Kidnapped by a Dragon Billionaire

Chapter 83 - Contracted Couple

Thorin Loong had decided to tell Zi Mei the truth about the dragon shapeshifters and the war between the demons and the dragons. Zi Mei didn\'t really believe him, thinking he was lying to her again.

Yet, she remembered the demon so she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Instead, she asked him what had been niggling at her at the back of her mind.

"Why would the demon get to me to get to you? We are not related in any way," she asked him.

To this, Thorin Loong looked away evasively. It looked like he was reluctant to reply her. Which was odd.

"Well, we are related, in a way, a while back," he said haltingly.

This perplexed Zi Mei. What does he mean? She has never met him before he rescued her from falling down the stairs at her college.

"What do you mean? Can you please explain everything clearly instead of dragging it out like some 200-episode family drama?" she prompted.

"We were a…how do you say it…"he paused for a moment. "We were a contracted couple several months ago,"

"What???!! You are lying!" Zi Mei jumped up. He must be delirious from the blood lost. She has never met him in person before yesterday. What is he talking about?

"No, no, please, just listen," Thorin Loong raised a palm and looked at her, compelling her to listen to his explanation.

"Well? You are outright lying. I will surely remember if I had met you before this and a…what do you call it, a contracted couple? What does that even mean???" she asked.

Either he is lying or he is delirious or worse…maybe he is not so right in the head? She stole a look at the front door, it is still there. At least she knows there is still a way to run if she had to. To think, she had just made out with a mentally unsound man!

"I wiped your memories to let you return to your normal life outside of my life because of the demons," Thorin Loong said.

Wipe her memories? He sounded so insane at this moment, she is gearing to make a run for it if he so much as reach for her. She pretended to nod as if what he is telling her makes perfect sense.

"I see," she murmured accommodatingly.

"You don\'t believe me, do you?" he asked. He noticed her stiff body language. It is so apparent that she doesn\'t believe him at all. He should have expected it. Zi Mei was sceptical of him the first time around too.

"No, of course, I believe you," she lied, smiling sweetly. She needs to strategise an escape from this lunatic. Too bad that he\'s so good looking but he\'s mentally unsound.

"You don\'t and you are getting read to make a run for it," Thorin Loong noted drily. He could read her body language like an open book. It was so obvious that she is gearing up to make a run for the door to escape.

"I am too weak to do this but since you need some convincing," he muttered. He closed his eyes and turned into his original form, making sure to keep the glow of his powers low so as not to hurt her human eyes.

Zi Mei gasped in shock at the sight of an Eastern dragon complete with scales and a long snake-like body before her. Only its eyes remained as Thorin\'s eyes, deep and unfathomable. She took a step back and fell back on the armchair, her mouth gaping open at the dragon.

She blinked and it was back to Thorin Loong, sitting there. He looked much paler than before the dragon appeared.

"That took way more power than I anticipated…" he said weakly. "Look, I am telling you the truth and this time, I will give you the option to stay or to leave, it is entirely up to you,"

"Stay or leave? What do you mean?" she asked. Then she remembered the part he said about \'contracted couple\'.

"Can you explain the contracted couple part? I don\'t understand it," she said.

"I offered you millions to be my mistress and to bear me heirs," he replied simply. He closed his eyes and leaned back. "You….you….." Then he fell unconscious.

She looked at him. Did he just fainted? She went over to him and shook his shoulder gently. His head lolled to the side before his whole body fell over onto the length of the sofa.

"Oh my god! Please don\'t die! Oh no!" Zi Mei exclaimed. What should she do? Maybe she should go outside to shout for help.

But wait…if he is really a dragon and she did see a dragon just mere moments ago, does it mean he can\'t be treated by human doctors? Should she bring him to the vet? Does any vet knows how to treat a dragon?

She bent to check on him, placing a finger under his nostrils to make sure that he is still alive. He is still breathing but it sounded shallow. She shook his shoulder gently again.

"Mister Thorin Loong? Are you okay? Please don\'t die," she said.

There was no reply. It looked like he is out cold. Did turning into a dragon take so much of his energy? She is still reeling from the fact that dragons existed. He had also dropped a bombshell on her about them being a contracted couple.

The last thing he said was of the offer of millions to her to be his mistress and to bear him heirs.

Why is it that she can\'t remember a thing? What sort of magic did he use to wipe her memories? It sounded so sinister instead of romantic. He had literally treated her like a prostitute by offering her money to sleep with him and to give him children.

Zi Mei tried to think back to a time that she may have met him before. Tried as she might, she didn\'t find any such memories.. Can a dragon really wipe out one\'s memories, she wondered.