Key To A Goblin's Heart

Chapter 146 - Jake Part 2

Jake\'s POV

Meeting Linda was one of the best things that had ever happened to me. What started off as flirtatious friendship, through the route of casual relationship it became something special. The way she captured my heart, opened my heart again, I never knew it was possible.

I was never the one to shy away from my feelings or my relationships, but she… she brought something more to my heart. Then why did it hurt so much to look at her. Why did it feel like I\'ve lost her while she is literally in my arms?

The best thing about our relationship was that we adored each other, and definitely enjoyed a public display of affection. And no matter how cliché or sounded, we were literally feeding each other grapes.

"So do you do this with all your girlfriends?" She asked with a smirk.

"They don\'t like stuff like this," I snorted.

"Are you calling me sappy?" She narrowed her eyes at me playfully.

"I\'m calling you \'not a gold digger\'. All they want is expensive gifts" Jake shook his head.

"My daddy got enough to buy me anything I want, why would I need a boyfriend for that" Linda smirked.

"Not all girls do" I reminded her.

She frowned at me, "That\'s no excuse to rip off your boyfriend. That\'s preposterous" She huffed.

"And that is exactly why I love you so much" I kissed her on the cheek. The rest of the date passed by in a flash leading us to the point of break up. The tears escaping her eyes crushed my heart into millions of pieces. More than it hurt to be away from her, it hurt to see her this much hurt. When I overheard her talking to Cassie, I remember feeling like a jerk, but I needed to do this because in the long run, it was supposed to be beneficial for us. In the long run…. But… that doesn\'t exist right?

As the realisation hit me I stood face to face with the gravestone of Linda. \'She brightened everything around her, and now she brightens the meadows in heaven\' it said. That tagline was chosen by Cassie as Mr. Roberts gave her the responsibility to come up with one. She tried to involve me too, but I felt too numb to say anything.

Today was the day after the funeral, and a day before I left this place for good. I avoided her way too much and now…? Now no matter how much I want, I can never reach her. I was too late, to express how I feel, to confess the real reasons for my actions. To apologise to her. I was too late.

"Jake" Linda\'s sweet voice ringed in my ears. I knew I was hearing things, reminiscing about my old days. "Jake" And I heard her again.

It didn\'t feel like it came from my head, it felt like it came from behind me. Turning around, I was shocked as she stood there, wearing that stunning outfit she wore on our first date. She also wore the smile she had when we were together, something I haven\'t witnessed in a long, long time. "How.."? Is all I could mumble. Was I hallucinating?

"I dunno, all I know is that I wanted to see you, and more importantly, I wanted you too see me" She broke into tears and ran into my arms.

"Linda" Happy tears escaped my ears as I felt her, very real and in my arms. "You\'re alive" I let out a teary chuckle.

"No, Jake. I am not" She admitted, disheartened.

"But then… this" I stammered in confusion. "What is going on Linda, please elaborate" I requested.

"I am not alive anymore, Jake \'\' Linda stole a glance at her gravestone. "The fact that you can hear me, see me… feel me" her voice quivered, "It\'s a miracle. A miracle I am blessed to have" She smiled poignantly.

"But why? How?" I whispered.

"I dunno," She shrugged.

"Linda I-" I began but she silenced me by putting her index finger on my lips.

"I know," She mumbled. "I know everything"

"I love you" I mumbled despite her finger.

"I know" She smiled through her tears.

"I am so sorry… I never should\'ve let you go. I am never letting you go again" I cried as I took her hand in mine and kissed the back of her palm.

"I know you don\'t want to, but Jake… I am already gone" She insisted.

"No," I shook my head. "You\'re here. Right now, and from this point onwards I am sticking with you" I declared with determination.

"You can\'t come where I am" She shook her head. "You have a lot to do" She shook her head.

"Nothing matters without you" I shook my head, as a piercing pain shot through my heart. "I love you" I insisted again.

"Yes, but that\'s not all you feel for me" She placed her hand over mine and declared.

"My love is genuine Linda," I tried to convince her.

"I know it is, but that\'s not all you feel for me"? Linda explained. "Your love is tainted with regret, guilt… anger" she whispered.

"I am not angry at you" I shook my head vigorously.

"No, but you\'re angry at yourself, because of me. I don\'t want that." She mumbled.

"Not only I failed to save you, I was the one who made you miserable in your last days. How can I not? If it weren\'t for me… if I didn\'t break your heart like that, you could have had your last days filled with joy. I.. I ruined everything". I broke into sobs.

"Jake, saving me was not your responsibility, but sacrificing myself was my choice. This is not on you. As for making me miserable, I am glad you did" She declared. I frowned. How can someone possibly be glad that someone made them miserable. I didn\'t realise how much you meant to me until you left me. Yes, we couldn\'t have our happy ending but what you did, made me realise my true feelings. Together or not, I too loved you with all my heart" She smiled.

"Then let me come with you" I begged.

"That is not up to me Jake. It\'s all up to you, where you want to go next after this" Linda informed me.

"What"? I frowned. "I want to come with you. You are the love of my life, you might even be my first love" I nodded, as realisation hit me. Sure I have had multiple relationships, but none made me feel the way Linda did.

"The Question is, am I your last"? She whispered.

"What"? I blinked. What did she mean?

"Am I the last person you ever had feelings for Jake"? She asked me again.

"Of course," I insisted. It was amazing how I was trying to convince my point to Linda, and yet somehow… I was unconvinced. I never moved on… then why did I feel this way.

"I can see the hesitation in your eyes that contrasts your words. You are the type of person who would do anything, who would go to any lengths for someone you love… like you\'re doing it right now" She smiled. "This time, it\'s not me"

"Linda, my love for you is real" I tried to argue but she simply smiled.

"Loving someone else won\'t erase what you felt for me. Just because I am gone, doesn\'t mean you have to hang up all your life. Take it from someone who is dead, you don\'t want to leave with regret." She patted my arm. "You regret never telling me how you felt right, don\'t make the same mistake again. You are surrounded by the weirdest things known to exist, making the future more unpredictable than ever. When you see that person again, make sure to express how you feel" She tilted her head. "The Jake I knew would never shy away from admitting his true feelings." she gave me a coy smirk.

"You say it like you know who I have feelings for" I snorted.

"Everyone does." Linda snorted. "Even you no matter how you deny it"

"I.." I got tongue tied. So I have unintentionally confessed that I do like someone. I am not stupid, but I was just not sure if it was okay. "Is it really okay.. For me to move on like this? After how I hurt you do I really deserve to be happy"? I whispered.

"We both were hurting when we parted." She took a step towards me. "It\'s time you found some happiness beyond it. Believe me, you have earned the right to be happy" She smiled and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I smiled back as I felt a big weight being lifted off my shoulders.

The guilt, the regret…. The anger, it vanished. Finally. She withdrew herself from me and stared at me one last time before vanishing into thin air. I looked frantically for her, but neither did I find her nor did I find her tombstone. My surroundings resembled the place where we first entered the land of Maefhaelore. "Uggg"! I heard a scream. I followed the source, only to find...