Kanna no Kanna

210 Episode 198

When the show was over, Real returned to his room.

On the second floor is a room with a panoramic verandah, which was given by Forthlyn for free use during your stay in Eldafoss. She had been sleeping in this room since she was invited to the house.


Really sitting on the chair in the room, as if it were too much to take off the dress. The sigh that came out of her mouth was so heavy that she wouldn\'t normally think of it.

言 え る The announcement was almost successful.

The half-elf thought it was unacceptable, albeit with the blood of his royal family, but this was unexpected.

The biggest reason is her beauty.

The slimming and beautiful face of the elf\'s physical features, but the feminine body that the elf could not have, first surprised the guests.

Originally, Real was only in a position to unite his units and was accustomed to going out in public. At first she was reluctant to wear her own costume, but she gradually recovered her normal condition.

Despite the appearance of armor, he has never participated in a party before, and has taken care of the guests and how to deal with them. The conversation that did not make the other person uncomfortable was a good idea.

At least at this unveiling, a small number of guests returned with a disgust on conditional reflexes because Real was a Dragon and a Half Elf. It may not be totally accepted, but it\'s a good grasp. Even if the dislike of the dragon race could not be dispelled, it would be a starting point for dialogue.

Real was also told by Fosslyn, and they were relieved.

But there was a feeling that I couldn\'t be relieved.

Again, Real is the head of the unit, leading the group. I knew to a certain extent that it was collective psychology. They are not as sensitive to the atmosphere of the field as Kanna.

I was full of myself during the party, but now that I\'m alone, I understand painfully.

It would have been impossible without Kanna.

That made her feel heavier.

音 The sound of the door being knocked from the outside sounded.

At last I was released from the formal atmosphere and headed to Real\'s room with my feet. The servants were a bit bitter, but passed me without further reaction.

I hit the door straight in front of her locked room. After a while the door was opened from the inside and Real was surprised to see me.

"Oh, goodbye to the party" "... you too ..."

Real smiles with the words of labor, but his expression is not so clear. Did you worry about something?

"Can I go inside?"

Real nodded, opened the door wide and invited me in.

"... What happened to the Miss Fima?" "They let me go back. I guess it would be bad if anyone came to a tired place."

Chloe was a little regrettable, but Fima said that he obediently returned to the inn.

"But, after all, a party isn\'t going to be the organizer. It\'s hard to get my shoulders stiff." "Unexpectedly, the role of the escort seemed to be on the board." "Experience participating with a friend It\'s the second time I\'ve been in a party since I came to this world. "

At the time of Ayana\'s accompaniment, the person was moving around freely without worrying about other guests, so it was easy for me to go around. When Fima was invited, he was only a part of the security and was not in the spotlight.

However, this time he was acting as a escort for Real and was very close to the central position of the party. It was inevitable to get the attention of every move.

"Oh ..." he was rubbing his elaborate shoulders with a moaning moan, and Real was languorous. I had a similar face when I put it in the room.

Real noticed my gaze and smiled as if she had repaired in a hurry, but immediately sighed as if she gave up.

"... Does it make sense to deceive you?"

After a little hesitation, Real opened his mouth slightly.

"This party ... it seems to have been a bit successful in terms of my presentation. Forthlyn said so."

To say thanks was as if a child who had done bad things apologized to their parents.

"Even though the party was successful, I wasn\'t able to lift my face. I\'d love to be more happy."

I shut my mouth, interrupted by a voice that seemed to contain my anger.

"This success is due to your hatred role ..."

As an escort, it was not bad to gather hostility and malice in the venue, but he seemed to be part of the success of the show.

"... And, despite being passionate, it\'s foolish to sway you against the second prince." Passion "Oh, I was aware of it." If it was my duty to stop it, isn\'t this the exact opposite ... "" It\'s rude. "

I always talk about similar things.