girl was human....