Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

Chapter 17

17 (Part 1)

Pei Ying’s heart started pounding, like a seed that had been buried deep in her heart finally breaking through the ground.

There seemed to be strange emotions flowing around. She looked at Song Nanchuan silently, and the air around them slowly increased, bit by bit.

“Pardon, your orders have arrived. Raw oyster with sour cream sauce.” Once again, the waiter arrived in a timely manner and placed their orders down onto the table.

“Thank you.” Pei Ying finally broke away from Song Nanchuan’s gaze and looked at the plate of oysters.

Song Nanchuan wasn’t stuck on their previous conversation and naturally started chatting with Pei Ying about other things.

The meal was a very joyous one. Not only was the food delicious and suited to Pei Ying’s tastes, she’d had an easy time getting to know Song Nanchuan as well. Moreover, she realized that with Song Nanchuan’s face across from her, her appetite was even better than usual.

For dessert, they had the ice cream that the waiter recommended.

“Twilight’s patissier is Jonathan, and he’s very famous in that line of work. Especially his macarons. You eat them once and you’ll have a hard time forgetting them.” Song Nanchuan laughed as he looked across at Pei Ying eating her ice cream.

“Mm, his macarons are super famous. They’re one of Yu family’s classic desserts.” Unfortunately, their price matched their quality and reputation, so she’d only eaten them twice before.

Song Nanchuan said, “I ordered a macaron birthday cake made by Jonathan for your birthday.”

“??!” Before Pei Ying could even express her surprise, the waiter brought over the cake and politely wished her a happy birthday.

“Happy birthday.” Sitting under the light, Song Nanchuan gave a smile.

“Th-thank you,” Pei Ying stuttered. She realized that Song Nanchuan was especially handsome that night, so much so that she couldn’t even look at him straight on.

She pulled out her phone and shot an embarrassed smile at Song Nanchuan. “Can I take a photo? It’s just too cute.”

“Of course.”

Pei Ying happily took a picture of the macaron cake, before picking up a pink macaron and taking a bite. “Oh, it’s so good. Strawberry flavored! The almond shell is crisp and the inside is super soft and carries a thick strawberry milk smell! There’s also strawberry jam sandwiched between!”

It was so good, her spirit nearly flowed out of her body. She could have another!

Song Nanchuan laughed and said, “So that means that girl’s soft breasts aren’t famous.” (Note: I have no clue how to translate this, but I guess it’s a joke that has to do with the character su, which is used for both the words crisp (macaron shell) and soft (breasts) or something…)

Pei Ying, “…”

Did that count as a perverted joke?

She coughed and handed a macaron to Song Nanchuan. “You should try it.”

Song Nanchuan smiled and accepted it.

Pei Ying, “…”

Why did it feel so strange?! It really was true that all guys had such dirty minds!

After Song Nanchuan finished eating the macaron that Pei Ying handed him, he wiped his hands with his napkin. “You said that you like Qiong Julia?”

Pei Ying nodded. “Yeah. She’s really pretty. The female stars now don’t have the same charm as her. My favorite was her movie, ‘Sunday.’ She was seriously perfect in every second of it!”

Song Nanchuan asked, “I just happen to have the Blu-ray for ‘Sunday’ at home. Do you want to go watch it?”

“Really? You really have the Blu-ray for it?” Pei Ying looked at him with surprise. The movie was already decades old. She’d tried to find a pay-to-watch version online to see it again, but the video quality was always unsatisfactory.

Contrary to her surprise, Song Nanchuan was extremely calm. “I have a lot of classic films on Blu-ray at home.”

Pei Ying gave an acknowledging ‘oh.’ She thought that guys would only have Blu-rays of porn at home. Looked like some guys also just collected old films on Blu-ray as well.

A CEO’s taste was indeed more elegant.

After they agreed, they left the restaurant and Song Nanchuan directed the driver to take them back to his house.

It wasn’t until she was standing at the luxurious door to his house in A City that Pei Ying started to feel something wasn’t right.

She actually just arrived at Song Nanchuan’s house? At night?

When she realized this point, Pei Ying started to panic. Song Nanchuan watched as she stood outside the door, in a daze. He asked, “What is it? Are you feeling unwell?”

“N-no.” Pei Ying shook her head. The first thought that passed through her mind was actually, thank goodness that she’d touched up her lip stain before they left the restaurant.

Song Nanchuan’s house was just as Pei Ying had imagined. European-styled with a courtyard terrace. When she walked inside, she felt like she was a little princess.

