King of the Night

Chapter 167

It was getting dark. In order to prevent the other party from quietly launching a night attack, the overhead lights in niubeiling prison were bright, and the long-distance searchlights were patrolling around from time to time.

Everyone took turns to rest, and so did Jiang Xiaoya and Xike, two temporary members of the battle command team. In the early morning, the Tianyin guild finally launched an attack.

The sharp alarm on the watchtower sounded again. At this time, Xike, who was in charge of the watch, saw the other side of the curve through the long-distance searchlight. Cars were pushed by the other party's people and were quietly turning the corner to push towards the prison.

There are two cars in each row, followed by three or four people. There are seven or eight people in each row. According to the informant Zhao Tianci, the dark night guild originally had two sniper guns. If the chief 1503's sniper gun is taken, the other party will have three sniper guns.

Although there are three sniper guns, the other party's sniper gun bullets are definitely small, which is estimated by Zhao Yinwen from the army.

If it hadn't happened yesterday after the sentry was shot, he really wanted to lead the team to attack naked, which must be faster. However, after the poisoning incident after the sentry shot yesterday afternoon, it had a great impact on the soldiers' fighting spirit. If he really dared to lead the team to attack naked, as long as the people in front were knocked down more than a dozen by the opponent's sniper gun along the way, he would howl, The charge was probably defeated by his opponent before it reached the prison.

Therefore, through the joint research of high-level personnel, this same set of progressive attack scheme using cars as bunkers came out. In order to get these dozens of cars, they sent people back to the highway overnight and spent a lot of effort to get nearly 40 cars..

In addition, in order to prevent each other's rocket attack, there is a distance of more than ten meters between each row and the next row.

The alarm sounded and entered the combat state. Jiang Xiaoya soon got on the watchtower. At this time, the other party walked in the front row of two or two cars, pushed by seven or eight people, had passed the curve and moved forward for nearly 300 meters.

Why is each car so far away?

They are from Tianyin guild!

The two women looked at each other and quickly reacted. Although neither of them was present when they won the rocket with the people of Tianyin guild, they have heard about the big mouth ghost feet these days.

In order to prevent other guilds from taking precautions against the dark night guild, the news that the dark night guild won the rocket has been kept secret in the North District. Only the people of the dark night guild and the senior management of the Tianyin guild know that the rocket is in the dark night guild.

Now that you know that the other party is from Tianyin guild, you can try some seemingly empty methods. At least let others know that the dark night guild already knows who they are.

The volume of the loudspeaker and tweeter is adjusted to the highest level, and the direction is also aimed at the other end of the road!

"Listen to me, Tianyin guild. I'm Jiang Xiaoya, the commander of the dark night guild, and Changjiang Xiaoya, the secret service group of the former Jiangnan garrison..."

The battle was about to start. Niubeiling prison rang out a loud speaker. All the marching teams of Tianyin guild slowed down and even stopped. At this time, Zhao Yinwen of Tianyin guild was also surprised: How did Jiang Xiaoya get to the dark night guild!

When they were in the North District, although they had been paying attention to every move of the dark night guild, Wang Ze often led the team to train and hunt. He had known it for a long time, but Jiang Xiaoya had been doing internal affairs at home with wind chimes. He really didn't know.

"Zhao Yinwen, a bastard, claimed that niubeiling prison had a large amount of grain in store for his personal feud with our president yuntu. He deceived the brothers of the guild and poured all the strength of the guild to attack our dark night station. If I hadn't thought that some people of Tianyin guild were colleagues of the former garrison troops in Jiangnan City, I would have fired a gun long ago, I believe everyone has heard about your rocket being robbed by people of our dark night guild. Don't give your life in vain in order to avenge your family name Zhao! "

After waiting for a few minutes, she saw that the other party didn't answer. She knew that the other party didn't have electricity and couldn't answer if she wanted to answer. Jiang Xiaoya continued to shout and sent out two strong materials one after another.

