King of the Night

Chapter 260

In the last world, generally, human survival bases are built around repeatable secret places. There are three repeatable secret places in Longshan City, that is, three human survival bases, which are called Longcheng, Longdu and Longyuan respectively.

It turned out that the three cities had their own managers and had a good relationship with Jiangnan City, but just a week ago, the overall pattern of Longshan city changed dramatically. Now the other two guilds have been destroyed by the more sinister Bandung business alliance, which has dominated the world. The senior officials of the other two guilds will be publicly executed in the central square of Longcheng at 3 p.m.

Now that I have registered residence cards, I have got the pass card, so it is natural to have fun.

It's only 12:00 noon to enter the Longcheng base. There are three hours left. Yuntu strolls around the Longcheng base with a learning attitude.

The business atmosphere of Longcheng base is very strong. There are not only merchants selling all kinds of things, but also Comprehensive shops and workshops with a high degree of Commerce. The materials sold are not limited to all kinds of food and Warcraft materials. They can also receive processing orders for all kinds of weapons and tools, and even provide financial services such as high blood crystal exchange.

The prosperity of business makes it easier for everyone to exchange what they need, which is of great benefit to the overall strength of human beings in a region and the improvement of living standards. Of course, the full-time businessmen who operate well in the middle can naturally earn a lot. Of course, the cloud map of large commercial projects now knows with their toes that they are all industries under the Bandung business alliance.

While walking and watching, there are many things cloud pictures want to buy. However, in order not to attract attention, he only picked up a few novelty and did not buy in bulk.

The time soon came around 3 p.m. and the cloud picture rushed to the central square with the crowded crowd. At this time, a group of officers of the former military group and dozens of senior managers of the black tiger association had been tied to the long erected thick wooden column, and the executioner's big knife had been polished.

On time, a rich man of about 40 years old slowly stepped onto the rostrum under the guidance of several etiquette ladies, smiled and motioned to the surrounding crowd, and then sat on the rostrum. At this time, thunderous applause and screams came from the rostrum.

Through the screams of the crowd, yuntu knows that this person is the current owner of the whole Longshan City, Xue Changlong, President of Bandung business alliance, and a shield armour with superior strength.

When the applause and screams stopped, the managers of Bandung business union took turns to take turns, sat down in turn on both sides of Xue Changlong, and cheered again. Before delivering his speech, Xue Changlong whispered to a nearby staff member in order to further the hot scene. Soon, several staff members came on the stage with plates, There are red blood crystals on the plate. Although ordinary first-class blood crystals are no longer strategic resources after a few months of the end of the world, they can only be used to exchange food or find pocket money during trading, but they can't stand the large number of people. There are at least hundreds of blood crystals on those plates.

A killing conference is like the opening of a large shopping mall in peacetime. These businessmen will never forget their marketing methods in any age. Yuntu is really drunk.

However, it has to be said that the effect of this approach is quite good. Before Xue Changlong opened his mouth, the people under the stage shouted slogans such as "long live Bandung Business League", "President Xue I love you" and "marry Xue Changlong if you marry", and the staff threw blood crystals in which direction when they heard the louder cheers, It pushed the hot scene to the peak.

The row of criminals tied to the pillars diagonally opposite the rostrum are gnashing their teeth. It is said that they are successful and defeated. With cloth in their mouths, they can only use fire breathing eyes to weakly express their anger and humiliation!

Feeling that the atmosphere was expected to be almost hot, Xue Changlong stood up and pressed his hands. The whole audience was quiet again. Then he took a deep breath and began his passionate speech.

Literary talent flying, saliva splashing! It's obviously a draft.

Since the end of the world, all heroes have fought against zombies and viruses, and then to several large-scale zombies and Warcraft tides experienced in Longshan city. Finally, it leads to various dark events in which the former military collectively killed innocent people and killed people without regard to the interests of the people.

After a speech, there were tears and silence in the audience. Many families of the victims wanted to break through the defense line of the security personnel and find the prisoners tied to the pillars to tear them to pieces.

If you want to add a crime, you have no choice!

Who hasn't killed or robbed in the end of the world? These are some means of Bandung business alliance to push itself into an orthodox manager position. Yuntu's eyes swam through the crowd and soon found abnormalities.

This morning, the five people who first entered the city also mingled with the crowd. They were divided into two groups. Three people in one group kept squeezing towards the column bound with the criminal, but two people in one group quietly approached the rostrum.

Just five people, do they still want to rob the Dharma field?

With this in mind, yuntu found a team of Bandung business union personnel crowding in the crowd with them. Obviously, their abnormal behavior has been noticed by the other party, but now the scene is hot. Bandung business union personnel don't want to catch people immediately and mess up a good conference, so they just follow closely and hope they don't be impulsive.

The five people seemed to know that they had been found, but they didn't slow down and were still infiltrating the crowd towards their target position.

"Do it!"

