Killing God

Chapter 132

"Old monkey."


"You said that the green snake clan has been deadlocked here. Why didn't the black phoenix demon clan fight over there? Now it's obvious that we're going to be bad for them. We're going to fight outside Fengming city. "

"Because they have fewer demon soldiers than us."

"Ah, that's it?"


"That's strange. Since you mean that the black phoenix demon clan is afraid of us, why don't you just go back to Fengming city and defend it? Instead, why don't you stare at us on the monkey slope hundreds of miles away from the city?"

"Say you are stupid, you still don't admit that a little demon wants to rush to your house to fight and make a house clean. Are you willing to fight like a chicken at home, or just kill him outside the house, and then go home and have a good sleep?"

"Well Kill him outside

"It's over."

The old white monkey stares at Shen Shi. They are wandering in the army camp of the azure snake demon. Since Shen Shi practiced the witchcraft, and later he dressed in a black robe for the sake of being realistic, although he is only 19 years old, he looks very gloomy. In recent years, he has few friends, that is, Lao Bai Monkey and Shen Shi will be closer to him.

Shen Shi is chatting with the old white monkey, but in a twinkling of an eye, he sees a few slender fox demons with thin eyes and long ears stirring something in a corner of the green snake camp. Next to them are four or five green snake guards, who have been guarding Yulin all the time. It seems that they are expelling other demon families from getting close to these fox demons, and they don't know what they are doing No.

Shen Shi touched the old white monkey and motioned him to look there. At the same time, he was a little confused and said, "old monkey, do you know what they are doing?"

The old white monkey looked over there, then turned his head without expression, and said faintly, "I don't know."

Shen Shi was stunned for a moment. He didn't seem to think that the old monkey's answer was so simple. There was a strange color on his face, but he didn't ask any more. He just walked away with the old monkey side by side and said, "it's the eighth day now. Is this battle still going on?"

The old white monkey sneered and said, "don't worry. Maybe the war will start in the twinkling of an eye. At that time, you will suffer. Don't accidentally die in the battlefield."

Shen Shi laughed and patted the old white monkey on the shoulder. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly heard a loud horn from the depth of the camp. It was loud and sharp, resounding through the whole green snake camp.

The old white monkey and Shen Shi's face changed. The sound of the bugle is the signal that the green snake demon clan is ready to summon troops to start the battle. After eight days of waiting, is the battle going to start without any sign?

Shen Shi took a deep breath, turned and strode away. Yulin was very strict. The bugle sounded, and the big and small demons would go as soon as possible. Just did not wait for him to walk out two steps, suddenly heard behind the old white monkey called: "stone."

Shen Shi looked back at him and said, "what's the matter, old monkey?"

On the old white monkey's face, there was a rare trace of regret. He hesitated for a moment and said, "what I said just now is a joke. Don't take it seriously."

Shen Shi lost his smile, waved his hand and said with a smile, "I know. I can't take that seriously."

The old white monkey seemed to be a little uneasy. He ran after the advice and said, "you have no eyes on the battlefield. Don't try to be brave. Don't try your best like other simple minded guys. No matter how powerful you are, you will only have one life."

Shen Shi received a smile, nodded and said, "I know." After that, he took a look at the old white monkey, turned around and strode away. Along the way, countless demons emerged from the barracks one after another and flocked to the largest barracks where jade Lin, the leader of the azure snake demon, was located.

On this day, after eight days of confrontation between the two demon clans, the green snake and the black phoenix, the green snake demon clans finally launched the attack first.

There are signs of mobilization for the Tianqing snake demon. The black phoenix demon army, which has been waiting for many days, soon gets the news. With a commotion, the demon army in the camp also marches out.

The demon armies on both sides, centering on linghoupo, slowly approached, but when they were about 100 feet away, they stopped at the same time.

On the battlefield, there is a sense of extermination. As the wind blows across the hillside, Shen Shi, who is standing in the demon army, silently looks at the dark area of the black phoenix demon clan in front of him. Subconsciously, he touches the cloth bag tied on his belt. There are many kinds of witchcraft he has made in recent years. There are four kinds of witchcraft and six kinds of five elements. He is in danger at any time On the battlefield, these talismans are his most reliable means.

In the woods in the distance, the sound of branches and leaves shaking with the wind seems so clear at the moment, as if it forebodes the coming disaster of blood and light. Sure enough, just a moment later, among the demon troops waiting on both sides, the azure snake demon first made a move here. In the middle position on the right side of the army camp, a demon troop of about 100 people, led by a strong demon general, came to the middle position between the two armies.

What is this for?There was a commotion in the army of the black phoenix demon family. There were a lot of unknown demon families in the green snake family, so they looked at each other. Shouldn't the war spirit that has been brewing for such a long time be that lady Yulin waved her hand and all the troops rushed to kill, slashed and killed happily? How can such a small team of more than 100 people come out again?

Shen Shi is also stunned, look up, suddenly heart move, but found that the team's lead demon will actually be a local dog.

Under the gaze of the armies on both sides, the local dog with a small group of demon soldiers swaggered to the middle, his face was full of arrogance, and then suddenly opened his mouth and yelled at the opposite side.

