Kidnapped by a Dragon Billionaire

Chapter 58 - A Reset For Zi Mei

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Zi Mei cracked open her eyes at the loud banging sounds on her front door. She rubbed her eyes and look at her bedside clock. It is only seven o\'clock in the morning. Who is banging on her door so early in the morning? She has a doorbell, why the heck can\'t they use that?

She sat up groggily. Her room is still dark as she had gotten blackout curtains so that she could sleep in when she wanted.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The banging sounds continued.

Okay, okay, hold your horses, she mumbled. She stretched and got down from her bed. She walked to the ensuite bathroom and splashed some water on her face. She took her time to brush her teeth, comb her hair and changed into proper clothes - a t-shirt and khakis - before going downstairs. Whoever it is, is still banging on the door.

She flung open the thick wooden inner door to look through the louvres of the outer door to see who it is. Her eyes widened in surprise to see her father\'s worn-out and lined face staring back at her.

"Open the door you ungrateful little bitch," he snarled at her.

"Papa!" she exclaimed but she made no move to open the door for him.

He had ran off after racking up a few hundred thousands in gambling debts. She had loansharks coming after her daily until one day, she decided to buy a lottery ticket on a whim. She won the grand prize and was able to pay off the loansharks. She even bought a house and moved to the new house.

"How did you know how to find me?" she asked. She couldn\'t trace her father\'s whereabouts and decided to forget that she ever had a father. She didn\'t want to end up footing more of his gambling debts.

"Open the door Mei!" her father said louder.

She went up to the door and stared at him through the slitted louvres on the wooden door.

"Why should I? You ran away and left me to face your loansharks and debts," she told him. If children are strike down by lightning behaving in such an unfilial manner, she would be dead by now. But she doesn\'t care. She will not let him into her life again. It had taken her months to get over the trauma of being chased by loansharks and almost being sold off as a prostitute. It was a good thing that she had Darren and her best friends, Sheena and Jazzmine, by her side supporting her.

"This is what I get for raising you? You are just like your dead mother! Ungrateful and always complaining when I worked hard to raise you!" he snarled viciously, spittle spraying from his mouth. She could smell a strong alcohol stench from him. He must be drunk too. So early in the morning at that. She didn\'t even want to know where he has been all this time and why did he turn up so suddenly.

Zi Mei crossed her arms on her chest. If she was to be struck dead for being unfilial to her father, so be it. "You didn\'t raise me, I RAISED MYSELF!" she retorted. She made no move to unlock her door.

He shook the door and kicked at it in anger.


"Open the door and let me in right now!" he ordered her.

"No papa, you are drunk and I do not want you here," she told him vehemently.

"How dare you! I am your father!" he spat at her.

She moved a few steps away from the door and glared at her father. She didn\'t know where she gets this strange courage from as she used to be much more timid than this.

"I don\'t care if you are the king, I am not letting you into MY house," she said.

"Your house? Your house??? How dare you! You little brat!" he kicked the door again.

"Yes, my house! You never bought any house remember? The last one we stayed in was rented!" she told him.

"You are my daughter so this is as good as mine too!" he said.

She rolled her eyes. Trust him to want to claim this house as his too. Thankfully she had consulted a lawyer before buying the house. She is over 21 years old so the property is legally hers and her father can\'t stake any claim on it.

"HAH! Too bad. The law doesn\'t say so," she replied.

"Open the door!" he shouted and kicked it again.

"Go away or else I will call the police!" she warned him. To hell with filial piety. She will not let him in. If he ever comes in, he will never leave and he will start stealing all her money again. He must never know how much money she won in the lottery. She still have a few million in the bank.

"Call the police! How dare you!" he spat angrily. He kicked at the door again and again, cursing loudly and shouting. She needs to make him stop. She has classes to attend today too. Of all the luck. Her father is probably broke and wanted money. That\'s right. She thought of an idea.

"Look, I have money, if I give you money, will you go away?" she said it loudly above the din he was making with the kicking and swearing.

"What did you say?" he stopped.

"I said, I have money, if I give you money, will you go away?" she repeated.

"How much?" he asked.

So, she was right. He only wanted money. How much should she give him to send him on his way?

"How about $100,000?" she said.

He laughed bitterly.

"Don\'t lie to me bitch! Where are you going to get this kind of money?" he asked. She almost told him that she still have a lot of the lottery money leftover but stopped herself. He doesn\'t need to know.

"You think I don\'t know you rented this shithole? Don\'t lie to me bitch! I don\'t have a place to stay, let me in now," he shouted.

Good. He didn\'t know she\'s now a multimillionaire. Best to keep it that way then.

"Okay, fine, I have $2,000 with me right now, it was supposed to pay for my semester fees," she lied. She actually had the spare cash lying around just because she is too lazy to keep going to the bank to withdraw cash. Although she uses her e-wallet mostly, some places still only accepts cash. She hurried inside into the inner sitting area and took out her purse. She counted out the cash and then brought it out to him. She fanned the cash out in her hand and showed it to him.

"Here, I give you this now, and each month I will give you this same amount too, banked into your account," she said. "With the condition that you stay away from me,"

"Hand it over," he tried to stick his fingers through the louvre. She stuck the wad of cash through and he snatches it immediately. "I am your father, how dare you order me to stay away from you!" he said.

"No cash if I see you here, that is our deal," she said. She took out another wad of cash and brandished it. "Deal?"

He narrowed his eyes at her and then motioned for her to hand him the cash.

"Fine, I can get a better place to stay anyway!" he said. She gave him the cash, he took it and counted it. Then he looked at her.

"I\'ll be back end of the month for more," he said. Then, he turned around and stumbled away.

She closed the inner wooden door and leaned against it, exhaling in relieve.. She hoped that her father will keep to his words.