King of Classical Music

Chapter 128

A large orchestra was generally divided into two parts: the first and the second violin group. Usually, the first violin group was in charge of the main melody while the second violin group was mainly meant to keep the harmony and rhythm. The groups had their own chief and deputy to help manage the whole main instrument group.

Since the incident last year, the seat of the deputy concertmaster had been vacant. No one knew what Evra was thinking, leaving the seat vacant for a whole year. It was only under the strong demand of the music director did the conductor began to recruit publicly.

At first, the members thought Evra would promote a violinist from the orchestra as the deputy concertmaster.

But, no one expected him to announce, “Next weekend, I decided to hold a recruitment audition for the deputy concertmaster. Starting tomorrow, Jacques will take charge of accepting applications. If the applicant has participated in any orchestra before, be sure to record it.”

Just as everyone was confused by his statement, the portly man, Jacques, asked, “Mr. Evra, we are recruiting… Outsiders?”

“Yes! Let our orchestra absorb the fresh blood from the outside! That’s what will drive us to be mature and grow!”

Such a simple reasoning made the orchestra’s violinists nervous. Everyone wanted to step up. The higher you were, the broader your view.

Among them, the most enthusiastic one was probably Luo Yu Sen. He called Jacques that very day to apply. Under the portly man’s sardonic smile, he recited the names of the several small orchestras he had been with.The members of the orchestra were very enthusiastic while the violinists outside were… shocked.

For a large orchestra like Vienna Symphony to recruit new members, it was a huge deal. What’s more, it was for the deputy concertmaster position! This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Jacques recorded dozens of names in the registry just in the span of three days. From fresh graduates to old musicians with grey hair, more than 50 people had signed up per the day before the audition. Each of them waited with bated breath for the audition to come.

Qi Mu wasn’t among them.

This time… It wasn’t that he meant to get in through special means, but… Before he could sign up for the audition, Lance called him and said, “Seven, I called Evra this morning. He had already reserved a spot for you, so you can go tomorrow.”

Qi Mu: “…”

With such a warm and caring elder, Qi Mu knew he didn’t need to do a thing.

That being said, Qi Mu spent the day before the audition practicing for a long time in the piano room.

As Min Chen said, the spacious room was really great for practice. The sound insulation was really good. It was only 40-50m2 wide, but the sound effect was comparable to a concert hall.

There was only a 9ft, black Steinway piano in the center of the room. The rest of the space was empty, with a simple Bauhaus architectural style.

When Qi Mu first arrived at the apartment and found that it was clean, he asked Min Chen if he hired workers to clean the house every week. Min Chen did but after Qi Mu came, he dismissed the workers so they wouldn’t disturb his daily life.

With such good conditions for practicing, Qi Mu played through several pieces before the audition. Most of them were Bach’s, but some were Mozart’s.

Every member who had spent more than five years in the Vienna Symphony Orchestra knew that although Evra rarely conducted Bach’s works, he listened to them in the conductor’s lounge.

Qi Mu had a good relationship with Evra in his previous life. When he asked why the man rarely conducted Bach’s pieces, he said, “Oh, Lu, just because I like his music, doesn’t mean I can conduct them. Bach’s music is too profound and self-centered. Auston Bertram and Farrell Lewis could do it but… I can’t.”

Bach was one of the greatest composers in the 17th century. He was honored with the title “the father of modern western music”. Like many serious Germans, Bach’s style was sad, yet majestic. He had a breath of meticulousness which was not compatible with the free-spirited personality of the Italians.

And Evra was… an Italian.

From what Qi Mu could see, Evra had always been whimsical and willful. For the recruitment audition, there was a big possibility that he would take a two-pronged approach. The first was to let the applicant draw a lot for a piece that will be selected by the orchestra, the second was to let them freely choose their repertoire.

Either way, Qi Mu’s thought was…

It was necessary to practice Bach’s pieces.

Some of the orchestra members were probably still complaining about why the man would want to hold a public audition to select a new deputy concertmaster. But, some of them had already made preparations and chose their repertoire according to their observation of their conductor.

But what they didn’t know was that…

Qi Mu had the same insight.

When Qi Mu arrived at the venue the next day and was told that he was free to choose his own repertoire, he smiled and said, “Thank you, Annie.”

