Kojiin Tamer

21 21

The next day I headed to the Soldier\'s Station and the Adventurer\'s Guild to inform them about the Director and the squire again.

Since there might be more of them in the future, the servant decided to wear the red scarf as a landmark.

As a result, I told the Soldiers\' and Adventurers\' Guilds that from now on, servants would wear the red scarf, and that Little Eagle and Hornrabbit were the current servants.

From now on, all I have to do is tell them what kind of follower they are. Well, it\'s doubtful that there will be more servants in the future...

Back at the orphanage, Mew was playing chase with the children. Mew looks like an ogre, but after all, she is a rabbit monster, she is fast and has the ability to run around quickly.

Ilya, the younger sister of the rabbit race, and Cruz, the wolf race, are the only ones who have managed to escape.

If he\'s this fast, it might be a good idea to ask him to help us hunt.

Or rather, we\'ll have to change our methods since we\'re not getting any results from the hunt.

First of all, Bora. After all, I couldn\'t catch a bird out of the blue without any experience. It\'s impossible to catch a bird because you try to catch it with a line, like the Bora.

I improved the three bolas, and connected the line from the center to the line to make a spider\'s web. This should increase the area where I can catch it.

I also tied a long string so that I could pull it out from the center so I wouldn\'t lose it.

This is no longer a bola, but a casting net.

The pit was a success, but I saw very few animals, so it\'s safe to assume it\'s not worth it.

Instead, I\'m hoping for the Mew. How effective will the search by Mew\'s ears be?

If you find an animal, you can use Miu\'s ear to attract it or drive it into a pit. You can do something like this.

You\'ll need to practice your magic in this area. For now, we need to practice wind magic. I\'d like to be able to use the wind to investigate the situation around me. In addition to detecting the magic, it will also help me to understand the situation.

The other thing I\'d like to do is to use wind magic to hit them. I\'d also like to use it in conjunction with cast nets to hunt birds.

And then there\'s the ground magic. If it can produce rocks, can\'t it produce other ores? At least if we can get some iron ore out of it, we\'ll be good to go.

One week later.

Today was my first trip to the dragon forest with Mew. Ilya was complaining that she didn\'t want to take her away, but we convinced her that she used to live in the dragon forest and wanted to feed her.

Miu also seemed to be sad to be away from Ilya, but now she\'s enjoying herself in the dragon forest. You can eat all the food you want. The orphanage is a decent size and has a lot of grass, but if you have to eat every day, the amount of food you eat will inevitably be low, so I\'ll have to continue to bring them in regularly.

After gathering a certain amount of fruit, Myu and I tried to hunt.

\'Mew, can you tell if there are any animals around here with your ears?\'

Cui? ..........................Cui!

I thought she was jerking her bunny, but she suddenly started running, and I hurriedly chased after her.

I\'m using magic detection, but I don\'t think there\'s any particular creature in the direction I\'m going...

After a while, Miu Miu stopped and went over there at the corner! He pointed.

I looked in while hiding in a tree and saw a rabbit eating three grasses.

I tried to detect the magic power while looking at the rabbit, and there is indeed a slight reaction.

Perhaps the rabbit\'s small magical power is hidden by the thick magical power of the dragon forest.

This is tantamount to the magic detection being disabled against animals. We don\'t know how many animals are hidden, but probably the monsters have high magic power, so we can find them.

At any rate, we\'ve learned that Mew is useful against animals.