King of the Night

Chapter 118

"It seems that someone is ahead of us!"

Followed by the falling ice king, Siyin and Zitong, they stepped into the first floor of the heaven sacrificial tower and saw the corpses of dissected fierce animals all over the ground. The Green Wing whispered!

"Still use your nonsense!"

The ice king's eyes turned sideways and became a half corpse. She also lost her voice and cried bitterly, but now there is only a growing desire in her heart.

As a half corpse person, she has extraordinary talent. Even if she doesn't practice professional skills, she is also the best in the same level. However, since hijacking Qingyi, she knows a lot of information about the secret place. Therefore, this time, she came all the way with her only kind, Qingyi and Zitong, of course, for the task prize.

Originally, in the Garden Hotel, in order to distract the purple haired zombie and the zombie tide it commanded, they let Qingyi and Zitong bypass the gate of the secret place from the garden hotel. They were injured and it was no longer difficult for them to break through the zombie group and enter the secret place, but suddenly a large number of humans rushed over, creating a rare opportunity for them to finally detour and succeed, Rushed into the light curtain of the secret place.

But as soon as she entered the light curtain of the secret place, she immediately found something wrong. She couldn't exert all her strength. She knew immediately that the secret place seemed to be designed for human beings, and Zombies couldn't enter at all.

But the secret place that zombies can't enter is a bug for the half corpse man. She has both zombie and human attributes.

So the secret realm system made a mistake and mistakenly judged her as human, but after they came in, they found the zombie characteristics in her body, so they had an invisible sense of oppression.

This point has been sent by them at the gate of the secret place, but there is such a bug in the system that she still has the opportunity to enter the secret place. Then she must come in even if there are many dangers ahead.

Put several second-order blood crystals into the light curtain of the secret realm gate.

After entering the secret place, she felt more and more pressure, and even the effect of Qingyi's healing for her was greatly reduced. Originally, if she was outside, Qingyi could cure the injury in the battle just now with one treatment, but after entering the secret place, Qingyi treated her three times in a row, and the injury was only 80% cured.

Although Qingyi is a human being kidnapped by her, Qingyi has been getting along with them peacefully in recent days, and there are few heavy words in our usual chat, but now her temper begins to appear a little grumpy due to the oppression of the secret place.

Since someone entered the secret place before them, but now it is obvious that the task has not been completed, so they speed up and rush all the way to the top of the tower.

Now, the cloud map on the eighth floor found that someone had entered the tower. When the identity of the other party was unknown, it was a fool to forcibly push open the stone gate on the ninth floor. Naturally, he wouldn't do that.

"Who's downstairs? Report your name!"

For a moment, the four people downstairs went from the first floor to the fourth floor. The cloud picture immediately asked.

"Cloud map! Is that you? "

Hearing the voice of yuntu, the person who first entered the sacrificial tower was yuntu, and the Green Wing at the back was so excited that tears came out.

Who has green wings?

On the eighth floor, when everyone heard the voice of Qingyi, they couldn't believe their ears at once.

"Is green wing you?" When he was excited, the wind chime turned and rushed downstairs.

Although yuntu was also excited in his heart, he knew that the other party was not Qingyi. He quickly reached out and grabbed her and said, "calm down, people are coming up. What are you excited about!"

Before long, the ice king appeared at the corridor entrance on the eighth floor with Siyin, Zitong and Qingyi.

"Sure enough, it's you!"

In a word of yuntu, it was not only Qingyi who heard his voice, but also the purple haired woman who claimed to be the king of falling ice.

But she knew yuntu, but yuntu couldn't recognize her for a moment. The half corpse man rose to level 3. Although he restored the height and appearance of ordinary people, there were two major physical changes in front of him. At this time, she was completely different from the original peace era, not only in face, skin color, but also in the most important temperament.

"You know me!"

Yuntu's eyes quickly slid from Qingyi's face to the ice king's face, and the other party even said & quot; Sure enough, it's you & quot; These words, obviously, should be his acquaintances in peacetime, but now yuntu can't remember who she is for the moment.

In addition, although the other party looks no different from human beings on the surface, yuntu can accurately judge the woman in front of her by her breath. In fact, she does not belong to human beings.

In the secret realm, humans can enter, but zombies can't enter. The opposite side is a half corpse man between humans and zombies. She looks strong and calm. At this time, her muscles are in a tight state, which may not adapt to the environment in the secret realm.


A trace of coldness flashed in the eyes of the ice king.

