King of the Night

Chapter 243

Wang Ze made a false shot. Although it was only a minute's prior communication, Qingyi and Siyin immediately understood his idea, that is, to give the three messengers some substantive pressure, so as to get more valuable information from them.

Before entering the door of the meeting room, Qingyi and Siyin exchanged a look and immediately decided to attack each other in the strongest way. Therefore, the first sentence when entering the meeting room was very impolite and asked: "which guild are you from? I seem to have never seen you. What's the matter with our falling ice Dynasty today?"

They were just small soldiers who took the lead. Originally, they only had to bring what the leader asked them to bring. Unexpectedly, they got themselves into an embarrassing situation because they wanted to win the victory. In the face of the poor face of the second daughter, the three envoys were really afraid. After all, different from Wang Ze, they didn't have real hostages of the falling ice Dynasty in their hands.

The story that the falling ice king and Zitong kidnapped Jiang Honglei immediately aroused a strong retort from Qingyi: "as we all know, before cooperating with the dark night guild on the construction project of the Eastern District, our falling ice dynasty did not intersect with the original several guilds in Jiangnan City. How did your bloody Legion arrive for the first time? How could we take the initiative to trouble you, If you dare to talk nonsense here again, believe it or not, I'll have you dragged out and fed to the dog now! "

Since becoming the CEO of the falling ice Dynasty, Qingyi has grown the fastest among the people who originally followed yuntu. She has not been the original delicate girl for a long time, and she also has a seemingly gentle but not belittled upper class atmosphere.

In the face of layers of pressure, the three envoys finally couldn't stand it and shouted: "dare you, now the whole niubeiling prison is in the hands of our bloody army. If you dare to move us, they will fall to the ground!"

"Owe dozen, where the small soldiers and soldiers who jump out dare to shout in front of this seat!"

As Qingyi said this, she winked at Siyin. Siyin stood up and grabbed the yeller. She slapped him left and right, making his mouth bleed and looking for teeth all over the ground!

This is someone else's territory. In the face of Siyin, a level Four master with a dark face and strange shape, the three envoys were timid and didn't dare to fight back at all. After half a ring, they covered their faces and said, "you're cruel, let's go, but as long as you pass it on to the dark night guild for me, all they used here today, The city will return ten times to the hostages of the dark night guild. Let's go now! "

It's too late to leave at this time!

A group of beautiful women rushed in and tied up all three, no matter thirty or twenty.

At the end of the day, the three messengers shouted to find Wang Ze, but they didn't officially say what they wanted to say, so they were gagged by the women with smelly socks!

The last change was not understood by Qingyi and Siyin in the reception room until the other three were knocked unconscious and stuffed into sacks. She suddenly saw yuntu and Wang Ze walking in side by side from the door.

On the way back, yuntu and others found three motorcycles. On the road where they encountered the last air raid, they encountered the air raid of the group of magic birds, but there was an archer Li Jianzai, who shot two arrows. The first magic bird was killed by an arrow. They soon got rid of the crisis and went all the way smoothly, so the return time was faster than when they went.

Just after Wang zegang came out of the reception hall, he temporarily dumped the emissary of the bloody Legion to the falling ice Dynasty. He met yuntu and came in from the outside.

When Wang Ze heard that niubeiling prison had been secretly attacked, and the other party's messenger was making a show in the reception hall, yuntu's brain turned quickly.

If he didn't go to Qi County, the dark night guild and the blood Legion might still coexist, but when he came back from Qi County, this possibility no longer exists. In Qi County, he chose another family's nest, but the people of the blood Legion in Jiangnan City don't know it. Now the other party has just attacked their residence, and everything is like an agreement.

He and the bloody Legion have long formed a mortal enemy. Now the other party dares to send envoys after conquering niubeiling prison. In fact, the dark night guild can directly take people to declare war on them and drive them out of Jiangnan City, but it is related to dozens of hostages of the dark night guild, including the sons of ghost foot three and Luo Gang, So we must rescue the hostages first.

Several soldiers of the other party have a look of holding without fear. It seems that they think they hold their own pain. If everything is led by the other party's nose, it will be too passive!

While Qingyi, Siyin and the other three were entangled in the reception hall, yuntu and Wang Ze also nervously discussed countermeasures. After careful analysis, they grasped an extremely important key information.

Until now, the other party has not officially explained their intention to the dark night guild, so they decided to send them back unopened in the name of the falling ice Dynasty without opening their mouth to the other party. Although the hostage issue is still pending, at least they can win a period of time and continue to play along this idea, They came up with a more clever response.

Soldiers are also crafty!

