Kojiin Tamer

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It\'s an escape!

I need another...

The old man is eating and drinking, and his sister and Sakuya are serving him. Since more than half of the customers are adventurers, we don\'t want them to get drunk and injured, so we asked my sister and Sakuya to help us serve them. I was worried about her because she\'s not even an adult yet

\'Sakuya - bring me another drink next time.

\'Miss, I\'d like a meat sandwich over here, please.

\'I can\'t believe that young lady is running around so much...\'

Before you know it, your friends...

The grandfather and his mysterious uncles have made them exclusive and wouldn\'t let them go. Your sister seems to be having fun, but Sakuya-chan is very nervous. I mean, do you mean Sakuya-chan, young lady? So, do those people know your grandfather and Sakuya? The fact that you know your grandfather and Sakuya-chan........ Let\'s not think too much about it. That\'s a veteran adventurer.

\'\'This place has gotten pretty big, too.

Yeah, there are probably more people in there than in the hidden villages.

The stalls and stalls were increasing day by day and everyone is helping the stalls that have become busy recently. At first it was only a shop to buy and sell consumables, but now there were shops and restaurants selling weapons and armor, and even a tent city in place of a lodging in the end.

This is probably due to the taxation of the town of Frey, after all. In the beginning, it was only a tax to enter the town, but lately it seems that there is a tax on setting up stalls and food stalls, and they are trying to get a tax on sales as well. Right now it\'s not being taken because the commercial guild is opposed to it, but the merchants who come here say that it\'s probably just a matter of time.

If this is the case, some peddlers with little money will try to trade directly here. It may have been just as well because it was difficult to stock up on the town to begin with, but there are a variety of goods for sale, and the market can be interesting. I see the occasional person from a commercial guild, so maybe there will be a branch office of sorts soon.

It seems that the new lord has begun to tax adventurers as well. It seems that the adventurers pay a tax to enter the town when they hunt their prey, they pay a tax to bring in their prey, and they were going to be taxed when they sell it to the guild, but the adventurers\' guild stopped them just in time. That\'s why adventurers were selling everything except for the guild\'s requests and items needed to improve their ranks at the forest market.

I\'ve been seeing adventurers\' guild receptionists and demolition men here as well, so it looks like there will be a branch office for the adventurers\' guild.

The adventurers didn\'t have to return to town, they could use their time to explore, and the adventurers\' party to kill the big game would increase. Of course, that big game would also be purchased at the entrance, so the adventurers were happy to save themselves a lot of trouble.

When the Dragon Forest flourished this much, of course Frey\'s town was not going to go out of business, but it was no longer bustling. We may be the cause of the Dragon Forest, but the cause of Frey\'s town may also be the new lord\'s policies. It\'s still fine now, but there won\'t be a revolt or anything, right?