Killing God

Chapter 87

When Shen Shi picked up the last crystal, there were seven in his hand, and Zhong Qinglu picked up three. Zhong Qinglu kept her eyes on the three crystal clear crystals in her hand for a moment, then threw them into Shen Shi's hand, and said: "put them away, don't think there are any crystal..."

Before the words are heard, Shen Shi turns over her hand and grabs her white palm. Zhong Qing just wants to get angry, but she sees Shen Shi push the ten spirit crystals into her hand, and then push her fingers to the palm, as if holding it firmly.

She was a little absent-minded for a moment, but what she wanted to say was stuck in her mouth and couldn't say it any more.

As for Shen Shi, he seemed to relax. He simply sat down on the ground, leaned back against the bed, looked at the top of the stone room, and suddenly said, "Zhong Qinglu."

"What for?"

"I was just kidding."


"Do you know why I chose you for this gambling deal?"

Zhong Qinglu frowned and said, "didn't you say that, because..." She seemed to think of something, but half of what she said, she kept silent, but Shen Shi said it for her.

"Because, ah, I think you are the most gifted one in alchemy among the new disciples of our generation. In that sentence, if I don't choose you, should I go to other wastes?"

But I don't know why it's so easy, but I don't know why.

Shen Shi took a look at her and gave her a smile. He looked cheerful and calm. He leaned back against the bed and said, "I have confidence in you. Why do you have so many thoughts and doubt yourself?"

Zhong Qinglu slowly took a breath, and her expression gradually calmed down. Her usual pride seemed to return to her. She snorted, and seemed to disdain to answer Shen Shi's question: "just be ready for Lingjing. It's wordy, like an old woman!"

Shen Shi speechless, saw Zhong Qinglu stand up, way: "open the door."

"Oh Oh" Shen Shi jumps up and opens the stone gate with a cloud sign. With a rumbling sound, the stone gate slowly opens. Zhong Qinglu puts the ten spirit crystals in her arms. When she turns around and is about to leave, she suddenly sees that Shen Shi seems to have a touch of light green, like a small hourglass. For a moment, she is curious and says, "what's that?"

Shen Shi raised the hourglass in his hand and said, "you are asking this, hourglass. You can see that the sand is completely leaking from one end. It's an hour later. It's very accurate."

Zhong Qinglu let out a "ah" and said, "Oh, there is such a thing. I need an hour to watch the stove every time I make pills. If you don't need it, you might as well give me this hourglass!"

Shen Shi was stunned for a moment. After hesitating for a moment, he still shook his head and said, "this is the only thing my parents left me. It's not good to give it to others."

Zhong Qinglu obviously didn't know the origin of this. When she heard this, she was stunned. Then she nodded, "Oh," and turned to leave the stone room.

Looking at her back gradually away, Shen Shi slowly raised his hand, and the stone door closed again. He still kept the posture of leaning against the bed. Suddenly, his face showed some strange look, including some doubt. He whispered to himself: "Oh, is this girl really worth believing? Can't she really make a mess of her..."

This day passed peacefully. Shen Shi didn't go out again, and Zhong Qinglu didn't come back.

The next day, that is, the second day Shen Shi came back from the demon Island, GANZE was in danger on the demon Island, which caused Qingyu island to suspend the task of the demon island. Finally, the follow-up and the reason of the matter were also spread out. Because GANZE was born in the Gan family and he was extremely talented, which attracted people's attention. In a flash, it spread all over the island, and almost everyone knew it.

On that day, GANZE decided to go to the demon island to see the task of catching demons. After boarding the boat, he was flattered by Lin Hu, elder martial brother of ningyuanjing. Even after he got on the demon Island, Lin Hu must follow him. After other disciples of Qi refining realm went to the demon Island, they all began to hunt for the spirit material of the demon animals. They were lower than Shen Shi. They didn't even go deep into the forest of the demon island. They only hunted the low-level demon animals carefully on the beach outside the demon island. As for the discovery of a large nest of Black Turtle eggs on the beach, it was sheer luck.

GANZE's original intention is to come to the demon island to try his skills after taking over the demon hunting task. After all, he is the most outstanding genius in this round of new disciples. He is the only one who has cultivated to the high level of refining Qi in three years. Even though he is modest, he has some pride in his heart, so he doesn't like the low-level monster, so he has entered the demon island all the way Deep in the forest.

Along the way, Lin Hu naturally accompanied him. With his practice in Yuanjing, the monsters at first were no longer talking. GANZE and he were like bamboo. They were singing and advancing with high spirits. GANZE was also in high spirits and excited. Lin Hu took advantage of the heat, but he proposed to take him to the core and most dangerous demon hunting cave on the demon island There are dangerous monsters, and even many strange and unpredictable ghosts, but they are also the production of the most advanced spirit materials in the demon hunting task.GANZE people are careful and big. The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. In addition, Lin Hu's chest is shaking. He only says that his way of condensing Yuanjing is enough to keep GANZE safe. They rush into the demon catching cave.

As soon as it entered, something happened.

What happened in the demon catching cave, and what ferocious monsters or strange ghosts GANZE and Linhu met, are not mentioned in many rumors on Qingyu island. Obviously, nobody knows about it. Everyone guesses that all kinds of monsters and ghosts have been pulled one by one, including that they are said to have been sealed in the deepest part of the demon catching cave for many years See the "Yin ghost king" of the sky, some people vividly guess whether they escaped and gave them a slap in the head!

