King of the Night

Chapter 70

It seems simple to sweep grain in the suburbs, but in fact it is also an action with extremely high risks. In order to be safe, they did not force their way through the eastern district this time, but went all the way north to the suburbs in the north of the city.

Although it is only a few dozen times since the last cloud picture with green wings and wind chimes looking for food in the greenhouses in the suburbs, the changes in the end are far faster than ordinary people expected. After leaving the urban area, the environment in the suburbs is very different from that in the past few days.

The suburbs in the north of the city are plagued by many people in the north. There are no few people who can think of going to the suburbs to sweep grain. Those residential houses in the suburbs have been searched countless times, and a few plastic greenhouses have long been ruined by people.

All the way to the further suburbs, the plant landscape is very different from that before the end of the world. All the trees that died due to the blood rain have grown new leaves that are completely different from the original. The edges of some trees can also send out dark halos, which makes people seem to feel the alien world in science fiction films.

Zombies and Warcraft were encountered from time to time along the way. A team of people advanced while fighting. After several kilometers out of the city along the road, they finally saw the vegetable greenhouse area, which looked well preserved.

Just as everyone was happy and thought they could finally return with a full load, there was another accident.

Scrape open the shed with a knife and enter the shed. However, all the vegetables, melons and fruits inside have already been ruined. The soft soil is full of animal footprints, and there are a large number of ground holes in many places, like rabbit holes or snake holes.

It has been nearly six hours since they came out from home. The party finally came to the shed area, and finally got nothing. The wind chime was impatient and began to be a little grumpy. She kept cutting the sheds with her machete while walking.

"Warcraft, it must be Warcraft!"

Since such a large shed area has been ruined by Warcraft, there must be a large number of Warcraft around. Thinking of this, ghost foot three suddenly felt bad.

"Withdraw, don't complain. Everyone withdraw back to the road first. It looks like a new plan!"

Although he felt the danger, ghost foot three immediately issued an order.

At this time, Qingyi suddenly felt that the mud under his feet was loose and shouted, "no!" Half the body sank.

It turned out that there was a huge rat hole below the position where she had just stood. As soon as people walked on it, the loose soil could not withstand people's weight, and a large piece of mud fell under her feet.

Fortunately, the rat hole was not vertical or oblique. The green wing only fell about three feet and fell to the bottom.

Last time there was an arrangement in the cloud picture. Li Xin was the main person in charge of Qingyi's safety, so she always followed Qingyi. Seeing that Qingyi suddenly fell down, she immediately reached out and pulled her up.

Just when everyone thought it was just a false alarm, suddenly thousands of magic mice the size of a dog surged out of the rat holes in the whole greenhouse area, and surrounded them all at once.

At the moment of crisis, ghost foot three didn't mess up. He immediately made arrangements: "wind chime and Xiaobao, you two stand separately. Everyone's back is inward, surrounded by a circle with the Green Wing as the center, and the whole circle as a whole. Keep the formation and withdraw in the direction of the road. Pay attention not to step on the loose soil under your feet!"

When he came all the way, the team also fought several times. He already knew everyone's characteristics.

The magic mouse's single strength is not strong. It depends on the number to win. The wind chime has group attack skills and the speed of knife is very fast. Xiaobao's fire control can send out fire regiment, which is the bane of this small magic mouse. Therefore, his arrangement is very scientific in terms of formation and personnel distribution.

However, the number of these evil mice was indeed a little large. They fought together and fought hard for more than an hour. Finally, they rushed out of the greenhouse area and returned to the cement road.

Although he returned to the road, he was still surrounded by Warcraft. However, after being down-to-earth, everyone didn't have to worry about the sudden collapse of his feet. The operation speed of the whole formation was greatly accelerated. Before long, he finally rushed out of the heavy siege of magic mice.

Running several kilometers to the city, I was sure that the magic rats behind didn't catch up, and all the talents finally took a breath. At this time, all the confident team before leaving the city had been injured, including the green wing that had been protected in the center of the formation.

Endure the pain to heal everyone, but Qingyi's own injury has become more serious. Finally, he can only go back to the city by the wind chime.

In addition to Li Xin's earlier collection of a small amount of materials, the one-day operation basically got nothing. The first grain sweeping operation ended in failure.