The Rockets of the Tianyin guild were taken away, and these were not made public by the Tianyin guild. However, after the last shelling of the northern stronghold of the dark night guild, the people sent to perform the mission did not come back. Most of the people in the guild were speculating about it. Now, when Jiang Xiaoya said it again, everyone was very clear, In addition, Waijiang Xiaoya even said that there was a large amount of grain stored in niubeiling prison was a lie by president Zhao Yinwen, which dampened everyone's enthusiasm for fighting than rockets in the hands of the dark night guild.

Without a tweeter, he could not argue with the dark night. Knowing that the other party's shouting had a great impact on the guild brothers' fighting spirit, Zhao Yinwen was so angry that he could only tear his throat at the back of the team and hurry up: "brothers, don't listen to that woman. Speed up the rush for me. Four or five hundred of us will attack more than a hundred of them. It's as easy as a palm. As long as we break niubeiling prison, We can have a full breakfast today! "

Obviously, under the fatal temptation of food, a guild that was about to lose its regiment did not have to attack niubeiling prison. Now the biggest source of power was once suspected by everyone. In addition, the other party had not only sniper guns but also heavy weapons rockets, and the bullets were coated with highly toxic poison that people would die if they were bruised. Under multiple pressures, Zhao Yinwen, the president of the guild, shouted, The effect is very weak.

Although the team that stopped in front pushed forward again, the speed was more than half slower than before.

The fight is momentum, not to mention the battle of attacking the city and breaking through the solid. Seeing the situation in front of us, Zhao Yinwen knows that at this speed, even if everyone finally reluctantly pushes 100 meters around the prison, as soon as they enter the range of the other party's beacon gun, the other party's continuous fire submachine gun will bang, and the whole team will collapse immediately.

"All the brothers, rush for me, dare to flinch, do not kill the former, there is no amnesty!"

At the end of the world, there were no bullets in the whole Tianyin guild for a long time, but this does not mean that Zhao Yinwen, as the president, really had no bullets. Huodi lit a rifle and slammed a gun with the other party's searchlight, killing a Tianyin guild member who rushed to the third row in front, obviously slower than other teams.


The third row of pushers suddenly accelerated and almost knocked down the second row of pushers in front of them!

The overall speed has not accelerated much, but the scene has become a little chaotic.

Now it was the darkest time of the day. On the watchtower, Xike and Jiang Xiaoya saw the situation in front of them and knew that the other party's fighting will was greatly reduced. They discussed for a moment again. An order was passed down. Suddenly, all the lights of the whole niubeiling prison went out, and the whole world fell into a bottomless night again.

What's going on?

What happened!

Is the other party going to hit us back?


The sudden change made all the people of the Tianyin guild panic in the dark! Invisible fear is spreading!

The team of hundreds of people has no light at all. They can't maintain the formation at all. They haven't been driving directly for a long time. They are worried that the other party will snipe his driver. As long as the front drivers are sniped, the accident will happen immediately, and the car behind them can't pass if they want to pass. Therefore, they adopted the safest war strategy of pushing forward behind the car.

"When they turn off the lights, I get in the car and drive to kill it!"

As Zhao Yinwen, the war supervisor behind, gave another order, everyone got on the bus one after another. At this time, the big searchlight of the prison suddenly lit up again.

After several minutes of darkness, the searchlight turned on in vain looked particularly bright.

Since the other party dares to drive and attack, the driver who Snipes at the other party is naturally the best choice. In order to create the greatest degree of confusion, Jiang Xiaoya's sniper gun is not aimed at the driver in the first row, but at the same time, the driver in the fourth row just lit the fire and started to accelerate. Suddenly, a scream of bullets exploded his head accurately, and the moving car tilted, Hit a stone pier on the side of the road, and the car rolled over on the road, blocking the whole road.

If a car overturns in front, you have to clean the road and know that your strategy has failed, but since the battle has reached this level, there is no reason not to continue!

