Kidnapped by a Dragon Billionaire

Chapter 79 - Only You And Me

Zi Mei had helped an injured Thorin to walk towards his sofa to sit down so that Jessica can update him about the war against the demons. Feeling like a third wheel between the husband and wife who didn\'t behave like a couple at all, Zi Mei excused herself to go to the toilet to wash her hands.

Meanwhile, Jessica told Thorin that the war had ended shortly after he was seriously injured and forced to escape before he was killed. If the demon had killed him and taken his essence, it would lead to dire consequences as it would give the demon the additional powers of a dragon elder. It could use that power to destroy a whole clan of dragons.

"The war ended when the Demon King appeared," Jessica told Thorin.

He was surprised. He had thought that it was the Demon King who had initiated the war against the dragons and taken humans to increase their powers.

"It would seem one of their more ambitious demons orchestrated the whole attack, the demon was planning to take over the human realm and make all humans their slaves to feed their powers," Jessica told him.

She said the Demon King had ordered his underlings to return all humans back in the human realm and to release all of the dragons they had captured.

"The young dragon from the Sea Jade clan, Sabrina, was quite powerful, she managed to rescue the two elders that were taken by the demons and after that, she came to join the fight in the demon realm," she said.

Thorin Loong nodded. He vaguely remember seeing her before he had to disappear. He still felt like a total failure to be seriously injured by a demon and for running away like that. He was leading a war. He should have fought on!

"It\'s not your fault Thorin, you can\'t risk the demon taking your essence, if they had taken your essence, the rest of us will never stand a chance, we will all be dead," Jessica assured him, as if she read his mind.

"So, any of the dragons died?" Thorin asked. He had to know. If a dragon died and a demon took its essence, the demon is still a danger.

"We are fortunate. All dragons returned alive, some are heavily injured like you and some were on the verge but we managed to heal all of them, many are still recuperating," Jessica said.

Thorin nodded. That is some good news there.

"Can you check if they had returned Darren," he told her. "I will need some time to recuperate here, so don\'t bother me for a few days at least," he added.

"So, you will let her remain here?" Jessica asked. "Will you return her memories?"

He thought about it for a moment. It was tempting to revive all of Zi Mei\'s memories so that she will remember everything about him and their time together and yet, he was reluctant to do so. He seems to like the thrill of winning her all over again. Also, he likes that she doesn\'t remember anything about her miscarriage. That was one painful memory he never want to restore for her.

"Will you do me the favour of telling her that we are divorced but we have not announced it to the public yet because we don\'t want it to affect my company stocks?" he asked Jessica. She rolled her eyes.

"Sure, at your command, elder," she said. "Although, I do feel it is time that you initiate the actual divorce since you\'ve already found your match," she added.

They are married on paper in the human realm as a cover for Thorin Loong and Jessica to remain in the human realm without gaining too much unwanted human suitors. That still didn\'t stop the number of women throwing themselves at Thorin on a daily basis or men trying to seduce Jessica. She is merely in the human realm to gain some experience with the ways and cultures of humans. She finds humans an interesting specimen to study.

"So this means you are not restoring her memories?" Jessica asked. She sounded as if it was not a good idea at all.

Thorin Loong shrugged. He liked this version of Lil Zi. She is somehow spunkier and not as timid. More confident and there\'s also the fact that she was not devastated by a miscarriage.

"Nah…I will just win her over again," he said.

"Well, it\'s your call, elder. I have to go now, I have told the healer not to come since you are not as badly injured as I had assumed earlier," Jessica said.

She stood up at the same time that Zi Mei came back. Zi Mei\'s hands are no longer covered in blood. Her singlet is slightly damp and stained from her efforts to try to wash out some of the blood smeared on it.

"There you are. You can stay here and keep my ex-husband company while he recuperates, you can play nurse, I don\'t really care, bye," she told Zi Mei. She turned to walk away but Zi Mei grabbed her slim arm.

"Wait. Did you say ex-husband?? But yesterday you told me to stay away from your husband!" she said.

"Well, yesterday I thought you were bothering him, that\'s what I do, I help him get rid of annoying women who tend to fling themselves at him but he had informed me that you were not throwing yourself at him so I am telling you now that we are divorced," Jessica said.

She pulled her arm away from Zi Mei and smoothed her silk long sleeved blouse.

"Please, don\'t go telling everyone and announcing this on social media, it might affect his company stocks so to the public, we are still married," Jessica added.

She gave Zi Mei a terse nod and then walked away, heading towards the door which is presumably the house entrance. She opened it and left. Zi Mei wondered why she had missed that door. She was certain that she walked around this whole living room earlier and it was not there.

She went over to Thorin Loong, who is leaning back on the sofa, his eyes closed, his hands on his bloodstained lacerated abdomen. She now understands Jessica\'s cold behaviour earlier. They are really divorced.

"When is the doctor coming? You really need stitches," she remarked. There was no response from Thorin. He appeared to be asleep or unconscious.

She leaned over him and looked closely at his face. His smooth complexion. His sharp cheekbones. His long eyelashes fanning his cheeks. He is so good looking, it hurts just to look at him.

"Mr Loong…are you okay?" she asked softly, tapping his arm gently.

"Thorin," he mumbled.


"Call me Thorin, none of this Mister Loong nonsense," he replied. He opened his dark eyes that glinted silver. Pools of deep warm velvet that seem to draw her in.

"Will you stay with me while I heal?" he asked.

Her heart thumped and her blood gushed in her ears like a waterfall. She swallowed and gazed at him, feeling the strong attraction to him pulling her towards him. She resisted it with all her might. She reminded herself that they are in his living room. He is on a sofa. They are alone. He is injured and she must not do anything to exacerbate it.

"Of course, I will stay here till the doctor comes," she replied. She chose to sit on an armchair across from him.

"The doctor is not coming…looks like it\'s only you and me," Thorin Loong said, giving her a devilishly charming smile.

Her breath caught and all she could hear now is her gushing blood and thumping heart.