Kojiin Tamer

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Hey, is this...?

When I woke up, I was standing alone in an endless white space.

I was scurrying around and looking around, and from behind me


I was approached.

The person who approached me was a boy of about ten years old.

\'Who are you?\' I mean, what is this place?

Here? Is this a place that connects this world and the other world?

The other world...?

Does that mean I\'m dead?

Yes! He died at the age of 101.

101 years old? So I\'m dead for life? But I don\'t remember dying, and I don\'t know why I\'m here.

Isn\'t he actually alive...?

Who the hell is this girl in the first place?

Haha, I see I\'ve confused you. Let me introduce myself first. I\'m what you guys call a god. And you are what we call a soul now.

\'God? The soul!

"Look at your body, don\'t you think you\'re a little young when you said you were 101 years old?

That being said, when I looked at my body, I didn\'t look like an old man, I had a youthful body of about twenty years old.

\'\'As expected, I can\'t even talk to him if I call his body when he died~\'\'

Hmm, it\'s true that you can\'t talk in a 101 year old body, and if you\'re senile, it\'s no wonder you have no memory of dying.

"But why am I here?

Yeah, I need you to do something for me.

Do you want me to do something for you?

Actually, I\'d like you to go to another world.

Another world?

Yeah, another world! You like that, don\'t you?

That being said, I did like novels, manga, and anime for a long time. I was what is called an otaku. But is there really such a thing as a different world?

\'People in this world don\'t realize it, but there have always been rare cases of inter-world transitions and otherworldly reincarnations.

My God, I didn\'t know that kind of cartoonish stuff existed...

Well, I don\'t want it to have a weird effect on other worlds, so I\'m selective about who I send to other worlds.

So you think I\'m the pick of the bunch this time?

\'That\'s right! You\'ve lived your whole life in peace. Think of it as a bonus stage.

Bonus stage.

I\'m not saying never, so I don\'t mind saying no, okay?

Hmmm, I don\'t really have a reason to say no.

Well, I\'d like to go to another world.

Really? I\'m so glad. By the way, the other world you\'ll be going to is a common sword and magic world.

Well, I guess I\'m not surprised.

So, what do I do in another world?

Nothing. You just need to be a normal person, that\'s all.

Do we have to do anything?

\'It\'s not like you alone are going to change anything in the first place, and if you want to change anything, it\'s faster to send an expert.

Yeah, of course.

So, you get to enjoy your second life!

So, how soon can you go to another world?

\'No, no, I\'m not going to let you go right away, indeed. You\'ll have to explain them a bit.

\'What? What\'s going on?

\'Because it\'s a completely different world than the one we\'ve been living in. There\'s magic, monsters, and alchemy instead of science. It\'s the most royal of all worlds.

Yeah, that\'s just plain inter-worldly.

You will be reincarnated there as an orphan in an orphanage. I\'m going to make you a body, though.

Aren\'t those things born as someone\'s children?

You\'ll kill your unborn child if you do that!

Yeah, that\'s right.

So, I\'ll give you a little bonus for going all the way to another world.


It\'s a translation of an otherworldly language. It\'s not easy to learn a new language from scratch, as you\'d expect. Oh, I\'ll learn to write as well.

That certainly helps.

The only thing left to do is the item box.

It\'s a classic.

Not many people have an item box, so watch out for things.


Finally, an appraisal.

It\'s a trifecta.

\'Is there anything else you need? If it\'s not too weird, I\'ll give it to you?

Then I\'d still like to use my magic.

What kind of magic do you want?

What kind of magic do you have in mind?

\'\'There\'s a lot to choose from. The basic attributes fire, water, wind, earth, light and dark, time and space, alchemy, smithing and life, you can pick and choose!

\'\'That\'s a lot... Do you need an aptitude for these things?

\'Basically, yes. People in other worlds usually have one or two attributes.

Well, should I be at least as good as you?

\'\'Ummm, I don\'t mind how many you have, but... Right, then, shall I give you a magic control system? Then you\'ll be able to use most of your magic!


\'People over there learn and practice spells for the attributes they want to use and catch their aptitude, but that\'s because they don\'t have a lot of magical imagery, so that\'s how they do it. But you have a lot of images from comics and stuff from this world, so you should be able to learn the ones you like.

It\'s like a stereotype, isn\'t it? Well, then, maybe I\'ll just make some magic with magic manipulation.

Okay, let\'s do the magic trick.

Yes, sir! What else do you have?

The others.... Oh, if you have a monster.

Do you think you can do monster tames?

Tame? There are many ways to do this. You can raise them from a young age, use contract magic on the intelligent ones, and then bind them with slavery magic.

Okay, then I guess I can do something with magic.

\'But if you\'re going to monster-tame me, you better be careful, okay? There are very few tamer\'s out there.

Is that right? I think that\'s a good thing with stories.

Think about it, who would bother to keep a guy who\'s killing each other?

Mmm, you\'re right....

\'So be careful with your monster tames, or other people might think you\'re weird.

Okay, I\'ll be careful.

Well, that\'s about it for now.

Let\'s see, the four skills I got are "Otherworldly Language", "Item Box", "Appraisal" and "Magic Control". It\'s far from a cheat, but it\'s a luxury for normal play.

\'Hm? If you\'re skilled at appraisal, wouldn\'t it be bad if people saw you as an otherworldly language?

Sorry, I forgot. I\'ll give you the cover-up too. It\'s weird for a baby to have so many skills. I\'ll hide the skills I have.

Okay, you\'re going to be reincarnated in another world now.


You\'ll be picked up by the orphanage in baby form, so it\'s going to be tough at the beginning, but you\'ll have to be patient there.

You don\'t even have to do anything in particular, do you?

Yeah, enjoy your otherworldly life.

Yeah, I\'ll be entertained.

Well then, goodbye!

And so I was wrapped in white light and reincarnated in another world.