King of the Night

Chapter 80

In the Eastern District, zombies may be hidden in every house. Before entering, although the cloud picture is attached to the wall through listening, and makes a preliminary judgment on the safety degree before entering carefully, it may not be detected if zombies happen to be resting and do not walk.

According to the cloud chart experience, before deciding to spend the night here, first check the whole building from bottom to top, and then choose an intermediate floor to rest.

There's a situation!

Select a five story house. When the cloud map checked all the way and quietly touched the fourth floor, he smelled the smell of danger. Although the feeling of danger was not strong, it was not made out of nothing. Once, he made this judgment not by listening or by smell.

Compared with zombies or animals, human smell may be the weakest item. Some scientists have analyzed that the smell of canine animals is hundreds of times that of humans, and Zombies move freely in the dark. In addition to their keen hearing, smell is its important sense.

After rising to the second order, the smell of cloud map is also as high as 21 points, but this is a parameter relative to human beings. His smell is not as good as that of ordinary dogs, but it is several times higher than that of ordinary people, and has begun to work slowly.

At least now he is still on the fourth floor, and he can smell the extremely unpleasant smell of corpses emitted by zombies on the fifth floor.

A zombie, just kill it!

Yuntu's physical strength is declining rapidly. If he withdraws from this building now, he is not sure whether he can walk normally without second-order blood crystals to supplement energy.

The other party doesn't move. The cloud picture can feel the other party's breath. He has been climbing stairs. Although he is very careful and cautious, the other party must also feel his arrival.

Under normal circumstances, even if ordinary zombies compare with their powerful opponents, they don't have much concept of fear before they are seriously hurt, but this time the zombie feels the cloud picture and quietly touches it, but instinctively retreats to the corner.

It's dark, but it's not completely dark. When the 21 o'clock vision touches the room where the zombie is located in the cloud picture, you can still vaguely see each other's figure. It turns out that it's a seriously injured zombie?

Seeing the cloud picture, the Zombie's face showed a look of despair. Through the breath, it could obviously feel that its opponent was stronger than it.

Seeing the sadness and despair on the other party's obviously distorted face, yuntu was also surprised.

Half corpse!

The other party is not a zombie, but a half corpse of a young woman!

At the end of the world, those infected with rose virus, but before the onset of the disease, if they swallow the first-order blood crystals in the incubation period, they have a very small chance of becoming half corpses.

Such a half corpse person's body will change like a zombie, but the brain's consciousness will not completely disappear, so strictly speaking, it is a zombie whose original consciousness as a human has not died after becoming a zombie.

In a sense, the half corpse man is definitely a powerful creature, because its intelligence has not been destroyed, but its body has become as powerful as a zombie.

Force and intelligence, combined, are definitely more powerful than ordinary zombies.

In addition, the special body structure of the upper half corpse makes it not only attack humans and become stronger through blood eating, but also prey on zombies and swallow the blood crystals of zombies. Of course, this is a huge advantage.

But everything has two sides. Half corpse people can accurately identify their differences from ordinary zombies because of their human breath. They will attack them as humans, and humans will also treat them as zombies to destroy them. Therefore, half corpse people are in an awkward situation. It is very dangerous to be with humans or zombies.

At present, the female half corpse man's current level is about the same as that of black and stiff, but it may have been besieged by zombie groups. Now it has been seriously injured. Under it is a pool of red and white corpse blood. Like the cloud picture, it is hiding here to heal and rest in order to make a comeback.

But it seems to have bad luck!

As a fallen man at the end of the world! However, yuntu did not intend to let it go. Although it was still alive as a human being and understood fear and sadness, it could no longer become a human being and would eventually become an enemy of human beings.

The lion should also fight the rabbit with all his strength. Although the other party was seriously injured, he was on the edge of physical exhaustion. Therefore, even in the face of an opponent who had little power to fight back, he was not careless. In order not to cause too much noise, he couldn't use a gun. After taking a deep breath, the dagger in yuntu's hand came out.

"Don't... don't..."

Seeing the cloud picture, he was about to launch a fierce attack. The half corpse man knew that he was unable to fight again under serious injury. Suddenly, he made a cry in his mouth.

The other party could still speak, and the cloud picture was stunned, which was beyond his imagination, because the half corpse people were too rare. He had lived in the last life for many years. He only heard of the half corpse people, a powerful creature, and had not really dealt with them, so his knowledge of them was very limited.

But all this is not important. No matter whether it speaks human words or not, cloud map will result in its life!

"Don't... don't hurt me - son!"

The half corpse man was not pleading for herself. She tried to move and lean against the corner of the wall, but there was a small space behind her. At this time, the cloud picture suddenly found that a pair of baby legs were still exposed behind the half corpse man.

Perhaps instinctively, a baby is trying to arch behind its mother.

Intelligence is not extinguished. It is not only the strength of the half corpse man, but also its biggest weakness. Even if the half corpse man mutates into a zombie, he will generally not hurt his relatives. Therefore, most of the half corpse people will die in the hands of their closest relatives at the beginning of the corpse change.

At present, the half corpse man is still carrying a baby estimated to be only a few months old. No wonder it will be injured by ordinary zombies.

"I am... A dead body - son... A normal person - please, please -"

Seeing that yuntu didn't launch an attack immediately, the half corpse man begged hard again. Obviously, most of his language ability has been lost and he can't express his inner thoughts smoothly, but yuntu can understand its meaning.

If you kill this half corpse man, even if you don't hurt his son, his son can't live. But if you let go of this half corpse man, it doesn't hold water at all. The cold light flashed in yuntu's eyes and shook his head very firmly.

"Let... Feed it!"

The half corpse man read despair from the expression of the cloud picture. In the face of death, he difficultly moved away half his body, held his son hidden behind him in his arms, and then lifted his clothes to expose the dark * * to feed the baby.

Before he died, he just wanted to feed his son again.

Seven sit eight climb, the baby can not stand, it is estimated that it is only seven or eight months old! After eating the milk of a half corpse mother, will the baby still be a normal human?

Looking at the hungry baby crawling in his mother's arms, burying his head in milk and reborn for another life, the cloud picture of such a complex problem also doesn't know the answer.

Although it has always been cruel, when a large number of patients changed their bodies on the night of the second day of the end of the world, he also killed her son who changed into a zombie in front of his mother, and killed her husband who changed into a zombie in front of his wife, yuntu couldn't convince himself to start with a mother who was feeding a baby, whether it was a human or a half corpse.

"Thank -- thank --"

After feeding his son, he gently put his son beside him. Yuntu thought that a battle would come, the half corpse mother who knew she was going to die suddenly inserted her chest with its sharp claws.

Maybe no one can understand the inner pain of a half corpse man. There is a home that can't be returned. Half people and half ghosts look like even their closest relatives think they are zombies. They want to destroy and then quickly. Although they have strong physical strength, they can choose to kill and resist, their immortal conscience makes them extremely vulnerable at this time, No one knows how the half corpse man lived to the present, perhaps because of his son, but now everything is over because of his son.

Maybe this is the best ending!

Seeing that the half corpse man cut himself off, yuntu suddenly felt a burst of relief. If he had really been cruel just now and stabbed them when their mother and son hugged each other, the result seemed no different, but the shadow in his heart was completely different.