Three children under the age of ten escaped from niubeiling prison. The other party may not know. Even if they know, they are dangerous everywhere in the end of the world. It is entirely possible that the three children were eaten by Warcraft in the barren mountains and jungles.

Know and show you don't know!

As long as the news of the garden hotel is blocked, no one knows that the three children have returned. Now let the people of the falling ice Dynasty send the three messengers back directly, and the other party's first plan will be a complete failure.

After knocking out the three messengers, yuntu and Qingyi immediately further communicated the plan. Qingyi also felt it was feasible, so she and Siyin took another subordinate, each carrying a sack, and quickly left the garden hotel.


"Where is this?"

"What do you want?"

When the three sacks were opened and the broken socks in the mouth of the three seriously wounded messengers of the bloody Legion were pulled out, they finally began to be afraid, and the voice in their throat was shaking.

As soon as Siyin's face sank, her frightening black face became more gloomy: "say, what happened in niubeiling prison? If there is a half sentence of false Commission, I'll call you a different place immediately!"

This question was originally what they wanted to say this time. The three naturally and scrambled to answer: "we secretly attacked niubeiling prison. Now everyone in niubeiling prison is controlled by our bloody army!"

"Why sneak attack niubeiling? How did your bloody Legion come from other places for the first time? It's said that if a strong dragon doesn't pressure the local snake, you're not afraid to offend the dark night guild. You can't eat your pockets and go!" Green Wing is also fierce.

The three replied again, "we were also forced. It was your family who robbed Jiang Honglei, the person in charge of our western district. Jiang Honglei is the nephew of our president, so we must save his life!"

After listening to the explanation of the three people, Green Wing snorted coldly: "shit, our fallen ice king robbed your important people, and you attacked the residence of the dark night guild. What's the logic? In my opinion, you already know that there is a secret contradiction between our fallen ice king and the dark night guild, so you deliberately want to stir up trouble and let us fight inside!"

Hearing that Qingyi said that there was a contradiction between the falling ice Dynasty and the dark night guild itself, the three became more flustered and quickly explained again and again: "we didn't know that you had a contradiction with the dark night guild. We thought you had a close relationship, so we thought of exchanging Jiang Honglei with you by taking hostages from niubeiling prison!"

"The people who hijacked the dark night guild exchanged hostages with our fallen ice Dynasty. I'm laughing to death, ha, ha -"

Women are masters of acting. Silk sound's laughter is sharp and harsh. People's eardrums will be torn. No one will doubt her words.

Everything is a play. If you ask too much, you will show your feet!

Looking back, Qingyi and Siyin pretended to discuss for a while, and then made a decision: "Youdao is an envoy who doesn't cut off when the two armies fight. Although the three men ran to the dark night guild, they can't do too much. Death can be avoided and life can't escape!"

Although the dialogue between the two turned their backs to the three, they also deliberately let them hear a little. After hearing their decision, the three turned pale and didn't know what kind of living crime they would bear next!

Originally, I just came to the dark night guild to send a message. I didn't know that because I got angry for a moment, the words explained above didn't take to the top level of the dark night guild, but Wang Ze, who was busy with business, was confused and dumped to the two women of the falling ice Dynasty. Now they are seriously injured and tied, and they have no power to return their hands. They can only let them down. Their hearts are naturally creepy.

The second daughter turned around and saw the faces of the three. She knew that her plan was half successful again!

Loosen the rope on each person's hand, and then send each person a short knife. Silk voice coldly ordered: "the three people cut each other. Whoever cuts off one arm or leg of his partner first can go back with sound limbs!"

The three people who took the knife trembled. They thought the other party would torture them, but they didn't expect that the other party would let them kill each other, which was more unacceptable than directly killing them.

At this time, the first thing they thought of was that they had a knife in their hand to cut the rope on their legs, but as soon as the idea came out, silk sound sounded again: "don't make a crooked idea, you won't die unless you do it!"

The courage that had just risen was annihilated again. The three legs were tied, each holding a short knife and speechless to each other for a long time.

Seeing that the three didn't want to do it for a long time, Siyin also pulled out the long sword. The sword tip was cold and dark. She said again, "brother, if you want me to do it myself, cut one arm and one foot each!"

Under great pressure, the three seriously injured finally began to move, clenched their teeth and tried to jump to their companions, and then took the lead in spite of their exclamations.

A scuffle finally ignited. The three people were seriously injured and their legs were tied. It was inconvenient to dodge, but they still had some strength in their hands. In order to win the only qualification to retreat, the battle was extremely fierce. The three people cut swords and saw blood. After two minutes, the three people counted swords in each, and they couldn't tell who was the first to win.

When they calmed down and looked back, the people of the falling ice Dynasty had long disappeared!