Kanna no Kanna

155 Episode 143 The Last Boss is You! (Personal opinion)

When my stomach became full, I naturally came out of my room. I still feel a little nervous, but it feels a lot easier than before. After having eaten all the way, drinking the prepared tea, I managed to feel comfortable.

As soon as there was a break to eat, the Prime Minister opened his mouth. "As you may have guessed, calling you alone isn\'t just about having fun together."

You might have wanted to end with a simple luncheon. What kind of story can you really tell me?

"First of all, let us assume that you know everything about where Kanna came from and how he visited the Diagar Empire."

It took me a while to understand what the Prime Minister said. And when his words permeate his head, he gets caught.

Looking at the Prime Minister with astonishment, he nodded deeply.

"Yes. I and the emperor already know that you are an" alien world "summoned to" this world "by the second princess of Urfilia." Is it natural? "

He said he knew that the dragon sword Regulus was Real if he was at the head of Diagal. Then there is no doubt about the uppermost emperor and its surroundings.

Of course, is it true that I know the identity of Regulus?

"I would like to thank you first for that. Regulus ... No, it was a great treat to have delivered Real from Julfilia."

The emperor\'s words were deeply reminded.

"Yeah, I would have been dead if I didn\'t have Real.

I humbled immediately, but he shook his head.

"Even though, he has rescued my champion. I don\'t want to bow down lightly because of the Lord of the nation, but at least take the word alone."

Is Real empowered by the emperor to call him a loyalty? Nevertheless, I felt that the emperor\'s words had a real appreciation.

"It was my secret instruction that he infiltrated Yulfilia."

Is it a so-called "secret life"? Can I let me know? Or did you dare to say it?

...... Probably the latter.

"We sent the one with the greatest strength to Urfilia, who could act alone and not be realized by others."

Real knows that he is the commander of the Knights of the Phantom Dragon, except for a member of the Knights of the Phantom Dragon. It sounds rather stiff, but the unity of the Phantom Dragon Knight seems to be tighter than steel, so the emperor didn\'t seem to worry about it.

I am a little worried that the evaluation of the Phantom Dragon Knights is extremely high.

"... The second princess of Urfilia is a great magician, but the depth of his intellect is famous."

As expected, Fima\'s sister. The head seems to be excellent for all sisters. I am very sorry that humanity did not inherit.

War "In a peaceful situation right now, her intellect is directed at the defeat of monsters and the reign of the country, but if so how many enemies will be ..."

The emperor also affirmed the words of the Prime Minister.

"The two names attached are \'Tokimi.\' It seems to come from reading two and three hands ahead, always anticipating the future as if to read the time like a letter."

The prime minister looked steep.

A genius brain that recognizes even a warrior who is on the dark side.

Demon King Isn\'t he the so-called ""?

I was overwhelmed by the flow of the story, but moisten my throat with warm tea and ask again.

"I\'m asking you to tell me this is a great feeling now ... can you tell me this story? "I am nothing, I am" "You are in a more important position than you think, because you are the only reason the Emperor sent Real to Urfilia."

In response to the Prime Minister, I shouted, "?"

………… ?

"Are you summoning heroes ?!"

It was before me that Real was summoned by Princess Hachiguro. Nevertheless, her mission is based on the existence of "I".

"\'Summoning the brave\' is the last resort you can do if you\'re in a world of difficulties."

The magical formula of Summoning the Brave is to bet on a dash of hope for something that wields death and destruction to the world and people living in the world if left alone. A mysterious technique that calls a person with strong magic from another world as a "savior".

"But there\'s no sign at this point, and relations with each country are good, but we\'ve received information that Urfilia is about to perform the magic of Summon the Brave."

However, as we look into further, Diagar and Urfilia have a friendly diplomatic relationship. The pursuit of a table can crack this relationship.

It is important if the hero is summoned. A hero summoned from another world always has a great influence. In other words, there is a possibility that a nation can obtain a strong and unmatched power.

So, Real sent in to search. She thought she could excel at a crisis if she had any problems and she had excellent fighting power and her experience as an adventurer.

"Because I was wearing a mask during the adventurer days. Few know the real face of" Ryuken ". And I\'m one of the people I trust and I\'m not worried about betrayal. …… ”

I was able to enter the royal capital of Urfilia as a single traveler without any problems. After a few days of staying, I couldn\'t see any shadow monitoring myself.

However, it is just the beginning of a full-fledged move.

In order to reach out to a local informationist, a soldier from the Uruphyria army came in a lump as he waited in an abandoned house where he had promised to meet.

Real was charged with overthrowing the nation. He knew the most unfamiliar sin.

He said, "The movement of the Ulfilia Army seemed to be abrupt, without any warning. It was as if she knew in advance the date on which she would move."

Despite taking several days and paying close attention to the surrounding movements.

"... but he\'s going to be able to get rid of as many soldiers as he can and forcibly escape." "If she could show her true power, then it would be ..."

The presidency is muddy.

She could be interpreted as Diagarh\'s sabotage if Real killed a member of the Urfilian army and then discovered that she was leading the Knights in the Diagar Empire.

"So she was instructed to limit the fighting against the Urfilian army opponents. Real was fully aware of and aware of this order."

It is much more difficult to neutralize an opponent without killing it than simply killing it. That\'s why we chose the real Real.

"Probably, if the opponent was a modest commander, it would have been possible to escape with a lot of opposition, but the second princess was commanding the soldiers. is"

The Second Princess The royal family took command and gradually narrowed the siege. Finally, he was at the forefront and took part in the great catch.

A large number of soldiers who have to adjust, and a second princess with the skills of a court magician. With both sides, Real was finally captured by the Royal Army of Urfilia.

Fortunately, there was no evidence to prove the connection between Real and the Diagar Empire. Real was captured only as an unknown affiliation.

"... It seems that the second princess was commanding as if she knew that Real couldn\'t kill the soldier. She reported with anger, and although there is no evidence, it is now believed that within the Second Princess, Real\'s identity had some consideration. "

Surprisingly, the cloth was laid from the beginning. Anyway, he couldn\'t spot Real\'s “shackles”, “non-lethal” from his movements during the escape, but he was supposed to make a sacrifice from the beginning.

`` The soldiers praised the princess who had captured Real, but it was a measure that would have caused a large number of casualties if he did poorly. \'\'

And perhaps, finally, the Second Princess whispered in a whisper that could only be heard by the captured Real.

"Thank you for not killing soldiers. Thanks to that, things went smoothly ”.

I\'m still feeling angry with the Second Princess. However, Real did not understand why he was also angry. I heard he was caught by sneaky means, but he could finally hear.

"I\'m sorry, yeah."

After all, the second princess looked like an innocent beautiful girl, and was re-recognized as "Hungry Black".