Kidnapped by a Dragon Billionaire

Chapter 66 - [Bonus ] Intruders And Kisses

Zi Mei had wasted as much time as she could at the mall before heading home. She used an app to get an e-hailing ride back home. After the driver dropped her home, she stood outside for a while and the memory of seeing Darren\'s finger elongating and snaking through her door emerged.

She shivered at the memory. Still, she needs to go home. She can\'t stay outside forever. As she stepped forward to her front door, someone spoke behind her.

"Miss Tan, I think it\'s best you don\'t go in just yet," the quiet voice behind her said.

Given that she was still jittery from what she saw earlier, Zi Mei almost had a heart attack at the voice. She screamed, jumped and swirled around.

It was the handsome CEO Thorin Loong.

Why didn\'t she see him standing there earlier? It\'s not that dark even though it is night. There is a street lamp just outside her house.

"Waaaa…ahem…what are you doing here, er, Mr Loong?" she half stammered, her heart still thumping loudly, first from the shock and now, for other obvious reasons.

"I\'m afraid that you can\'t go in just yet," he repeated. He stepped forward to stand in front of her door.

"Just wait for a few moments," he added mysteriously.

She craned her neck to look around him. Her door is shut. Her inner door was slightly ajar. Wait, how did the inner door open? She remembered pulling it close when she left this morning. Her skin again crawled and goosebumps raced down her arms.

"Did someone break into my house?" she asked the handsome CEO, Thorin Loong.

He glanced behind him for a fleeting moment and turned back to her.

"You can say that but my men are handling it so it should be fine in a few more minutes," he said cryptically.

His men are handling it? How did they enter her house? The door is locked! And handle what? Also, why are his men handling it when he could have called the police? Everything sounded suspicious.

"Shouldn\'t we call the police?" she asked. "Also, why are your men handling it? Why is my house your concern? I mean, we barely know each other!" she said.

She took a step away from him. As handsome as he may be, this goes beyond the scope of a potential employer and an intern. Besides, he is a married man. She should not be harbouring any hopes to be with him at all. Or depending on him to help her out of sticky, scary or strange situations.

Thorin Loong gave a long-suffering sigh. He walked to her door and opened it. Zi Mei was shocked so she gasped loudly.

Her door wasn\'t locked??? But Darren had tried to pull it open earlier and she remembered clearly that it was locked. Which was why he had put his finger in and it had elongated like a long elastic snake inside.

"How? My door was definitely locked earlier!" she exclaimed.

"Well, I told you there was a break-in, of sorts, and my men are now sweeping it clean for you now," he said.

"Sweeping it clean?" she asked, puzzled. What does he mean? The burglars made a mess so he got his staff to help clean up the mess the burglars left?

"To check to make sure the intruders did not leave….um…video and audio recording devices in your home," he explained.

Okay. That makes sense. She doesn\'t have much cash at home, especially after she gave her spare cash to her father earlier, so there is really nothing much for the burglars to steal. There are only her electronic gadgets such as her TV, her laptop and her iPad that are worth stealing.

"But why would they plant video and audio recording devices in my house? I am just a student, it\'s not like I have national security secrets for them to steal," she conjectured.

Thorin Loong raised an eyebrow, looking down at her with such a haughty arrogant expression that is both annoying and yet so captivating, Zi Mei felt a strong compulsion to kick him and then hug him.

"You are a young pretty woman with ample, er, assets, that they could make thousands selling nude videos and pictures of," he said pointedly, glancing briefly at her full breasts underneath her loose blouse before looking away.

Zi Mei crossed her arms over her chest and blushed. It sounded as if he was interested in her! But no, she must be mistaken. He is a married man who is at least 9 years older. Why would he be interested in a virginal college student like her? Besides, his wife is gorgeous. Surely, she is nothing compared to his beautiful wife.

"So, ah, um, are they done?" she quickly changed the subject and craned her neck to look inside. She didn\'t see anyone in the lobby-waiting area of her house.

"Oh for dragons\' sake," Thorin Loong uttered in exasperation. He pulled her towards him in an embrace and slashed his lips over hers.

For a suspended moment, Zi Mei froze. Her pulse is now gushing in her ears and she couldn\'t hear anything or think straight. Her knees buckled but he held her close to him, supporting her.

The handsome CEO\'s lips are on hers!

His warm moist lips moving over hers, nipping lightly on her lips and his tongue sliding inside hers. She found herself sinking into his arms, returning his kiss passionately. She linked her arms behind his neck and pressed herself against him, her body pulsing in desire. In her mind, she saw a flash of them kissing just like this, their wet naked bodies pressed close together inside a bathroom, under the shower.

She gasped and pulled away from him, gazing up at him in surprise, in confusion. What is happening? Why is she getting these very real, very torrid images of her and this handsome CEO whom she had only met for the first time today?

Thorin Loong run his hand through his thick hair, messing it up and exhaled loudly.

"I apologise, I shouldn\'t do that, your lips looked so inviting…" he muttered. He turned away from her and leaned against the door frame, looking into her house.

She stared at his wide shoulders as she touched her swollen lips. Her body is coiled tight with arousal and desire, as tight as a bow\'s string. She has never felt this way with anyone. Not even with Darren. Her supposed crush on Darren seemed childish now. Stupid even.

Her feet walked towards him, propelled by an inner unknown force and her arms went around his waist to hug him. She felt him gave a start at her touch but he didn\'t push her hands away. She rested her head on his back. No, this is far different from the so-called crush she had for Darren. This felt so real. So strong. It felt like love.

"Mr Loong, I liked your kiss, you shouldn\'t apologise," she said shyly.

Thorin Loong growled. He turned around and looked at her. His dark eyes fathomless pools filled with unidentifiable emotions. He held her chin up and gaze into her eyes.

"What are we to do Lil Zi?" he whispered under his breath.

He bent to kiss her again and this time, she is ready, she opened up to him, welcoming his kiss, leaning into his warm familiar embrace, sighing dreamily against his lips and the erotic thrusting of his tongue within the moist domains of her mouth.

She wished she could stay in this moment with him forever.