Naturally, the words were vulgar, and there was no need to describe them in detail. However, the meaning of the words was not complicated. After greeting the relatives of the black phoenix demon family and their routine scorn and ridicule, the local dog sneered and introduced himself. It was the green snake demon that introduced the local dog. Then he asked if there were any heroes in the black phoenix army who would dare to come out and fight with me?

At this point, both Heifeng and the soldiers of the green snake demon clan have almost understood what it means for the team of demon soldiers of the local dog to go to the middle.

Since ancient times, the demon clan has been a race that highly advocates force, followed by the worship and esteem of powerful heroes. In ancient times, when the demon clan had a civil war, there was often a confrontation between the two armies, in which each side had a senior general in front of the army. In this way, the winner's morale is naturally high, and the losers are often extremely depressed. As a result, the whole army has collapsed. Over the years, this ethos has been handed down among the demons and never stopped.

But over the years, the war in the demon world has been chaotic, and the war has become more and more cruel. This kind of heroic and single-minded thing with the style of ancient gentlemen has gradually become less and less. Instead, it is often a group of bees fighting and killing in a disorderly way. It's like a headless fly. In the eyes of some demon people who are nostalgic for their ancestors, oh, yes, the typical example is the old white monkey, and they often embrace it Resentment goes on and on, often sarcastic.

Although this kind of single challenge is rare nowadays, the worship of heroes goes deep into the marrow of all demon clans. Every demon clan is eager for this kind of hot-blooded single challenge. After discovering that the green snake side has sent a general to openly challenge, the whole army of black phoenix demon clan is immediately excited.

Well, anger is OK.

It is absolutely demoralizing to face such a challenge without taking part in the battle. Although it may not be an exaggeration that the whole army will be defeated, the morale of the two armies is so important that we can not lose any of it. So the black phoenix demon clan made a response very quickly. The front demon soldiers made way to both sides. From the camp, a tall and strong demon general came out. He also took a hundred demon soldiers and walked fiercely to the open space between the two armies. The target was the local dog.

Seeing these two groups of fierce demon soldiers close at hand, the air above the battle line has been tense to the extreme, the swords and weapons have come out of their scabbard, and the cold light is flashing, and countless demon soldiers and demon generals in the camps of both sides are clamoring, like huge waves, rolling over the monkey slope.

In the green snake demon army, Shen Shi can't help but tremble slightly. It's not fear, but a kind of excitement aroused by the blood of being killed.

Under the gaze of all the demon families, the local dog and the black phoenix demon sneer at each other and abuse each other for a few words, and then each of them orders the accompanying Pro guard demon soldiers to retreat and return to their respective camps. Originally, it was just in case to take these pro guards, but now the situation is obvious. No matter which side is playing tricks in this single challenge in full view of the public, it will only make all the demon families who witness this scene despise.

I'm the only one!

When the pro guard demon soldier retreats, there are only two strong demon families left in the field. The local dog is strong and brave, but the black phoenix family's demon general is a ferocious black bear demon general, whose body shape is much bigger than that of the local dog. At first sight, it's the kind of strong demon general with terrorist power, which is very frightening.

But in the face of such a fierce opponent, the local dog was not afraid at all. Instead, he kept extending his long tongue and licking his scarlet lips, showing the appearance of bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty.

With the roar of the two camps gradually rising, suddenly the two confronting demons will give out a roar at the same time, then rush up and kill into a group.

It was almost the first time they met, and the bright red blood was splashed into the air. The sharp ice blade cut blood wounds on the two powerful demons and spattered blood, but they seemed not to care. They looked more and more fierce and howled to kill together again.

After the spatter of blood, the countless demon soldiers in the crowd suddenly seemed to be stimulated. All kinds of shouts came one after another, excited.

This is true everywhere in the army of the green snake demon family. From the demon generals to the most common little demons, they are all excited about the endless fight between life and death. Only in the center of the army, surrounded by a circle of demon generals, the leader of the green snake demon Yulin still keeps calm.

On her beautiful and charming face, the expression has always been light, a pair of cold snake pupil, glimmering, but not even the slightest excitement. In addition, most of the demon generals around her are excited. Even though they know that the local dogs fighting in the field may not be able to hear their words of encouragement and encouragement, these enthusiastic young demon generals are still roaring freely. It seems that as long as the voice is louder, they can give the local dogs more power.In the crowd, the old white monkey standing a little behind Yulin coldly looked at the scene around him, but his old face was not excited by those young demons, but more of a kind of strange pity, mixed with disappointed expression.

No one knows what he's thinking, and no one cares what the old monkey demon thinks.

The old white monkey stood in silence in the sea of demons. Suddenly, he felt a little cold. He was like a boat in the fierce sea, drifting with the wind. He might sink at any time and be swallowed by this merciless sea. Until the light from the corner of his eye swept the other side, he was suddenly stunned, but he saw that in a far away place, in a corner also surrounded by the demon soldiers, Shen Shi stood there quietly, with the same calm and indifferent look on his face.

The old white monkey gazed at the man deeply through the tide of sirens and the roar of the world. After a long time, he turned his head slowly. On his old and withered face, he grinned without a sound.

That smile seems to come from deep heart, gentle and with a trace of joy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!