Kiss Husband: Sweet Wife Is a Little Crisp

Chapter 89 - Emotional outburst.

When she woke up again, she just felt like she had been hit on the back of her head.

“Ling Xi, are you awake? When you entered this place, you were hit by a light bulb that was just about to fall down.”

Hearing Ou Mengxue’s voice, Ling Xi raised her arm and rubbed the back of her head. Seeing no one around, “Oh, how is the student who fainted on my team?”

“Already okay, was just dizzy.” Ou Mengxue looked at her expression carefully. “You… Don’t you remember anything at all?”

What did she mean?

Could it be that it wasn’t an accident, but rather a human being that hit her?

All the possibilities flashed through her mind. It turns out… she couldn’t wait! She had failed to stimulate her yesterday, so she had changed the trick today.

She had been acted in countless dramas just like this, so she just frowned and tapped the side of her head. “Sister Ou?”

Hearing her changed name, there was still a trace of anxiety at the bottom of Ou Mengxue’s heart. Had she succeeded? “Ling Xi, do you remember everything from before? Do you remember who your boyfriend is?”

Ling Xi’s eyes seemed to have been ignited by a fiery war in an instant, and while she was unprepared, slapped the left side of Ou Mengxue’s face. “Ou Mengxue, you’re really a cheap sl*t. You dare take advantage of my memory loss to seduce my boyfriend?”

This slap was full of all her hatred for Ou Mengxue.

Ou Mengxue, you separated us mother and son and harmed my family. I hate, hate you, hate you so much that I wish you could die right now.

In this life, I’ll return all the pain you brought me in the previous life. What you love, what you care about, I’ll let you watch as you lose them one by one.

“Ah—” Ou Mengxue, blindsided by this slap fell straight to the ground, blood pouring out from her mouth. Covering her face, she looked at Ling Xi with horror.

At this time, Ling Xi’s eyes were full of anger, as if she was in charge of the dark forces of hell. Ou Mengxue was so frightened that the breath left her body, unable to help shrinking back. However she was also glad that she had finally remembered everything, just hadn’t expected her to do this.

Indeed, if it had been the Ling Xi of the past life, even if she saw Ou Mengxue and Chi Jiayang kissing in front of her, she would have forgiven her on account of their many years of shared ‘sisterhood’.

Now, however, she was dumping her without caring about the past feelings between them, something she had wanted to do for a long time.

“Ling… Ling Xi, I didn’t, I didn’t… Seduce…”

“Shut up.”

Ling Xi looked at her maliciously, hissing in a low voice, “Do you know what you are now? You’re the other woman, the ‘side chick’. Have you really become so shameless?”

Ou Mengxue hurried to defend herself. “Ling Xi, don’t be like this. Didn’t I explain it to you yesterday? We were really drunk…”

“What? Do you want everyone to know that you’re a fox who stole someone else’s boyfriend? Do you want everyone to know about all the dirty liaisons that has happened between you and the general manager of ‘Star Entertainment’?”

Ou Mengxue shivered at once, sobbing in a low voice as she held her hand over her left cheek. However, under her eyelids were a pair of vicious eyes.

Damn Ling Xi. How did this happen?

It took a while before Ling Xi fell back on the sofa with impassioned eyes.

“It’s all my fault. If I hadn’t lost that part of my memory, this wouldn’t have happened. All of this was my fault.”

Ou Mengxue looked up slowly, and seeing that Ling Xi had calmed down, asked tentatively: “Ling Xi, are you all right?”