Kanna no Kanna

10 Episode 9 Nobody says they shouldn't beat with armor

Four days after leaving the village at the foot of Reizan, our party had arrived in a new town. According to Real, the scale is quite lively there. It was my first visit to a town. The castle town of Ojo was only glimpsed from the sky on a dragon and the village at the foot of Reiyama was small.

The streets are dark medieval Western colors that appear in the manga I usually read. Most houses are made of bricks, not wooden ones at the foot village. The clothes of the citizens walking on the street are also colorful and clear. Speaking of which, Italy in the real world (meaning the original world) still retains its old townscape.

"For humans, the world may be different, but the way of development does not change anywhere."

The plan is to stay in the town for a few days to replenish the food and other travel items that have been consumed along the way. If you can, if you have useful goods that you could not get in the village at the foot, I would like to get this as well. In such a large town, there will be trade with other places, and there is a lot of inflow of goods.

"I have to get one of the horses." "Is it possible to buy them now?" "Speaking of horses, it\'s a bit crazy. The degree of fatigue on my journey is uneven. \'\'

True, we can rest while riding a horse. That way, even if you come across monsters, bandits, etc., who are attacking during the journey, you can intercept with a perfect posture. In fact, a group of monsters was attacking on the verge of sleeping only once with the feeling of four days, but it was quite difficult to pick it up in a state of physical and mental fatigue. Although there was no scene of hiatus, fighting after walking all day long with a break was difficult.

"Speaking of which, how is Kanna handling horses?" "It\'s a stubborn city. It\'s the last time I took a test drive at a ranch I said on an excursion when I was a boy."

We look for an inn that will be the base for a while. Because it is a large town, there is no shortage of inns. However, in general, there are ranks even if you are in a hotel, and I\'m a naive person and I\'m relying on Real to make decisions around me.

"So, do you want to be here today?"

She chose an inn that was built in the middle of a three-story building. A simple bill for accommodation was written on the sign, but it was a little more expensive than the inn that had passed by.

"Isn\'t it a little expensive?" "I guess, but we\'re not known to the public, but we\'re the ones who ask us. A cheap inn easily leaks customer information. If they are paid, they will keep the customer\'s personal information confidential. "" You should buy the security with money. "" Yes. It\'s good for us, we should buy the security side at a little more cost than a bad bit of money, as it would be if we were given state power, but we wouldn\'t do it unless we wanted to make a fuss. Wa

It\'s a scar that I can\'t remember. Having swallowed a little resentment, we opened the inn door.

As a result of the negotiations with the reception, we rented one room at a time. It is gender distribution. The period is three days and two nights. After all, the price was a little expensive, but as Real said, considering the safety aspect, it is a reasonable expense. There is a lock on the door of the room and a safe.

And even a bath for each room. It is great to be immersed in a bathtub without worrying about the opposite sex.

--- Actually, while staying in the village at the foot, I came across the real after bathing once.

It was not an ordinary armor, but a thin underwear. Not to mention the condition of the hair that is damp and damp, and the sex appeal of the uplifted skin. In fact, her style was more outstanding than her grandmother. Words such as G or H in my head floated in my head. I\'m curious how to put that huge mass inside the armor. In addition, the person himself is inconvenient, so it is even more troublesome.

It would be a foul of hidden big tits and cool beauty with elf ears. There are so many attributes. When thrown into a certain otaku sacred place, a shouting of joy occurs.

That\'s why, during my stay in the village, I was paying close attention to how Real would not be able to bathe. If I could show that limb raw, my young adolescent reason would be unlikely. It was worth it, and it never happened in a situation where my libido flew. The danger of exploding in strange places has increased.

That\'s it. At first glance, it\'s an eroge-like development, but it\'s surprisingly hard work. If the problem of heterosexuality arises poorly, the subsequent development is too unwieldy.

Quiet talk rest.

After we left our luggage, we went outside for lunch to discuss our specific policies. This inn also eats in the morning and afternoon, but it seems that the cafeteria is not always open as in the village at the foot. We arrived at the inn shortly after noon, so time passed while we were organizing our luggage.

For lunch, I chose a restaurant with an open terrace. It sells pasta with sauce and tastes like meat spaghetti.

"Let\'s leave my equipment to the blacksmith for the time being. Aside from the armor, once the sword was robbed, I couldn\'t do any good maintenance up to now. I\'m worried about something in the future with that outfit. \'\'

My current equipment consists of simple cloth clothes, leather breastplates, backs and legs. Even if you can prevent Namakura, it is probably like paper armor if it is a bit sharp knife opponent. For the time being, I learned how to protect her from the spirits of the grandmother, but it would be impossible if I was asked if I could do it immediately. It is essential that you increase your defense.

"If you train in the week you were in the village, and then take a look at the four days to get to the town, it looks like it\'s not bad. Equipment that focuses on mobility is good. There wasn\'t, but what did you do in martial arts? "" It\'s natural because my childhood friend from trouble was a trouble maker, and another friend was a karate stepper. " "It\'s one of the bare-handed martial arts. If you\'re an influential person, it\'s a tile .... I don\'t know. I can break a few thin bricks with my fist."

In the case of Misaki, it was five with bare hands, but he boasted about boasting that he could get around twenty with a heel drop. I think it\'s a good part to be proud of as a woman.

"Hey, that\'s interesting. I\'d like to ask for someday."

Realistically, Real lifted his mouth.

"After all, it\'s a peaceful world event. I\'m not going to be a real opponent of a real soldier in full armor.