The sofa in the living room was very spacious and extremely soft. Across from the sofa was a large LCD TV, and it took up nearly half of the wall.

Song Nanchuan looked through the cabinet for a bit and then found ‘Sunday.’

After the Blu-ray started playing, he turned around. Seeing a somewhat unsettled Pei Ying sitting on the sofa, he asked, “You don’t mind if I dim the lights, do you?”

“I-I don’t mind.” After she said that, Pei Ying realized that her voice was a bit rigid.

Too nervous! But it was her first time going to a man’s house on her own.

Song Nanchuan dimmed the lights and then walked over to sit down next to Pei Ying. When she felt the sofa beside her sink a bit, Pei Ying’s entire body went stiff.

Noticing how nervous she was, Song Nanchuan’s lips slowly cracked. He picked up the box of macarons they’d brought back from the restaurant and handed it to her. “Do you want to eat one?”

“Sure, thank you.” Pei Ying accepted a macaron and bit into it. As the sweet taste seeped into her mouth, her nerves really did calm down a bit.

When the movie started playing, both of their attentions were focused on the TV screen.

The Blu-ray was really extraordinary. Even when viewing on such a large TV, the picture was still very clear. The audio was also amazing, and each line really seemed to hit you.

As the story progressed, Pei Ying gradually relaxed. ‘Sunday’ was an extremely clean and simple story. It was slow, but you didn’t feel bored watching it. The piano that played throughout also carried a certain kind of sadness.

But even in such a simple story, there were some inevitable intimate scenes.

The scene when the leads tasted forbidden fruit was filmed dim and vague, but it was the ambiguity that made your face redden and your heartbeat quicken.

Pei Ying looked like she wanted to hide and secretly looked away from the screen. But then she ended up locking eyes with Song Nanchuan.

The relaxing piano in the background continued to play. Pei Ying looked at Song Nanchuan’s eyes and her heart started pounding.

Song Nanchuan’s beauty mark beneath his eye was barely visible in the dimly lit room. And his eyes seemed to have some kind of magnetic power. Once her eyes were caught, she couldn’t look away.

Her heart was beating increasingly faster, and Pei Ying’s breath nearly stopped.

Song Nanchuan moved closer to her and slowly, he kissed her lips.

Fireworks started going off in Pei Ying’s head. She couldn’t think of anything aside from the softness against her lips.

The kiss continued and it deepened. At some point, she didn’t know when, Song Nanchuan’s tongue entangled with hers. His body moved up against hers, and his right hand gently pushed aside her skirt and slid up her leg.

With just the tips of his fingers against her skin, it felt like a spark of fire had ignited and gotten out of control.

Pei Ying’s whole body heated up.

“Ying Ying…” Song Nanchuan finally released Pei Ying’s mouth and started kissing her neck. His heavy breathing and the lustful way he called to her were like some kind of enchantment, nibbling away at what was left of Pei Ying’s reason and reserve.

Her skirt had already been pushed up to her waist. His body was already ready and expecting. Song Nanchuan bit her lip and in an extremely enticing voice, he said, “Ying Ying, I don’t seem to have given you a birthday gift yet. Why don’t I give you myself…”

Pei Ying’s soul had already dropped off somewhere. When she heard his last words, she could only subconsciously respond with an ‘okay.’

The moment that she responded, Song Nanchuan started kissing her lips again, deeply. Pei Ying couldn’t help letting out a moan, burning from Song Nanchuan’s flames.


The next morning, Pei Ying was the first to wake up.

Her location, Song Nanchuan’s bed.

The unfamiliar environment left her mind blank for a few seconds, and then she saw the handsome, sleeping man beside her.

Crazy memories of the previous night suddenly charged at her like the tide. They went from the sofa to the bedroom… The shameful scenes turned her face instantly red.

It was the first time that Pei Ying was facing such a situation, and she really didn’t know how to deal with it. More than that, she didn’t know how she would face Song Nanchuan. She just wanted to leave as fast as she could.

Ignoring her still-sore body, Pei Ying lightly got up from the bed and looked around, but couldn’t find her clothes.

…Oh god, they were taken off in the living room!

Pei Ying’s face burned red again. She grabbed a blanket and covered her body, and then she walked out to the living room. Her dress and stockings and… her undergarments were all strewn across the floor. Mm. Along with Song Nanchuan’s as well…

She closed her eyes and picked up her clothes, quickly dressing herself. She couldn’t wear her tights anymore, but she stuffed the ripped stockings into her bag.

After she tidied up, she rushed out as fast as a thief.