In a word, there are many kinds of guesses, but only one result is that Lin Hu disappeared in the demon catching cave after they were in danger. GANZE seems to have escaped by virtue of a treasure handed down by the Gan family, which inspired something to ask for help, and attracted Gan Wenqing, who was ranked in the three swords of Lingxiao on Jinhong mountain, to arrive quickly Lucky to escape the day of birth.

When Shen Shi and others return to Qingyu island by boat, Zeng Zhibai quickly goes to report to Wang Gen. Wang Gen is also shocked. He immediately rushes to the demon island with his sword. On the way, he happens to meet Gan Wenqing and rescue GANZE. It's a great fortune.

However, there are still some shortcomings. First of all, Lin Hu, who entered the demon catching cave with GANZE, has no news. Second, according to Zeng Zhibai, another disciple of ningyuanjing who was on duty on the demon island that day, Niu Xiong, who was on duty on the same day, was forced into the demon catching cave in the middle of the night to rescue Lin Hu and GANZE. But after that night, Niu Xiong disappeared mysteriously, and no one ever saw him again.

The incident was so serious that even Wang Genzhi could not suppress it. It soon spread to the whole Lingxiao sect. The only successor of the Gan family was in danger. At the same time, two ningyuanjing disciples disappeared on the demon Island, which caused several elders to be angry. It is said that Wang Gen was even reprimanded for this.

The gathering of clouds and winds on Jinhong mountain once spread the news that Wang Gen would be replaced to preside over the affairs of Qingyu island.

However, the spotlight soon changed. It is said that at a Presbyterian meeting where Master Huaiyuan personally convened most of the elders of yuandanjing to discuss the matter, Wang Gen's mentor, sun Mingyang, who is now the second most important person in Lingxiao sect, was furious. In front of master Huaiyuan and the elders, he pointed out the bad rules, There is nothing wrong with Wang Gen. on the contrary, Gan Wenqing rashly interferes in the affairs of Qingyu Island, blatantly disobeying the iron rules and regulations of Huaiyuan in the past. What is the purpose of this?

Since you can go to the rescue at any time, can you give all kinds of cultivation benefits?

GANZE is known as the first gifted disciple of Lingxiao sect for hundreds of years?

At the end of the day, elder sun was even more astonished, and his voice and color were fierce: is it the Gan family's self-conscious status that they don't even see the real person of Zhangjiao?

This remark made the Presbyterian meeting quiet. It is said that under the immortal seats who have a good command of Taoism, there seems to be a faint sound of wind and thunder floating, and the whole top of the golden rainbow mountain changes color.

As for what happened later, no one knows. Three days later, GANZE was slightly better, so he hurried back to Qingyu island and stayed closed for a few days. On Jinhong mountain, Gan Wenqing was severely punished, but elder Yunni, who was always strong at the Presbyterian meeting that day, unexpectedly kept silent. Afterwards, he went to ask for mercy from Zhangjiao Zhenren, and even heard that she went to find him once Elder sun Mingyang, this made Gan Wenqing's punishment a little lighter, but he was still punished to leave jinhongshan and go to "baishanjie", which is known as lingxiaozong guarding the backyard, to do a very dangerous task.

Originally, because of the rise of GANZE, the reputation of the Gan family rose again. The Gan family, which was favored by many people, suddenly fell silent in Lingxiao sect overnight. Among the 22 elders of Danjing, two of them who were closely related to the Gan family also declared their closure at the same time.

But Sun Mingyang's elder sun's department is full of morale, and everyone is optimistic about it, especially Wang Gen, who is in charge of the affairs of Qingyu Island, has been praised by many people, and his reputation in the Department has greatly increased. Even after all, Wang Gen has done nothing in this matter, most of which is to catch up with the news afterwards

After this event, Wang Gen's reputation in the three swords of Lingxiao has surpassed Gan Wenqing's, and he is close to Du Tiejian, the disciple of Zhangjiao real person. The voice of taking over the next leader of Zhangjiao is also rising at the same time. However, after he returned to Qingyu Island, some of the Lingxiao sect disciples in xuanri hall inadvertently saw that the elder martial brother Wang Gen was in a low mood and often locked himself in a quiet room. Occasionally, when he was in a daze, he even showed a hint of self mockery.

As for the other side of the demon Island, lingxiaozong soon sent someone to check it. Wang Gen and others also went deep into the demon catching cave and searched it carefully, but there was no clue. Although the demons and ghosts in the cave were powerful, they were just ordinary goods in Wang Gen's eyes. The missing Lin Hu and Niu Xiong seemed to have completely disappeared in the world, and they were never seen again There have been.

Some people even speculated that these two people would not be too unlucky. They met some ferocious monster that day and were swallowed directly, right?Although this kind of words can't be said clearly, they still spread quietly in private. Lin Hu's popularity is poor on weekdays, and no one is sad about it. On the contrary, Niu Xiong makes friends with many people here on weekdays, and Zeng Zhibai and others are angry and sad.

It's just that life is going to pass after all. Although it's very noisy, it's still gradually calming down on the herring island. After confirming that it's really just an accident, everything is normal on the demon island. After a few days, everything is in order. The ship bound for the demon Island is finally ready to set sail again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!