After all, here and there are separated dimensions.

"Well, if you play with such a friend, your body will move naturally, and your casual skinship will hurt quite well.

Mainly the moon was wounded, but that was almost self-made.

"Thanks to that, even if a sudden storm happens, I am so excited that my body moves somehow, so I do not know what life is useful for." "Yes. At least just now, the trouble maker and Karate\'s friend You should thank them. \'\'


The trouble maker was discovered to be the root of all evil, but now he had no idea.

Before going to the equipment shop, I had to go to the pawn shop first because I had no money for it. Of course, you buy and sell precious metals borrowed from the castle. For the time being, we exclude any engraving or luxury making, and preferentially sell off easily made jewelry and decorations. In the former case, a well-known craftsman may be working on it, and when it hits the market, it can backtrack and reveal our existence.

Speaking of which, I explained why we had these treasures, but it wasn\'t enough to explain how they could get into the treasure house where they are stored. Usually, the room where you put your valuables is locked with strict doors and keys,

Real says.

"Because there was no keyhole in that door. The key would have been a special magic tool. It would only open if you had the registered magical power. If anyone else forcibly opened it, Most security devices work. \'\'

No, it opened normally.

"The technician who made the door of that magic device would not have expected even a" non-magical person. "Any human being usually has greater or lesser magical power. I guess your presence wasn\'t exactly what the design was supposed to do. Perhaps a normal lock would be more effective for you for security. "

It seems that the evils of high technology (?) Are everywhere.

I exchanged the treasures that shook with a supplementary explanation like this, but it became quite a price.

Money in this world circulates in coins, not paper money. There are gold, silver, copper and iron stages from the top. The highest gold coin is 100,000 yen. The silver coin is 10,000 yen. It goes down further, and the standard is like this, maybe 1,000 yen, one hundred yen. Ten coins of the same kind gather to become one rank higher. The only factor is that the bread sold at the streetside is one iron coin.

This time, about 30 gold coins were exchanged. Is it about 3 million yen in Japanese yen? The average annual income of Japanese office workers. The average income of ordinary households in this world seems to be 10 to 15 gold coins, so anyway, it is a considerable sum of money. In addition, this time, not all have been redeemed, only a quarter of the total has been disposed of. In other words, this is a calculation with savings up to three times this, or nearly twice even if estimated lightly.

The reason why we didn\'t dispose of all of them at once is that if you take all these precious metals to a pawn shop, you may be able to raise some doubt.

Afraid of the weight of the leather bag containing thirty gold coins, we headed to the equipment shop this time.

"Now, Kanna, I\'ve left the sword for the time being.

I had lost the word for the price of the sword leaning against the wall of the equipment shop.

The price of a double-edged long sword, considered to be a long sword, and three gold coins. It is 300,000 yen in Japanese yen conversion. The next short sword is also a gold coin. The shorter sword below it is also five silver coins.

"... Is a weapon so expensive?"

Early weapons in the RPG can be purchased for around 1,000 yen (or is it OK?) Or so. It\'s not good to mess up the game with the real ones, but now you realize that you have a similar consciousness somewhere.

"It\'s because the user is the one who saves his life. It also puts a lot of effort into the creator. If it can withstand the actual battle, it will be about the same price as what is put there. It\'s better to suspect the possibility of bad materials or poorly crafted goods. "" Isn\'t it just a joke that adventurers aim for rich money? "" Excavations from ancient archeological sites The scarcity of materials from the beast carcass can be sold at a high price, even though there is a danger to life, and the rewards are commensurate, so the balance between supply and demand for weapons is maintained. That\'s it. "

Of course. Because there are buyers, there can be sellers. The price of these weapons is also reasonable for the adventurers\' income.

"For your information, how much will Real\'s sword be?"

Asking her interest, Real thinks with her hand on her chin.

"That\'s right ... Is it going to get a hundred coins even at the lowest price?" "What\'s so expensive. You were swinging like that."

Isn\'t it the same as carrying a gold bar on his back? And when was the lowest price? A house is built for the time being.

Form "It\'s rugged, but that\'s the heirloom that is passed on to my family from a higher age than my grandfather\'s generation. There may be points of self-portrait, but many swords have such a combination of robustness and sharpness But my grandfather and father were always on the battlefield because they are heirlooms, but they are still weapons, and I haven\'t done any precise price appraisals. "Is it okay to leave it so?" "I understand what I want to say. In the unlikely event that the weapons left by the equipment shop are lost, the store\'s reputation will collapse in an instant and the store will be out of business. I also buy the resentment of the entrusted adventurer, especially if it\'s a reputation for a well-known adventurer. "

It was a fantasy world, but it was learned to be very realistic in terms of business through this equipment and visit. Trust is important.

With this shopping, my equipment has been changed to iron bib, hand and foot. An order that raises the defense without impeding the movement in line with my hope and Real\'s view. For the back, we chose something with a windy design that would cover the fingers when holding the fist. If you hold the sword, that part is easy to get in the way, but if you hit the opponent directly without a weapon, there is no problem. Rather, the defense and weight of the limbs are increased, so the attack power is also up. For Real, the equipment is almost the same, only the sword maintenance. However, it seems that the maintenance cost of the weapon was quite high.

The total cost of equipment was eight gold coins. About 800,000 yen. It would be a reasonable price with the necessary expenses, but it seemed like a big fortune for me as a small commoner.

Little worries were raised that this money sensation should not be dragged back to the real world.