Song Nanchuan had had his fill last night, so he’d slept particularly well. When he woke up, it was already 10. He opened his eyes, but when he didn’t see the person he wanted to see, his brows furrowed slightly.

“Ying Ying?” He sat up and looked around the room, but there was no trace of Pei Ying.

He pulled out a shirt and a pair of pants from his dresser and put them on without much attention. He walked downstairs.

All of Pei Ying’s things were gone, including the pair of heels that had been left at the door.

Song Nanchuan’s brows tightened even more. He found his cellphone and gave Pei Ying a call.

No answer.

Unwilling to give up, he called again, but still, there was no answer.

Song Nanchuan was so angry he wanted to throw his phone down.

What was this woman thinking? Disappearing in the morning without a trace. Not answering her phone. Did she want to pretend that last night’s events hadn’t happened?

Suppressing the burning anger he felt inside, he continued to call Pei Ying.

Pei Ying came out from the bathroom after her shower and saw that Song Nanchuan had already called her nine times.

She was startled to see the nine missed calls on her screen. She still hadn’t figured what she was supposed to do when Song Nanchuan’s tenth call came.

Pei Ying didn’t dare delay any longer so she took a deep breath and mustered up her courage to answer the phone. “Song–”

“Pei Xiujuan, what do you mean by this? When you’re done eating, you just wipe up and run off, mmh?”

Pei Ying, “…”

She took a breath and then asked the question she was most concerned about. “How did you know my name is Pei Xiujuan?”

“Is that important? All your information is on the web for anyone to search up!” Song Nanchuan’s voice carried an uncommon irritation.”I’m asking you right now what you meant by leaving without a word? And why didn’t you answer my calls?”

“I was taking a shower just now, so I didn’t hear…”

After learning that she hadn’t been purposefully avoiding his calls, Song Nanchuan’s mood calmed a bit. When he spoke again, his voice was a lot more at ease. “Then, why did you leave?”

Pei Ying found this hard to answer. “I… If I didn’t leave, it would have been really embarrassing…”

Song Nanchuan was silent on the other end, and then a light laugh sounded.

Being laughed at by him like this, Pei Ying immediately turned red. Song Nanchuan said, “What’s embarrassing about it? It’ll be fine when you get used to it.”

Pei Ying, “…”

“Is your body okay? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?”

“……After my shower, I feel fine.” Pei Ying’s voice was so soft, it couldn’t get any quieter.

The corners of Song Nanchuan’s lips couldn’t help lifting up. “Do you have any schedules for today?”

“Filming for my advertisement continues in the afternoon.”

“Mm, then make sure to rest in the morning. What time will you be done in the afternoon? I’ll come pick you up.”

“Ah?” Pei Ying hadn’t yet readied herself to see him again, but continuing to avoid him would only make things worse. “I’m not sure yet. Maybe 6 or 7. I’ll call you later.”

“Okay.” Before hanging up the phone, Song Nanchuan said into the phone, “I love you.”

Pei Ying, “…”

Quite flustered, Pei Ying hung up.

Hearing the call end, Song Nanchuan couldn’t help laughing. How could she be so innocent? She was pretty passionate last night.

After Pei Ying dried her hair, she took a nap. She set her alarm for 1:30, but at 12 o’clock, Chen Sheng’s call woke her up.

She originally thought that he had some new work for her, but after she answered the phone, she realized that there was no such thing.

“Xiao Pei ah, have you been online? There’s a second episode on you and Song Nanchuan.”

Pei Ying, “…”

She went online for a glance. Indeed… Episode two.

“Breaking! Pei Ying was picked up by Song Nanchuan last evening and stayed out all night!”

The paparazzi that followed her this time was different from last time. They’d likely learned a lesson from their predecessor and acted more low-profile.

This time, the paparazzi had just camped out at her house. They took a picture of her getting into Song Nanchuan’s car, but didn’t follow.

“Although we don’t know where the two went, Pei Ying didn’t return home until the next day.”

Those were the words at the top of the page, followed by an image.

Pei Ying felt that being a paparazzi was really just too great. They could even write an article from this? And the netizens too, they really had such great imaginations.


When Song Nanchuan arrived to the office, he was immediately informed of the news by Xiao Zhang.

He frowned with irritation. These paparazzi were just like flies. If you didn’t kill them, they wouldn’t leave you alone, buzzing around you all day long.

After a moment, he instructed Xiao Zhang, “Have Universe Pictures put out an official statement that Pei Ying and I are currently in a relationship.”

