Kanna no Kanna

35 Episode 32 Kemofusa became friends

I asked Chloe again, but the information she could get seems to be limited. It seems that the memory during the operation was vague, but the memory of the man himself was carefully erased. The story about the mastermind will be separated by this.

"And Chloe. What are you going to do now?" "How is it?" "Don\'t tilt your head. You\'re free now. You choose revenge against your mastermind and go home. There will be many things as we go on a journey with a flowing stream. "" I think it\'s amazing that revenge comes out first. "" Wouldn\'t you pull out barren? I\'m a revenge advocate. It\'s a principle that borrowing is a very high return policy. \'\'

That belly black princess will never forgive. Absolutely.

When Chloe turns his face slightly down, he speaks out very hard to say.

"I have no reason to return to my homeland for some reason. Oh, I am not guilty of having committed a crime, etc. Even if I take revenge, I have absolutely no memory about my opponent, If you find out, it will be barren. But sadly, my present man is penniless, and apparently everything has been taken away by the mastermind, but fortunately I didn\'t have any valuables. "

Is it funny to have a puppet disposable assassin with a sloppy fund?

"So, if I\'m thrown out of the scene right now, I\'ll be sure to hang out in a matter of days."

………… The flow has been read.

Looking at Real, she shook her shoulders. Did you have any doubts about what Chloe would say?

"Um ... I\'m not so sure that I can\'t be as shameless, but I can\'t let me go on your journey?" "A traveler\'s money making is an adventurer\'s guild I guess, "I have already registered with the adventurer\'s guild. I do not take pride in having some experience, but unfortunately I seem to have lost my guild card."

A guild card is an identification card for an adventurer\'s guild. It records the ability of the person and the requests he has made.

"... I can\'t issue or reissue a guild card unless I go to the headquarters or a big branch. The card is made of special material so that it can\'t be fraudulent, and I can make it without special equipment No. There is a guild branch in this city, but it\'s limited to receiving orders and settlements. "" ... That\'s why we\'re all heading to the city of Diagar. If you\'re an adventurer\'s guild, it\'s possible to reissue a card, and at the very least, don\'t let me go with you on a journey. I\'ll make sure to repay it with interest. "

The party\'s leadership is Rand, but the ultimate decision is left to Fima. It is natural to ask her for instructions.

"I\'ll ask you for reference, but what is Chloe\'s rank?" "Don\'t go around the top of C. If you do a little more work, you\'ll be able to take the promotion test to B. Well, almost six months I hadn\'t received it, so let\'s get down to the bottom of C. "

As I was asked in detail later, guild registrants are ranked according to their ability and achievements, and the degree of difficulty in receiving orders depends on how they are ordered. There are five ranks, from lowest E to D, C, B, A, and S. The setting here is also close to the RPG I have touched so far. Very easy to accept.

Chloe\'s C rank is just in the middle. It\'s a rank that allows you to give yourself a name as an adventurer. In her words, she would have reached a rank B—an “competent” adventurer, one step further from herself.

In addition, rank A is a "super-class" adventurer. It is said that the highest rank S adventurer after that has the ability to be called "hero".

The exact number of registrants is unknown because the number of new registrants and retirees is constant on a daily basis, but there are thousands of all guild registered adventurers. Under such circumstances, there are only a little less than 100 people in the A rank, and only about seven people reach S, so you can imagine their ability alone.

"What\'s your history as an adventurer?" "Because I\'ve been registered in my hometown guild at the age of fifteen ... I\'m not going to do it for about four years." I\'m sorry. "

Also older! ? All the women I know are older (and bigger) than me. About one person is about 900 years old. It\'s a nice situation for older lovers, but Chloe doesn\'t seem to be older because of his gestures and atmosphere. I thought I was the same or younger.

"Kanna, don\'t break your heart." "Oh, sorry. Continue."

I close my mouth when accused by the Fima.

"I can\'t wait. I\'m going to be able to take the B promotion exam in four years. What is the prospect of the exam from the guild?" "They said that if you challenge yourself without patience, there is no problem in passing. I\'m sorry that I\'m sorry to have done something unfortunate. "" But it\'s not fine if you register at fifteen and get a B rank at the age you are now. If you\'re an average adventurer, who would spend five or six years at C rank? "

I also heard about this later, but it doesn\'t mean you have to do a number of tasks at random to take the exam to move up a rank. You have to complete certain requests and urgent or severe requests prepared by the guild, and gain achievements. In the case of a guild\'s request, a higher-ranked adventurer instead of an examiner will supervise the ability of an adventurer who has received an order along the way. Urgent and important tasks are judged to be sufficiently competent at the time of their success, at which point they are finally eligible for the promotion exam. Most adventurers stumble when they achieve this achievement.

"Certainly, if you are a normal adventurer, I would be in a good category, but a black wolf is also a good immature. The black wolf who registered in the guild at the same time Most of them have been promoted to B rank at this stage, and some of them even have geniuses who have climbed to A. "

Chloe laughs small with a dry voice. When it comes to talking about her black hair, her skills tend to be submissive. I remember the inferiority of the situation buried around by the good guys, but it\'s hard.

"It was self-reported, but Chloe\'s ability seems to be certain, because the repayment of expenses (although it can be called debt) does not seem to matter. Yes, whatever you are hired as my escort "I\'ll pay my salary?" "No, no, no, there\'s no end to it! I\'m going to be on the same road, and I\'d rather not ask for your escort here, but the good treatment up to that point I can\'t forgive the favor of Mr. Fima any more than I can\'t forgive himself! "" Sorry. I can\'t force me if I say that much. Okay, I\'ll tell you more about it after Rand is back, but I\'ll allow you to travel to the city of Diagar. "" Oh, I\'m so grateful, Mr. Fima! " , Diaga This is glad forces of speaking escort will be thorough and imminent until "

The story seemed to be over, and Chloe had decided to join the journey.

