Kidnapped by a Dragon Billionaire

Chapter 52 - Run! It's The Spikey Flasher

Their lovemaking was interrupted when spikes reappeared.

Thorin immediately withdrew as both of them stared down at the silver spikes in confusion. Thorin ignored his humongous spikey arousal and bent to check Zi Mei. He inspected her for blood or any tearing. He couldn\'t see any.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked, just to be sure. She shook her head, a sudden shyness filling her as she watched Thorin studying her feminine core so seriously. She pushed him away and closed her legs, pulling the bedcovers over her body.

"It\'s okay, you stopped before you did much damage," she said. He might have grazed her slightly which would explain the pain but it wasn\'t as if he had tore her into shreds by forcing his whole spikey length into her. Thorin frowned at what she said.

"This meant that I did hurt you," he said. He slid his hand under the covers and placed it over her vagina. Within seconds, the slight pain and soreness were gone. Then he moved away, leaning back on the bed beside her. He was lying there naked while his hard spikey arousal stood up incongruently between them.

"The spikes weren\'t there earlier," she remarked. She would have felt it if there were spikes earlier when they tore at each other and came together so urgently at the chair.

"No, there weren\'t spikes earlier," he agreed. He frowned down at himself. "This is so annoying," he said.

She reached out and poked at it. It was hard as steel. Like a metal bat with spikes. Like a weapon. The thought of Thorin brandishing his spiked penis like a weapon entered her mind and she giggled. It was such a hilarious thought.

"That\'s a useful weapon if you ever need one," she told him, still giggling. He scowled at her. His spikey problem is definitely a sore point for him.

"You think this is funny?" he asked, scowling. She poked at it again. It barely moved. Hard as steel.She giggled.

"See? Hard as steel, definitely can be a weapon, maybe you can use this against the demons," she said.

She is now laughing. She suddenly had the comical image of Thorin swinging his spikey penis at demons while the demons jumped out of the way or run away screaming "Spikey flasher! Augghhhh! Run!!" This made her laugh even more while Thorin was not amused. He scowled at her.

"This is not funny at all," he said coldly.

"I was just thinking…what if you swing this at your enemies and they ran away screaming \'spikey flasher\'?" she said in between gasps of laughter. Surely, the whole scenario is funny. Thorin was still not amused.

"There will be no swinging of penises around in public," he replied tersely.

"But what if, I am just saying…" she broke off laughing. She can\'t even continue her sentence. The thought of him using his spikey penis as a weapon was just too hilarious. She laughed even louder. Tears are now streaming from her eyes.

Thorin continued to glare at her. The source of the spikey flasher thought is still very much standing proudly between them.

"Wait…will it stay this way for a long time?" she asked, after she has finally caught her breath and controlled her laughter.

"Are you done laughing?" he crossed his arms on his chest. If she didn\'t know better, she would have thought that he is pouting.

"Since I can\'t leave you alone, I have to do something to, um, calm it down," he said, clearing his throat uncomfortably.

"Oh? What can you do? Do you need help?" she asked, tamping down her laughter and trying to look more serious. The spikey flasher image is firmly stuck in her mind now and she\'s not sure if she could control her laughter the next time she sees him naked and aroused.

"Will a cold shower help?" she asked.

"No, we\'ve been through this before, that doesn\'t help," he replied.

"Well, then, tell me what you need help with, I can try to help but no entry," she made an X sign. "I obviously can\'t take in spikes,"

"Of course not! Do you think I am a brute?" he cried indignantly. He got out of bed and paced the floor next to it.

"I need to go back to my dragon form and um..calm down, there\'s nothing you can do to help," he told her. She shrugged. It\'s not as if she\'s never seen his dragon form before.

"Sure, go ahead," she said. She settled down on the fluffy pillows on the bed. "I will just lie here and watch,"

To think just a couple hours earlier, a demon attacked her and she almost died. She was hissing mad at Thorin. Then they had phenomenal make-up sex and now the spikes have reappeared. All in a night in the world of dragons and demons. This is good stuff for a fantasy TV series, she thought. She was surprised that she is not cowering in fear or gone mad with PTSD over everything that had happened to her. She has definitely changed. She is adapting to strange events easily, spiked penis included.

"Can you maybe not watch?" he asked. He almost sounded shy. The spikes are really his major insecurity, she thought.

"Okay, I\'ll go to sleep then. I am tired!" she fake yawned. The eventful night had made sure that she will not be able to sleep but she will pretend for Thorin\'s sake. She closed her eyes and turned away from him, facing the other side.

Let him have his privacy. Even dragons need some privacy sometimes. Especially to deal with spikes.So that they don\'t turn into spikey flashers, she thought, stifling another giggle. She must really stop thinking of that.

Instead, she thought back to the demon that looked like Darren. She wondered if Darren was alright. Did the demon do anything to him? Or had it merely looked like Darren while Darren is safe and sound at home?

She will need to check with Thorin on that. She remembered the putrid stench. She will make sure to smell anyone first before trusting them. That was the only sign of the demons. The demon earlier looked exactly like Darren. Sounded exactly like him. Behaved exactly like him. She would not have known a thing if not for that stench. Imagine if Darren was really her boyfriend? She shuddered. The mere thought of it was scary.. It was terrifying.