The failure of the field operation team was unexpected by Liu Wei, who watched the children at home!

Everyone takes risks outside. Only he is idle at home. He feels that he, a big man, must take the initiative to find something to do, otherwise he will only be less and less valued in the end.

After thinking about it, he thought that since the guild had to recruit people sooner or later, he had to get some advertisements first. He looked around at home and couldn't find a suitable paper for advertising. He went around the street outside. Finally, he got a bag of A4 paper and a few colored pens from an ad printing shop in peacetime. When he got home, he began to create his job advertisement.

After estimating yuntu's character and synthesizing the advertisements of other guilds he saw near the square yesterday, he finally compiled such an advertisement:

Announcement on enrollment expansion of the secret night guild

There is no limit to the number of men and women.

Conditions: adult advanced without burden!

Treatment: two meals a day, half full!

Requirements: obey the command, not afraid of danger, dare to fight and dare to rob!

Temporary address: XXXXXXXX

The advertisement was not long. After making it up, he immediately started several children to copy it together. Soon, he copied nearly 200 copies, and then he took the children to post it on the walls and wire posts near the square.

When he returned home after posting the advertisement and cooked dinner, when the teammates who went out to sweep the food came back, the teammates did not come back. The people who came to inquire when they saw the advertisement posted by him came.

Although Liu Wei didn't let the people who came to ask them in, through the half open door, he saw that Liu Wei made a big table with several children alone, and someone began to use his head.

"Brother, if you join the dark night guild, you'll be half full, right?"

"Yes! But the president is not at home today. Today he just posted the advertisement and the recruitment will officially start tomorrow! "

"The three of our brothers are sincere and meet the conditions. Why don't we join the meeting today?"

At the beginning, these people really came to understand the situation of the guild, but they smelled the smell of rice. The three brothers who successfully promoted Xuejing yesterday began to want to stay.

After hearing that the other party was wrong, Liu Wei looked at him fiercely and said, "I said that the president is not here today. Let's wait until the president comes back!"

"You're wrong to say that. You made the advertisement. Now when people come, they say they don't accept it. Isn't this deliberately fooling us?"

Seeing that Liu Wei had only one adult at home and the others were half-aged children, the three adult men were naturally not afraid. They pushed the door open and squeezed in together.

After entering the house, the delicious food was in front of them. As soon as they turned their eyes and reconfirmed that there were no other adults in the house, the three hungry people, regardless of 3721, stretched out their black claws and grabbed into the bowl.


At Liu Wei's command, the two and a half orphans immediately returned to the inner room. When they came out again, each of them had a long knife in his hand. At this time, Liu Wei brought out a miniature submachine gun in his hand.

There were no bullets in Liu Wei's gun. Xiang yuntu wanted to come that day. The gun was originally used to scare people. I didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.

The claws of the three hungry ghosts stretched out to the table finally retracted. Facing the guns, they still had instinctive fear soon after they advanced.

It seemed that a small storm had subsided, but at this time, another person crowded in, who happened to be acquainted with the three brothers in front.

Seeing the submachine gun in Liu Wei's hand, he was instinctively surprised, but immediately thought that since there was a hard guy in his hand, there was no need to let the two and a half children fuck the guy again. I heard that the military had run out of bullets. In front of him, Liu Wei didn't pick up an empty gun without bullets.

"Brother, I didn't come until I saw the advertisement. Since I put out the advertisement to recruit people, when people come, you point a gun at the candidate. It doesn't seem authentic!" The man who came in behind said tentatively.

"Get out! If you don't go out again, I'll really kill people! "

Facing the four people at once, Liu Wei was also a little guilty. There were no bullets in the gun. He knew this, so his tone seemed very ferocious, but he didn't have much confidence in essence.

"Brother's gun won't be empty!"

From Liu Wei's tone, the man who came in behind was more convinced of his guess.

"What if there are no bullets? You just want to pick our dark night guild. You don't ask how the overlord gang leader died!"

Liu Wei really launched a cruel attack, smashed the empty gun in his hand at the man face to face, and then pulled out a knife from his waist.

These newly advanced people have basically not seen the power of the swords produced by the secret place. They can't tell. The swords in the hands of Liu Wei and the two children are all sharp weapons processed by cloud map.