The female staff in charge of registration froze. On reflex, she asked, “You… How did you know my name is Annie?!”

Qi Mu calmly pointed at the metal name tag on her chest and answered, “It’s on your nametag. It’s a lovely name.”

Annie was still immersed in her shock even after Qi Mu left. When her colleagues came to ask her to handle some task on their side, she looked as if she had just woken up from a dream. “God, how can there be such a gentleman? When he said my name, I felt like he was familiar with me… Like he’d always called me that!”

“What are you talking about, Annie?”

“Oh, Richard, you won’t believe it… I just saw a wonderful newcomer…”

The two spoke as they walked, until they left the preparation room and Qi Mu couldn’t hear them anymore. Qi Mu wasn’t bothered, he just shook his head and continued to prepare his violin.

After ten years in this orchestra, Qi Mu had also memorized the names of other staff members, not just the names of the orchestra members. His memory trained at the Geneva Conservatory of Music made it quite easy for him to navigate his way around. He was also voted as “the most gentle and considerate musician” by the maintenance staff several times——

Perhaps, among the members of the orchestra that numbered close to 100, only Lu Zi Wen remembered all their names.

After ten years of being in the orchestra, Qi Mu was familiar with the layout of the headquarters. However, when the members of the orchestra started to enter the preparation room, Qi Mu was still shocked. Soon, he found a familiar figure among them.

A handsome black-haired man among the sea of blond people was of course noticeable. Luo Yu Sen also found Qi Mu with just a glance. Surprise written in his gaze, he quickly made his way over, “Eh? Did you come here for the audition, Qi Mu?”

He deliberately spoke in Chinese to show his familiarity with Qi Mu.

During his time back in Paris, Luo Yu Sen often sent him text messages, hoping to meet Akkad with Qi Mu’s help. However, he didn’t know why the young man rarely replied to his messages. Even when he occasionally replied, it was with only a few words, appearing quite cold.

This shift from being active to passive worried Luo Yu Sen.

He wanted to get acquainted with Akkad through this simple and stupid young man. With the maestro’s recommendation, he would surely be able to get the deputy concertmaster’s seat. He was already a member of the Vienna Symphony, so he was confident that he had a 50% chance of getting it. But then, Qi Mu didn’t pay him any attention…

How can Luo Yu Sen not be anxious?

Of course, he didn’t know that once Qi Mu got the information he needed, he was too lazy to pay any attention to this scum. He had already achieved his purpose after getting close to him, so the only thing left was to solve the problem. He didn’t need the guy to hang around in his vision all day, disgusting him in the process.

Qi Mu answered his question perfunctorily and soon after, the audition began.

Among the applicants in the room, some knew Qi Mu. Some of them had been at the Philharmonie de Paris and witnessed Qi Mu’s and the college orchestra’s performance. In a short time, Luo Yu Sen was pushed aside, leaving him no room to continue to pester Qi Mu.

The exchange didn’t last long, however. When the applicants were called to audition one after another, the atmosphere inside the preparation room turned tense.

The order of the performance was mixed, it didn’t differentiate between the members of the orchestra and the outsiders. So when a violinist from South Korea finished his performance, it was Luo Yu Sen’s turn. He walked out of the room, violin in hand.

At the time, Qi Mu was reading the score of a piece he had already memorized. Seeing that he didn’t even look up from his reading, Luo Yu Sen walked out of the room in disappointment. The very next moment, however, Qi Mu raised his head and stared at Luo Yu Sen’s back for a long time.

“Hey, Richter, can you look after my stuff for a moment? I want to go to the bathroom.”

“Sure, no problem, Seven.”

After sorting out the score and putting his violin case in place, Qi Mu walked out of the room alone. Everyone was intently preparing for their audition, so no one noticed Qi Mu leaving.

Just outside the door, he turned left.

Qi Mu completely ignored the prompt “Turn right to the bathroom” and walked forwards with familiarity. When he stopped, he was already at the door of a rehearsal room. A low, melodious violin slowly poured out from the room.

You see, Evra had always used the room as the audition room whenever they were recruiting.

As for the piece Luo Yu Sen chose from his repertoire, it was Bach’s Violin Sonata.