Xiao Zhang didn’t get to work right away and instead asked, “Is that a good idea?”

Song Nanchuan responded, “Rather than let them make up their own stories, why don’t I just come out and say it? And I don’t want to have to sneak around with Pei Ying in the future.”

“Okay, I understand. Should I notify Ms Pei Ying about this as well?”

Song Nanchuan thought for a moment. Pei Ying should be sleeping now and he didn’t want to disturb her. If possible, he hoped that she would never go online to see these slanderous rumors.

“I’ll tell her about it later. Just get it done first.”


As Xiao Zhang went to contact Universe Pictures, Pei Ying was still sitting in front of her computer, going through Weibo.

She was actually a bit bewildered. She wasn’t even that famous, so why were did so many paparazzi have their eyes on her? Was it because Song Nanchuan was (a large tree and) attracting the wind? Or maybe there were no new stories on other celebrities right now?

While she was thinking about it, she refreshed the page and saw a new notice.

Hello everyone, we’d like to bring you some happy news today. Universe Pictures majority shareholder Song Nanchuan would like to share that he and Ms Pei Ying are currently in a relationship. Thank you to everyone for your concerns and blessings

She bit her lip and answered her phone. “Mom, what is it?”

“Xiujuan ah, I heard your brother say that you’re dating a CEO. Is that true?”

Pei Ying’s eyes twitched. She figured that if she and Song Nanchuan were going to continue on this road, she couldn’t hide it from her family. She gave a sound of acknowledgment. “We’re dating.”

“Oh, really?! That’s wonderful!” Mrs Pei was ecstatic. On the other end of the phone, Pei Ying could imagine the smiling and glowing expression on her mother’s face. “I heard your brother say that this CEO has a lot of money. He invested in something or other, and he spent 2 billion yuan! If you’re really together with him, then our family will benefit greatly!”

Pei Ying frowned, unhappy. “Mom, his money is his money. What’s it got to do with us?”

“How can it not have anything to do with us? He’s Xiuran’s brother-in-law, so how could he not care about Xiuran? When Xiuran graduates and needs a job, and when he gets married and needs a house–”

“Mom!” Pei Ying didn’t wait for her to finish before cutting her off. “I’ll say it once more. His money is his money. Don’t start planning how to spend other people’s money!”

When Mrs Pei heard this, she wasn’t very happy either. “What are you saying? What do you mean ‘spending other people’s money?’ If he marries my daughter, shouldn’t he help out our family? In whatever case, your father and I still went through hardships to raise you.”

Pei Ying sighed and then responded, “Yes, you and Dad raised me. And I’ll do my best to support you. But Song Nanchuan doesn’t owe you guys anything. Stop thinking about his money.”


“If you really want Xiuran to become rich without having to work for it, have him marry a rich wife then! With his good looks, there will definitely be some wealthy woman willing to take care of him!” Pei Ying hung up the phone right after she said that.

In order to stop her mother from calling again, she turned off her phone.

She’d lost her appetite. She dropped down onto her bed and let out an exhausted sigh.

Her mother would definitely have gotten angry at her words. It was enough that they kept coming to her for money, but they were even thinking of Song Nanchuan’s money now…

She lifted her right hand and covered her eyes.

He didn’t owe them anything…

In time for her afternoon schedule, Pei Ying recovered her enthusiasm. She didn’t like to let her personal emotions affect her at work. Her work involved many people cooperating together, and if she was in poor condition, it would drag everyone else down as well. She’d be very sorry to all the staff that were working hard.

Although the high heel advertisement would be focused on her legs, she still had to get all her makeup done. Pei Ying changed into the dress provided by the advertiser and sat down in front of the mirror.

The makeup artist started to put on some foundation. Unintentionally, her eyes swept across Pei Ying’s neck.

There were several visible hickeys.

The makeup artist was still young, and her face immediately reddened. Pei Ying saw her odd expression and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Uh… Your neck…”

Then the makeup artist paused. Pei Ying looked at her neck in the mirror, her face growing even more red than the makeup artist’s. “Can you cover it…?”

“S-sure.” The makeup artist recalled the rumors she saw online about Pei Ying and Song Nanchuan, and hundreds of scenes ran through her mind.

The lighting director walked past them and mumbled, “Why are those girl’s faces so red? Just like boiled shrimp…”


Aside from the little episode at the start, the ad filming went very smoothly. Pei Ying finished up at 6pm and gave Song Nanchuan a call. Then she changed back into her own clothes and re-did her makeup.