When Liu Wei pulled out his knife, the long watermelon knife on his body also pulled out. At this time, the three brothers also pulled out their own guys just now, and the situation became tense all of a sudden.

Since the hostile relationship has been established and can not be resolved, Liu Wei knows what kind of person yuntu likes. He has not killed anyone. He is still very light in the dark night guild. Even the most irrelevant person among all adults is him. He urgently needs to prove his strength to the guild.

What's more, today's show was entirely caused by him. If he is unfair, he will only make others in the guild laugh.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. It's better to start first, and then suffer. Liu Wei's strength is average, but his brain is still flexible.

"Go to hell!"

The knife in Liu Wei's hand suddenly waved out, and at the same time, two boys who were completely his leader also attacked at the same time.

The reaction of the advanced person is faster than that of the ordinary man, but he is faster. The watermelon knife cross the shelf in the past, and he was cut off by Liu Wei's knife. Contrary to expectation, he was also surprised.

In great surprise, he withdrew. Unfortunately, there were seven or eight people standing in such a wide place in the house. There was still room to retreat. When he met the back wall, the retreat stopped. Liu Wei's blade didn't change and a knife hit his shoulder. If he couldn't get timely treatment, this arm would be useless.

On the other side, the two orphans fought with the three brothers. The three adults bullied the two children. They should have the upper hand anyway, but the three brothers who had never killed were killed by each other. Although they wanted to be powerful today, they didn't give full play to their prestige in the end.

The orphans are somewhat stubborn. In addition, they killed all the way from the East District and saw dozens of their classmates and friends die. Each of the last few children is not a good kind.

The strength can never be seen from the parameters or body shape alone. The inner strength is always the first. The four candidates met Liu Wei and the three in just one face-to-face. The other party failed completely. Everyone covered their wounds and fled from the room in a hurry.

Of course, yuntu doesn't know what happened at home. He has his own plans for the development of the dark night, but for the people of the dark night guild, they should keep them when they don't have a task, so he doesn't worry that these people of the dark night guild will be eaten by others when he's away. If that's true, it's meaningless for these people who can't rely on themselves to stay.

After separating from Jiang Xiaoya and Wang Ze, yuntu sneaked into the South District alone. The situation in the south district is basically the same as that in the North District, which is also in a mess.

The scale of Jiangnan aristocratic family has expanded again. They forcibly requisitioned all the surrounding villas around the original residence, and all the villas in the whole community have become the residence of Jiangnan aristocratic family. For the sake of safety, they also control two tall buildings next to the community, where they set up posts to look down on the residence from a high place at any time.

Before the cloud map arrived, he planned a mutiny, and finally did not get any benefits. Duan Hongyu had returned to the south district. Before long, the news of the defeat of the bridge ambush again came back.

Since the other party failed to return to the north area from the East first bridge, it is very likely to return to the north area through the south area. The other party has superior personal strength and will be invisible. In order to prevent accidents, he immediately convened the core personnel of the guild to discuss, and reminded all personnel to strengthen prevention.

Returning to the south district again, yuntu had planned to find a shooting point and shoot several spots with a sniper gun. After counting, the clip of the sniper gun had only the last six bullets. He was really unwilling to use them on ordinary members of Jiangnan aristocratic family.

But since he came, he had to teach the Duan family a lesson, so he decided to take a risk!

In a clothing store, I found a black suit similar to that of Jiangnan aristocratic family, put on black sunglasses, and yuntu successfully mixed into the residence of Jiangnan aristocratic family.

I thought people didn't know it, but he didn't enter the residence of Jiangnan aristocratic family for a minute. He hadn't locked any core target. Suddenly, he heard the deliberate light footsteps in the villas close to him. With his strong hearing, he knew that his whereabouts had been exposed!

At this point, he doesn't know how he exposed himself or what the other party is using to transmit signals. This is the nest of Jiangnan aristocratic family. If he is not careful, he will be surrounded by hundreds of advanced people. Even if the cloud picture succeeds, he can't say he can retreat from the third level.

Thinking of the lightning flash, he turned a corner and flashed to the foot of a wall. His professional skills sneaked and started. Suddenly, he disappeared in situ.