Kojiin Tamer

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Now that I\'ve settled the food stalls, let\'s move on to the orphanage. It\'s fine that I brought the orphanage from town, but this place is right near the Dragon Forest. Even though we\'re on the edge of the Dragon Forest, monsters will still come out. Even if it\'s hornrabbits, grey wolves, fangbores and goblins.

The hornrabbits and grey wolves are the race of Mew and the little wolves, so they seem quite strong, but that\'s because the queen made them train, and they are at a level where ordinary adventurers can defeat them without difficulty.

The kids who usually come to the ranch have grown up to a certain extent and are able to fight to some extent before they come. This place has a grandfather\'s ward and the wolves and kobolds are patrolling it, so we haven\'t been attacked by monsters, but there are little kids in the orphanage, so we have to be more vigilant than ever before.

\'So what kind of fence are you building?\'

The first step was to make a conventional but proven fence, but since the sunshine and the view from the other side of the fence would be obscured by a large fence, it was decided to make a sturdy fence. It would be best to leave this sort of thing to the professionals, so he asked the woodworkers to do the job.

They said, "I see, I\'ll just make it sturdy. We should make it sturdy and sturdy, and also make the gaps smaller.

\'\'Well yes. And maybe some of the kids will slip through the cracks and go to the dragon forest.

Seriously, he\'s a bad guy to get out of the orphanage.

I pull out a piece of wood from the "item box" that could be used for a fence.

"Ding dong.


As we were all building the fence, the kobolds came over and started to complain about something. I didn\'t know what it was, so I asked a wolf nearby to translate for me, and he said he would set a trap for me near the fence. It\'s dangerous if a child is caught in it, but some traps are effective, so I asked him to do it.

After that, the woodworkers and Kobolds continued to communicate with each other with gestures as they built the defense equipment. After a week or so, we could see the finished product, but it was too messy to understand.

I\'ll have to tell the orphanage kids and the adventurer\'s group to stay away from it.



As I was explaining to the kids and the adventurer\'s group, the queen, who had been gone for a while, came in. ...with a new set of wolves. You mean the queen has added another wolf to her pack? What? You have a wolf in childbirth and you want to fill in? But that\'s going to be quite a large wolf pack when the babies grow up........ How much more wolves is the Queen going to get before then!

Well, it\'s nice to have more defensive forces, so that\'s good, but are they okay with the food and stuff?

I asked the woodworkers and the Kobolds to build a fence on the ranch side as well, and I headed to the stall for the first time in a long time. And here we came.

We\'re buying your herbs.

Would you like a potion?

I\'ll get the monster stuff.

It was more crowded than I expected. They didn\'t make a stall like we did, they just put mats on the ground, or sat directly on the ground, or used a carriage as a shop, but there were more than 10 shops. As you can see, the shops on the ground are probably peddlers or newcomers. Like the bear peddler who encountered a bear, he probably couldn\'t stock up well, so he imitated the peddler and started his own business here. I don\'t know why they didn\'t do it before, and I\'m looking forward to seeing how this place will develop in the future.