If you think about it, this moment was an encounter between me and the three women, who will have a long and deep relationship with something.

"By the way, when I woke up, why were you hiding under the bed?" "Suddenly my consciousness returned and I was surprised."

This black hair may be mixed with scabble just a little.

Well, temporary talks about escort entry are over, and the three who have gone outside have returned to the inn shortly.

When they returned, they recalled their efforts to me, who had regained consciousness. Surprisingly, the pure hard-wearing Agat worked hard. It is because of that mysterious assailant\'s assault that I survived. However, it was charming that he did not look at me for a time and remained in a different direction. The pride you don\'t want to admit is the result of your favors. No, I forgive me because I have a heart higher than the sea and deeper than the sky.

The procurement of the new carriages has been completed without any problems, and it is said that it will be over tomorrow morning because the contractor is ready to carry luggage. The condition of Kiska\'s injury was completely cured and he successfully returned to the front. That\'s why we are leaving tomorrow. From my point of view, it\'s early to wake up, but for the rest of my face, it\'s my second day staying in this city. Purchases have already been completed, and there is no reason to stay in this city.

Rand agreed without any objection to Chloe. While she was faint, she and Rand had a conversation and determined that Chloe was harmless. Regarding Agat and Kisca, he fully followed Rand\'s instructions. Agat who really understands Rand\'s words.

The story is over and it\'s midnight now. Before dinner, everyone fell asleep as soon as dinner was over.

On the other hand, I am.

"Oh oh oh. Healed ..."

I have been taking a bath for the first time in a few days.

The inn where we are currently staying is in a very high rank in this city. The beds were soft and the food coming out was good, but above all, it was great to have a large bath.

The area is so large that about 10 people can enter the bath at the same time. Boiling this much water in a world without science and technology is likely to be cost prohibitive, but it is a magical solution. It is a bath that combines a magical tool that produces water and a magical tool that warms the produced water. However, bathing is required from the evening until the early morning of the next day, as it requires time to clean the bath and fill the magic tools with magic. Conversely, if you are in the meantime, take a bath when you like.

It seems that this bath-boiler is fairly popular, but it is popular among aristocrats. However, it is difficult to see this large bath. The biggest reason that Fima chose this inn was in this bath. That\'s a girl.

Other faces are taking a bath earlier. Oh, the first thing to say is that the men\'s and women\'s baths are well separated, right? I didn\'t switch between men and women in time, but I chose this time because I wanted to relax in the bathtub alone.

“……… I have had a lot in the past month.”

Beginning with being summoned to the royal castle of Urfilia, encounters with Real at the sacred mountain. Undertaking her escort from the edge that helped Fima, and a few days ago fought with a mysterious fireman. I think it took a few minutes for the fierce fight, but it still worked. There are no deficiencies in the five bodies and no aftereffects can be felt so far. The price was a discoloration of the hair and eyes, but there was little damage other than a change in appearance.

Upon confirmation, the hair of the whole body was discolored. Of course, the one below is also immaculately white. It has become a very prominent appearance when returning to the real world.

“……… How many days have passed in the first place?”

Fictional stories about the transition to another world varied in the real world, but some of them differed in the speed of time flowing between the different world and the original world. It\'s like a month in this world, but a day in the original world. This is still good, but if you do the opposite, you will be a real Urashima Taro.

"I don\'t know how to care at this stage."

No matter how you fall, there is nothing you can do until you reach the Imperial City of Diagar. There isn\'t always a clue to getting back to the real world, but if you\'re thinking deeply, you can get there.

That\'s it for thinking about difficult things. It\'s been a long time alone. It\'s not a pain to be with someone, but you also need time to stay calm without thinking. Let\'s enjoy the bath until we are satisfied.

--- One day, I\'m going to bathe with my older sister ...

This habit that suddenly the bottom material comes to mind suddenly during serious thinking is inevitable. I\'m serious and give up.

When I was thinking about such a stupid thing with high purity, there was a sound of someone coming into the dressing room. I can\'t tell anyone else, but it\'s rare at midnight. Unlike the real world, which is filled with entertainment late into the night, fantasy nights are quiet.

There is no monopoly of the bathtub, and it does not matter who comes in. I\'ll take a bath as I care.

As I rested my head on the edge of the bath and was weakened by the natural form of uniting with the water, a new bather entered the bath.

ー ー ー ー Do you remember this sign?

Reflectively, I turned my head towards the new bather.

It was Chloe who appeared.

Of course, no clothes. He wrapped only one piece of cloth around a healthy limb, hiding his abundant chest with his arms, and appeared at the bath.

Most of the torso is covered with cloth and arms, but the hands and feet that extend from it are too dazzling. There is no extra luxury, but it\'s not muscular. It is the embodiment of healthy beauty with meat.

Sadly, I have little or no experience with women enough to give them plenty of praise. Nevertheless, I was convinced that “clean body” would refer to this.

"Oh, I don\'t want you to stare at me too much ..." "..............."

Chloe, who turns her face red in shame, twists herself shyly, and her soft breasts are crushed by her arms and deformed. The dog\'s ears, which are usually sharp above the head, are also broken according to the Lord\'s will. The appearance creates a balance between beauty and cuteness.

I waited a minute and opened my mouth.

“………, here\'s the men\'s bath”

He seems to be calm when he is seriously surprised. Surprise far surpassing my change that has taken place today is attacking my whole body.

"I know, you know," "Is it a slut?" "I\'m different, I\'m sorry!", "Why are you here?" ! "