Kill That Man

Chapter 19

The twelfth spell is thatched cottage. Well, tie a small house with grass. After casting the spell, it will become a hut.

The thirteenth spell is papermaking. Cut a pile of grass. After casting the spell, it will become a stack of white paper you want.

Well, Yu Qingyao is sure that all the Taoists in the world are poor.

After learning these 13 spells, Taoist can\'t die of hunger anywhere, and can live like a person anywhere.

If you hide in any Valley, you can stay in the house for a lifetime as long as there is water and grass. I can\'t believe it. Is there?

However, first of all, you have to be skilled in origami and straw weaving.

According to ancient rules, Taoists should first use these spells to live alone in the mountains and forests for more than three years, cultivate their mind and cultivate the habit of abandoning the world and customs. However, no Taoist temple will abide by this ancient rule now.

She rolled the scripture back. These thirteen spells have appeared on her system interface. At present, they are all level 1.

Then later, enter the second volume, the walking volume.

This is a common spell used by Taoists when they come out to wander in the Jianghu and begin to accumulate external skills.

Yu Qingyao looked back.

The first spell is exorcism, which can treat some minor diseases, such as cold, heat stroke, diarrhea and so on.

The second spell is exorcism, which can remove evil Qi, drive away or even kill some unclean demons and ghosts.

The third spell is Huiyuan, which can temporarily remove fatigue, but it will double fatigue after work.

The fourth spell is the art of observing people, which can see the good and evil of people at a glance. For the Taoist walking outside, it is very important to know people.

The fifth spell is Yin and Yang eyes. After casting, people can be seen in the right eye and ghosts can be seen in the left eye.

The sixth spell is burning incense to spread the message. Ignite a column of incense to spread the message to the school and nearby Taoist temples. Is it necessary to ask for help?

This incense making method is complex and usually needs to be done in advance. There are special incense makers in Taoist temple, which can be used in general.

Yu Qingyao thinks that this thing is just like a mobile phone. It is easy to use and simple to use, but most people can\'t make a mobile phone.

The seventh spell is rejuvenation, which can treat most common diseases and injuries.

The eighth spell is detoxification, which can treat most common poisons.

The ninth spell is fog spreading, which can spread white fog within 100 meters around the body.

The tenth spell is fog driving. You can use the fog summoned by the above method to fly, and the speed can be faster than that of a good foal.

The eleventh spell is a blindfold. Keep your body still. During a column of incense, you will temporarily become an object of your surroundings in the eyes of the other party.

This is not that you have really become a stone or a tree, but in each other\'s eyes, you will subconsciously lose sight of you and regard you as a tree stone. This spell is useless when the other party is staring at you.

Yu Qingyao knows. For example, if you use this spell in front of me and I stab it with a sword, do you hide or not? If you don\'t hide from being stabbed, the spell will fail as soon as you hide.

But this is not to say that this spell is useless. When being chased, you can escape from the other party\'s sight and use it again. Maybe you can escape life!

The routine used by the Taoist priest is to put a fog spreading technique first, and then cover up the eyes.

If you block your sight with fog, the other party can\'t be sure whether you escaped through the fog or hid in place, which has a great probability of escaping.

The twelfth spell is feather lightening. Casting a spell with a bird feather can make you as light as a swallow. Taoists often use this method to cross mountains and rivers.

The thirteenth spell is the method of looking for Qi. This method can be used to recognize people\'s wealth and Qi, as well as people, ghosts, demons and gods.

The fourteenth spell is the friendly spell, which can make most people and animals friendly to you.

The fifteenth spell is mind calming, which can calm people. These two spells are often used by Taoists to avoid unnecessary conflict.

The second volume is basically the spells of healing, knowing people and running away.

After reading it, Yu Qingyao looked black and learned this from Yangqi territory? No wonder Master said he wanted to learn martial arts.

I don\'t know martial arts. I only know these spells. When the Taoist is in danger, he can only escape quickly.

It was an ancient rule not to teach aggressive spells in the early stage. The fear was that the disciples were uncertain and learned one or two killing spells. When there was no supervision outside, they would run rampant and make trouble everywhere.

In ancient times, this process generally took five years, which was also to polish the mind of disciples.

Later, Yu Qingyao asked elder martial brother CAI for a chance to know. Feiyun Temple stipulates that you can learn powerful offensive spells only after you have reached the seventh level of Qi cultivation.

Less than the seventh floor, if you want to learn, you have to do the task. After accumulating the required merit, you can apply to learn a spell.

This is not only done by Feiyun temple, but also by other Taoist temples or sects.

This is a means to control the disciples to work for the sect.

It is also a means for the sect to defeat casual cultivation.

If you control a powerful and lethal spell and don\'t spread it, you can\'t win the people in the sect if you can\'t learn it.

Taoism is difficult, and it is even more difficult to invent a powerful spell.

Most of these spells can be used with a little mana, and a few need two mana.

It takes a lot of practice to use it skillfully.

The next morning, when practicing martial arts, Yu Qingyao saw the senior brothers practicing martial arts and understood their general progress.

Elder martial brother Cai is practicing fog spreading skill, which should be level 5 of nourishing qi. Elder martial brother Feng is practicing poison expelling skill, which should be level 4. Elder martial brother Xia is practicing herb pill. It should be level 3. Li Huaide is practicing papermaking. He should also be level 3. He is a little higher than senior brother Xia.

The martial arts of the four senior brothers are almost the same. They are all practicing snake crane double shape and cloud crane sword.

Who has better martial arts, Yu Qingyao said. She can\'t see it at her current level.

Taoist Wang only practices martial arts in the courtyard. His spells are very destructive. He has to go to a special place to practice them.

After breakfast, Taoist Wang went out on business. He was the leader of the view. He had to deal with the accumulated affairs after leaving for more than ten days.

After seeing off the master, Yu Qingyao went back to her house to practice.

At noon, when he came out for dinner, Taoist Wang didn\'t come back. Five senior brothers and sisters sat at a table.

Cai Sihang, Feng Yu and Xia Wang warmly greeted Yu Qingyao, and Yu Qingyao responded enthusiastically. One elder martial brother at a time, shouting very affectionately.

In terms of Taoism, martial brothers and close brothers have to kiss. Go out to kill demons and ghosts and fight with people. Those who can help you and save your life are martial brothers. In the future, we may be together for decades or even hundreds of years. If you don\'t get along well, it\'s over.

Yu Qingyao has just joined Feiyun temple. Of course, she hopes to get on well with her senior brothers. She is not an ignorant little girl. She went to college and wandered in the society. She knows this worldly wisdom.

Li Huaide was very upset. Why is Mao so affectionate to the three of them and indifferent to me? We are from the same village. We are childhood friends and play together.

Yu Qingyao said: don\'t I want to avoid suspicion? As an ex fiancee, how can I get along well with you? Anyway, you like the original body. If I\'m not good to you, you\'ll be good to me. The colder I am, the more unwilling you are to help me.

The three of them are different. They have just met. If they don\'t manage well, who knows who? Who cares who?

Don\'t be enthusiastic. If you offend them, what if they bully me?