"The brothers in the back go and clean up the accident car, and the team continues to move forward! Keep up with the brothers ahead "

Zhao Yinwen shouted three hundred meters behind him. Several people in the fifth row came down. As soon as they were about to clean up the accident vehicle, the sniper gun screamed and hit a man in the stomach.

Wounded but not killed, the familiar howl in the dark rang again, and the hearts of the people behind him were cold.

Then the second and third Tianyin guild members who wanted to clean up the accident vehicles were shot and fell to the ground one after another. There was a continuous howl, and no one dared to rush forward any more.

"They only have one gun. Let's go together!"

If we don't clean up the vehicles in the way in time, the whole battle plan today will be a complete failure. At this time, Zhao Yinwen rushed up regardless of danger.

But just before that, the front three rows of six cars had accelerated and rushed near the prison. They found that the vehicles behind didn't catch up, and their hearts were getting hairy. However, one kilometer away, the car arrived one minute after starting. When they found the problem, they stopped the car and were less than 200 meters away from the prison.

At this time, you have to go up or not!

"Kill! Rush into prison and make a first contribution! "

Zhao Yinwen arranged a small team leader for the two cars in each row. More than 20 people in the first three rows were also carefully selected warriors. Therefore, although they separated from the big army, the three small team leaders knew that if they returned, they would have no good fruit to eat. With a horizontal heart, they led more than 20 people to suddenly launch a final sprint towards niubeiling prison.

Strike a stone with an egg, knowing that you can't do it!

But people's thoughts at the time of most despair are often unpredictable. They thought that the other team was blocked by themselves from the middle, and the dozens of people in front would turn around and run away. Unexpectedly, the other party risked his life to launch an assault on the prison. There were less than 50 people in the prison, the surrounding wall was so long, and the defense of personnel did not have time to concentrate for a while, It also surprised the two female commanders who were not experienced in combat.

"You continue to snipe there. Don't let them clear the road. I'll take people to deal with their attack. The first wave of attack must be strongly suppressed!" After the reaction, the two women immediately divided their work and cooperated.

In any case, niubeiling prison is a city with thick walls and a power grid. It is naturally impossible to break through with a group of vanguards of the other party. Seeing the other party rush over, Xike temporarily organized more than ten people. Submachine guns and pistols rang out sharply, and self-made gasoline incendiary bombs were thrown down like money. A wave of seemingly fierce and rapid attacks soon collapsed.

When the gunfire and fire near the prison rang out fiercely, it wilted again in two minutes. Zhao Yinwen organized personnel to clean the road here, and Jiang Xiaoya pointed to two more. Finally, he didn't have time to clean the channel and road and connect with the pace of battle in front.

The fight was momentum and rhythm. Since the two waves of attacks could not be completed in a row, I felt that everything was useless and the situation in the prison was unknown. Finally, Zhao Yinwen weakly issued an order to retreat.

Although more than 30 people were killed and injured in the first failure, it was nothing compared with the Tianyin guild with four or five hundred people. It was temporarily dawn, and all the people of the Tianyin guild had retreated behind the curve.

Although the night attack failed, he never saw the core men of the dark night guild, such as yuntu, ghost foot three and Wang Ze. It seems that the other party presided over the overall situation with only two women generals, which also made him have a new guess about the situation in the prison.

Next, Zhao Yinwen decided to use his new guess to launch a large-scale mobilization meeting, give members a shot in the arm again, and then take niubeiling prison at one fell swoop at all costs.

Niubeiling prison is facing an unprecedented danger. Yuntu, about ten miles away, didn't know it at all. He led a team into the forest. They also met a situation they didn't think of.

Because there were many people, there was a lot of movement. Before they reached the locked position of the cloud map, they were bothered by all kinds of Warcraft on the way. Although the team was well equipped, powerful and gained a lot all the way, it was dark when they arrived at the destination.

The night attack on Warcraft with a sensitive sense of smell has no advantage for humans. The cloud map can only organize everyone to spend the night in the forest. Through one night's deployment, they also ushered in an unprecedented fierce battle at dawn the next day.