The ice king was surprised to meet his old lover here! No one can understand and experience her mood at this time. In the past, she could not be traced. Now she is a half corpse. It is not too much to say that she is "a different way between man and ghost". All kinds of things in the past have become smoke and clouds.

"You finally came back. I knew you would come back sooner or later!"

Seeing that Qingyi rushed across the threshold, the oranges and steamed stuffed buns immediately surrounded her, and the wind chime picked her up, but at this time, Qingyi's eyes kept looking at the cloud picture at the door and the ice falling king.

"Her name is ice king!" Knowing the cloud map, he couldn't recognize each other, Qingyi carefully reminded him.

"How could it be her?" Hearing Qingyi's reminder, yuntu was stunned!

After half a ring, he slowly said a sentence: "good, cold, domineering, ice king is really a good name!"

Wang nuobing has been following Duan Minghui in Jiangnan aristocratic family in her previous life. Although she was rewarded by Duan family and became a professional by virtue of her beauty and efforts, she has not been a real core member of Jiangnan aristocratic family in terms of resource supply, so she has not become a real core member of Jiangnan aristocratic family. Although her level has also risen to level 7, she has always been just an ordinary commodity.

Unexpectedly, she became a half corpse in this world and rose to level 3 early.

There must have been some unknown stories in the middle. These stories may or may not have anything to do with yuntu, but whether they are related or irrelevant, since she called her name upside down, yuntu can imagine how drastic changes had taken place in her state of mind after the end of the world.

Things are right and people are wrong. At this time, what is the meaning of gratitude and resentment in previous lives and this life? Thousands of words only turn into a "good" word!

"Your name is purple boy!"

The two sides were cold for too long. In order to avoid embarrassment, yuntu transferred his eyes from the face of the ice king to the child next to him. It was not seen for a few days that the baby who couldn't walk had grown to the size of a teenager, but his special pupil made yuntu recognize him at a glance.


Seeing the cloud picture and looking at him for questioning, the purple boy suddenly released a purple light in his eyes. At the same time, he opened his mouth, and tusks grew in his mouth, revealing a ferocious look.

"No, don't hurt him. He's not a bad man. He's my sister's friend. He saved your life!"

Seeing Zitong's reaction, Qingyi immediately held his hand. Zitong's strength was so strong that she knew very well that although she had not been promoted to level 3, it was by no means that ordinary level 2 advanced people could resist.

Yuntu didn't tell Qingyi about the origin of Zitong. The resentment between him and Zitong Niang is very absurd in terms of "saving grace".

"It's really a demon!"

Yuntu was surprised. His actual age was only half a month old, but his talent was amazing. From his relaxed state, which was completely different from her mother and the falling ice king, yuntu knew that he was different from the two half corpses next to him. His judgment in the secret realm was no different from that of human beings, so his freedom to come and go in this secret realm was not suppressed.

Since his talent is very strong, yuntu believes that even if he was born less than a few days when he took him back, he must remember his face and breath.

Although Qingyi was very nervous about what he had just done, he didn't feel murderous. He knew that Zitong just didn't like him. He wanted to scare him and didn't mean to attack immediately, so he turned his face again and looked at the purple haired woman next to the ice king.

It may be that her talent is slightly lower. Her degree of suppression in the secret realm is more obvious than that of the ice king. Standing on the eighth floor of the sacrificial tower, she even trembles with her feet.

"Are you the mother of Zitong?"

Yuntu asked, although she had met once, she was still black and stiff at that time, and her level was very different from what she looks like now. He was not sure, but the manager inferred that it should be so.

"Thank you -- you don't kill --" because of the suppression of the secret realm, she didn't speak smoothly.

It is much more accurate to describe the relationship between them with "the grace of not killing" than the expression of unwitting Qingyi, but the four words "the grace of not killing" more time represent not kindness or hatred.

"If you feel uncomfortable standing here, it may be better to wait downstairs. No one here will hurt Zitong!"

Yuntu thought that if they were in this state all the time, they would not be able to come all the way to the heaven worship tower. It is obvious that the environment inside the heaven worship tower is more severe than that outside.

"What do you mean?"

The willow eyebrow of the ice falling King nearby wrinkled, and the color of frost was already in his words.

"There's no other meaning. It's just that she seems very uncomfortable here. Give me some advice!"

Yuntu managed to squeeze out a smile. Today's meeting was just a coincidence. He knew why the other party came, but he really didn't mean anything else when he said this.

The names are written upside down. It is obvious that the ice king will not easily give up his original intention to enter the secret realm!

"You think I don't know what you're thinking. Now that we're here, the task prize of this secret place belongs to us!"