His beard suddenly raised his right hand and made a gesture to the two people in the other group. Then the two teams seemed to shoot at the same time, throwing several grenades at the podium, the pursuers behind, and the most crowded places.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

American grenades exploded one after another, with screams and startling voices everywhere. The people fled in all directions, and the scene was suddenly chaotic.

He didn't want to wade through the mixed water for no reason. The cloud picture quickly retreated around the square with the scattered crowd. Then he suddenly found the Ruan brothers who failed to pursue him in the crowd.

The tracking function of double-sided rosemary is very strong, which can almost ignore the limitation of distance, but nothing in the world can stop time. Last night, it may be that the Ruan brothers took a bath and changed their clothes after feeling safe. Yuntu's nose can no longer track their direction.

In fact, the reason why he entered Longshan city this time has virtually changed. Looking for the bad luck of his beard is just an introduction. His ultimate goal is to come to Longshan city to find the fragments of the half moon mission.

At this time, it was an accident to find the Ruan brothers again. However, it seems that the Ruan brothers are only ordinary audiences, not the accomplices of the troublemakers. Like yuntu, they are fleeing to the periphery with the crowd of the people.

In the middle of the square, on the podium, after the grenade exploded, Xue Changlong stood up and shook his arms. His body was like a hawk and falcon. He dived down towards the two opponents who threw bombs. In the process of falling, a long knife with tail chain suddenly opened and killed each other's chest in an instant.

The other party didn't seem to expect that Xue Changlong, a fat pig with a big belly, should be so brave. He raised his sword in a hurry. The long sword was knocked and flew by the other party's long knife. The strength of both sides is completely different from the same level.

In great surprise, they turned around and fled. At this time, several guards of Bandung Business League who had already followed them immediately surrounded them from behind. In addition, several other senior executives of Bandung guild surrounded them on the stage, and they were surrounded and killed on all sides.

However, at this time, several of his teammates had rushed to the post where the prisoners were tied. They took up the knife to dry the row of executioners, and then rushed forward. All three of them cut off the rope.

However, most of the prisoners were seriously injured and had little combat effectiveness when they were loosened. Another team of hundreds of members of Bandung guild surrounded and killed them. Regardless of the other party's grenades, they strongly jumped in front of the prisoners, and a burst of knives and slashes, killing and injuring most of the dozens of prisoners.

Knowing that it was impossible to save all the criminals, the beard and the other two carried one of the most important prisoners and turned around. They were all level 4 masters and swallowed the fortifier in advance. Where could the ordinary members of Bandung Business League stop them? The ordinary level 2 goods fell all the way through, and the blood stained the road red.

Xue Changlong of Bandung chamber of Commerce was obviously a level-4 expert. Seeing that hundreds of people over there could not surround the other three, he roared and took several powerful executives to abandon the two level-3 experts in front of him and chase after the other three robbers.

The two level-3 masters here were under less pressure. They threw out grenades again and disturbed the situation. They also rushed out of the siege.

He didn't want to get into this mess, but he wouldn't let go of the ready-made interests. Yuntu saw that the other party's long sword was hit by the powerful Xue Changlong and was inserted into the cement ground in the center of the square. The light on the blade was different in color. It looked like a good weapon produced by the secret place. His shoulders shook and his body disappeared, Sneak in and easily pocket it.

However, when he sneaked back to the edge of the square, the Ruan brothers he had just seen disappeared again.

In the dramatic change of the law field, a team of hundreds of Bandung Business League came from all directions and soon surrounded the square.

However, they only found some ordinary people. Among the five people of the other party, except the level-3 expert who lost his weapons was killed on the spot, the other four broke through successfully. However, the three criminals on the other party's back were not taken away safely. Two of them were shot on the back of their companions by the archers of Bandung Business League. It's meaningless to carry them when they die, Those four level masters also had to throw down their bodies and escape lightly.

After the crowd dispersed, yuntu hurried to the gate of the base. He wanted to go out of the city quietly, hoping to find out where the other people who robbed the Dharma field would eventually escape. However, the emergency response of Bandung business alliance was very fast. The gate had been strengthened and heavily guarded, and the announcement had been published. In special times, the gate could not go in and out, and ordinary people were not allowed to go out of the city temporarily.

Sneaking out of the city is not impossible, but there are too many people at the gate to ensure that there are no experts. In case yuntu decides to stay in Longcheng base temporarily, he believes that since the two sides have begun to compete, they must fight openly and secretly in the future. The whole Longshan city has just seen a glimmer of hope of peace and will fall into a more chaotic war situation.

However, this is a good thing for yuntu. If Longshan is not chaotic, he must not be able to get the half moon task fragments from Xue Changlong.

It has been several hours in the city, but the cloud map doesn't know where the shared room bed that has been rented for two months. He takes out the receipt and looks at the address on it all the way. After arriving, the cloud map can't cry or laugh.