For her lips, she once again used that stick of lip stain that Ren Shanshan had given her.

When she was done, Song Nanchuan arrived downstairs. Pei Ying went down and saw his car stopped in front of the entrance.

Song Nanchuan saw her coming out of the building and opened his window. He shot her a smile and waved.

When Pei Ying saw him, her mind couldn’t help conjuring up the images of him from the previous night, in the depths of passion. Calling out her name. With heavy breathing. And his fingers on her skin, like fire burning…

Stop! She couldn’t keep thinking about that, otherwise she’d be so embarrassed, she’d want to run away again.

She finally got into the car, but still didn’t dare to look at Song Nanchuan in the eyes.

Song Nanchuan intentionally turned to her. Looking at her, he said, “Why won’t you look at me?”

Pei Ying turned away and choked out, “Don’t want to.”

Song Nanchuan raised his brow. “If you don’t look at me, then I’ll just kiss you.”

That startled Pei Ying and she subconsciously turned her head. Before she could say anything, Song Nanchuan caught her lips.

The pounding of a beating heart sounded inside the car. Song Nanchuan pulled Pei Ying into his arms, and she could only helplessly hit him twice.

Let go! Without even saying a word, he just started kissing her. What was wrong with him?! The driver was sitting right up front!

After he’d enjoyed the kiss enough, Song Nanchuan finally released her. He still licked his lips, as if he wanted more. “Your lipstick’s not bad.”

“…It’s not lipstick, it’s lip stain.”

Song Nanchuan obviously didn’t know the difference between the two. In any case, all he knew was that it looked very appetizing.

He put his seatbelt on and looked at Pei Ying with a laugh. “Is it better now? If you still find it awkward or embarrassing, I can do it again.”

“…That’s okay, thanks.” Pei Ying quickly refused his kind intentions. “Where are we going now?”

Song Nanchuan responded, “My house.” He turned to Pei Ying and ambiguously blinked his eyes a few times. “There are still a lot of Blu-rays to watch at my place.”

Pei Ying, “…”

She pretty much understood what ‘a single slip may cause everlasting sorrow’ meant.

Song Nanchuan’s house was the same as the night before. There wasn’t a housekeeper or anything, so Pei Ying asked curiously, “Who usually cleans up here?”

“I have a cleaning company come in on an regular basis. I don’t like having unnecessary people in my home.”

Pei Ying nodded. Then she asked, “So, what are we eating tonight?”

“I ordered some food from a restaurant. It should be delivered soon.” As Song Nanchuan said this, he started walking over to his cabinet of Blu-rays. “Come over and see. What should we watch tonight?”

Pei Ying, “…”

Can I choose not to watch anything?

Still, she walked over and curiously looked through the array. “You have so many Julia Qiong movies. You must really like her?”

Song Nanchuan nodded and laughed. “Mm, her legs are great.”

Pei Ying, “…”

Wait a minute. Was there something wrong with Song Nanchuan? After that last night, it was like a seal had been lifted and he was an entirely different (dirty) person?

“But I still like your legs the best.” As he said that, his hands were already on her legs. Pei Ying responded as if she’d been shocked by electricity, and she took a few steps back. “What are you doing?”

Song Nanchuan smiled. “I’m doing.”

Pei Ying, “…”

Before she could recover from the perverted events, a burst of dizziness came across her. In the blink of an eye, Song Nanchuan had her pinned against the wall.

Without a word, he started kissing her lips. Song Nanchuan’s tongue forced open her mouth and entered. He was a superb kisser. Disoriented by it, Pei Ying couldn’t help wrapping her arms around his neck.

While they were kissing, just as an incident was about to happen, the doorbell sounded. “Mr Song, I’m here to deliver your meal.”

Song Nanchuan reluctantly let go of Pei Ying. He gave her another peck on the lips before turning to get the door.


Pei Ying took advantage of this time to get back to her senses. That was very dangerous. She’d almost let him take her to the gutter!

She tidied her clothes and saw Song Nanchuan bringing the food to the table. Her lip twitched and then she walked over and sat down.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Song Nanchuan put the last dish onto the table and smiled at her.

Pei Ying rested her chin in her hands and looked at him. “You’re a good kisser. How many girlfriends have you had before?”

Song Nanchuan paused. He put his hands down on the table and looked over to her. “When I was studying abroad, I had a few girlfriends, but we didn’t kiss often. I just pick things up quickly.”


Before Pei Ying could vomit at his words, Song Nanchuan bent down and looked at her in the eyes. In an ambiguous tone, he said, “But what we did last night, I’ve only done that with you.”

