Kidnapped by a Dragon Billionaire

Chapter 70 - [Bonus ] In A Quandary

Several men are standing outside Zi Mei\'s front door banging on it and demanding that she go out or they will hurt her father. She is now in a quandary. Does she risk going out? She doesn\'t even know what they could do to her.

"Come out now and we will not harm your father but if you don\'t come out, there are no promises to what we will do to him," one of the men had shouted.

Zi Mei is now panicking. If she goes out, they might harm her. If she doesn\'t go out, they might harm her father. Both options are not feasible. Either way, she is doomed. And she thought all her troubles have been solved the moment she won that lottery.

She decided to call the police. They are now threatening her so the police will not think that she is being overly dramatic. After calling the police, they assured her that they will send someone over and told her not to open her door. She didn\'t even get off from her bed.

The men continued banging on her door for the next 15 minutes before the police arrived. She could hear their patrol car siren and she went to her window to look down. She could see the police coming over to her house. Glad that the police is here, she went downstairs and opened the inner door.

"What are all of you doing out here?" a policeman asked the men standing just outside her door. Zi Mei counted. There were five of them. She looked around. Her father was nowhere in sight.

Did they hold him hostage somewhere else?

"Nothing, we are here to visit a friend," one of the men lied to the policeman.

"No, I don\'t know them, they were harassing me!" Zi Mei shouted to the policeman. He looked at her and then he turned to the men.

"Looks like we need to talk down at the station," the policeman said.

"No, sir, believe us, we were not harassing her, we are just visiting her," another man said.

"Ya, sir, we are her father\'s friends and we are here to check on her," a third man said.

Zi Mei went up to her door.

"They are lying! They were threatening me and my father! I think they are holding my father hostage," she said.

"Hahahah…such a joker, she\'s joking," one of the men said. The others agreed and laughed along.

"I am not joking! They were threatening me that they will hurt my father if I don\'t open my door," she said.

The policeman\'s face turned serious. He looked at the men.

"Well, all of you follow us to the station now," he told them.

The men started protesting but he glared at them. "Don\'t make my partner come out of the car to cuff all of you," he warned them.

Muttering, the five men followed him to his patrol car but not before one of them turn to glare at Zi Mei.

"We will be back," he mouthed at her.

The policeman squeezed three of them into the back of the patrol car and radioed for back up. Another patrol car came along a few minutes later and he pushed the remaining two inside it. As the second car idled, the policeman came back to Zi Mei.

She finally opened her door to talk to him. He introduced himself as Inspector Hassan.

"Good call, I recognised them from a local gang, did you do anything that angered the gang?Were you involved with any of the members?" he asked.

She shook her head, surprised.

"I have never seen them before today, I don\'t know who they are at all," she said. "I\'m just a college student, how can I be involved with them,"

"You mentioned your father, where is he?" he asked.

Zi Mei couldn\'t answer. She doesn\'t know where her father is. She is hoping to never see him again. Yet, she didn\'t want him killed by some local gang. Not wanting to see and talk to him doesn\'t mean she wants him dead. He is still her father.

"I lost touch with him for a while…he run up a huge debt with some loansharks and was on the run for a while but he came here to ask me for money yesterday. I don\'t have his contact number and I don\'t know where he is staying," she told him.

The policeman frowned.

"You live here with your mother? Is your mother around?" he asked.

"My mother died a long time ago so I stay here alone," she replied.

The policeman was surprised.

"Alone? Hmm…my advice is that you either get a relative to come here to stay with you for a while so that you are not alone until we resolve this case," he said.

"But…I am all alone…all of our relatives have cut ties with us because of my father…" she said.

"Well, we can\'t keep those men in our lockup for long, they will be released the latest tomorrow," he told her.

That\'s not good. This means they can come right back to threaten her.

"Do you know what they actually want from you?" Inspector Hassan asked.

Zi Mei shrugged at this. She honestly doesn\'t know what they wanted.

"Maybe money? Maybe my father took loans from them too…I don\'t know, they didn\'t say," she replied.

Inspector Hassan handed her his card with his contact number on it.

"Keep my number, if they come back, call me, we will come over but in the meantime, keep your doors locked and be careful when going out since we don\'t know what they want from you," he said.

"We will require you to come in to give your statement too and file your official report, if you are able, best to come now," he added.

She nodded. "I will take order a ride there now," she told him. Best to get it done and over with.

The policeman nodded and then he left in the second patrol car. Zi Mei heaved a huge sigh. She is filled with nervous energy now. As if her life isn\'t complicated enough. She is certain this has to do with her father yet again. Who knows what he has been up to or what he had done.

She called for an e-hailing ride and went to the police station. It took her about an hour or so to get it done before she ordered another ride back home. But once she stood outside her home, staring at her door, she was reluctant to go inside.

Her home, her sanctuary has become a scary place where gangsters can turn up any minute. Not to mention the weird incident with Darren. Since she owned the house, she can\'t move away easily. As she stood contemplating, a car drove up next to her.

Realising she is standing by the roadside, she moved to step into the walkway when a tall man alighted from the car. His tall frame, easy grace and shock of dark hair are easily recognisable even before she saw his face.

"Mister Loong…why are you here again?" she asked the handsome CEO Thorin Loong standing in front of her.