The moment he mentioned last night, Pei Ying’s face turned red. Song Nanchan saw her keeping her head down and laughed lightly. He moved close to her ear and said, “You’re so green (young / unseasoned), it must have been you first kiss, right?”

Pei Ying, “…”

“What’s it to you!” Pei Ying pushed him away. She picked up her pair of chopsticks and gloomily lowered her head to eat.

Song Nanchuan didn’t continue to tease her. He just pat her hand gently and said, “Don’t you know to wash your hands before you eat?”

Pei Ying, “…”

She angrily dropped her chopsticks, got up, and went to wash her hands.

At the table, Song Nanchuan kept giving Pei Ying more food, afraid that she wasn’t eating enough. Thankfully, she wasn’t on a diet, or else she’d have started arguing about it with him.

When Song Nanchuan saw that Pei Ying’s bowl was already filled to the brim, he finally started eating. “Are you unhappy today?”

He was just asking casually.

But Pei Ying was taken aback. She’d thought that she’d hidden her emotions well. Song Nanchuan was really quite astute, wasn’t he.

She poked at the white rice in her bowl a bit, then she nodded. “I had a fight with my mom today.”


Pei Ying bit her lip. “My parents both favor sons over daughters. They love my brother a lot, but they don’t like me much. Now that I’m working, and my brother’s still in school, it’s not a big deal for me to send some money back home. But when they saw the reports today and found out that we were dating…”

The rest of her words didn’t need saying. Song Nanchuan could pretty much guess what she would have said. He lifted his hand and ruffled her hair. Comforting her, he said, “It’s okay. If they don’t love you, then I’ll love you.”

Just one sentence and Pei Ying’s young heart was set ablaze.

She lifted her eyes to look at Song Nanchuan. Her expression was so pure and innocent, like a little bunny rabbit. “I don’t like the idea of them constantly thinking about digging into your money…”

This kind of feeling was really a mess. She genuinely liked Song Nanchuan, and as far as she could see, Song Nanchuan also treated her very well.

She didn’t like how her parents looked at him like a piece of meat.

Song Nanchuan laughed. “Is my money that fun to dig into? They’re not you after all.” He pinched Pei Ying’s cheeks. “Alright, let’s eat. If you keep looking at me like that, I’m going to kiss you again.”

“…” Pei Ying was afraid he actually meant that, so she quickly started eating.

After dinner, they didn’t have to wash the dishes. Song Nanchuan just called the person from the restaurant to come and collect the dishes.

He dimmed the lights in the living room and pulled out a Blu-ray from his cabinet.

And not unexpectedly, it was another one of Julia Qiong’s films.

This time, Pei Ying couldn’t help looking at her legs. They were indeed long and pretty… Julia’s legs had always been very famous.

Her early films were a lot like ‘Sunday,’ full of youth and love, not nearly as fast-paced as modern (set in modern day) movies today. They were like a murmuring stream, slowly flowing to your heart.

At some point, without her noticing, Song Nanchuan had made his way over and kissed her on the lips. With such an atmosphere, one couldn’t help becoming particularly sensitive. Especially when the person you liked was sitting right beside you.

When he released her and started to kiss her collar, Pei Ying finally realized that she was lying down on the sofa.

After the events of last night, she was especially on guard. She stopped Song Nanchuan while he was still lighting fires all over her, and quietly said, “We did it yesterday. Let’s not today…”

Although the words were a bit hard to say, she couldn’t not say them! What if Song Nanchuan really carried the gun into battle?!

Song Nanchuan kissed around her eyes and quietly murmured, “Mm, I won’t do anything.”

And then he backed off.

Whether or not Pei Ying seemed to understand his hidden words or not, it seemed that she’d calmed down. Song Nanchuan kisseed her a bit more before asking into her ear, “Does it still hurt?”

“…Mm, it’s a lot better…”

“Sorry, I should have controlled myself a bit more last night.”

“Oh…” Pei Ying turned to avoid his gaze. “Actually, when I said it hurt, you did restrain yourself some…”

Song Nanchuan chuckled and pulled away from her. “I’m going to take a shower.”

Pei Ying watched his receding figure. She knew he was probably going to relieve himself of the desires he’d been suppressing…

She pulled out her phone from her bag and sent a text to Ren Shanshan.

“Shanshan, I believe you now. If you’re not afraid of educated ruffians, you have to worry about perverts with patience. qaq”

There really were no gentlemen of honor in this world.