Jun Ye Can't Help But Tease His Wife

Chapter 312: My baby grandson and granddaughter (two more)

The sun came out at dawn, and there were birds lying on the windowsill pecking the fine sand above.

Xiao Jing stared at the man who was changing clothes with resentment. He deliberately turned his back to himself, as if he was afraid that he would be secretive about his eight-pack abs.

Shen Shengfeng changed into clean clothes, walked to the bed, and poked her head gently. "It\'s time to get up, grandma will be here in half an hour."

Xiao Jing raised her arms, it was obvious that she wanted to hug.

Shen Shengfeng squatted down and hugged her from the bed. "Want to take a bath?"

Xiao Jing shook her head, "I don\'t want to wash."

Shen Shengfeng smelled the smell of her body, "You don\'t need to wash it."

Xiao Jing grumbled, "Captain, are you afraid that I will smell if I don\'t take a bath?"

Shen Shengfeng picked up her clothes and put it on her. "You are very fragrant."

Xiao Jing hung his hands around his neck and smiled, "Captain, you are also very fragrant."

"Ding Dong."

Xiao Jing had planned to take another opportunity to have a deep French kiss. Just before she stepped forward, the doorbell rang out of time.

Shen Shengfeng held her away. "Grandma is here."

Xiao Jing put on her coat and stood in the middle of the hall.

Mrs. Shen leaped into the living room and looked up and down carefully. "I thought about it last night, but it was too late and I didn\'t come. What happened? Is there any discomfort? "

Xiao Jing is wrapped in thick clothes. Although the weather is gradually getting hot, there is always a husband in the world who thinks you will catch cold.

Mrs. Shen saw her shaking her head, her heart hanging slowly, and then slapped her three grandsons in the head. "What task is more important than your daughter-in-law?"

Shen Shengfeng knew that he had taken care of himself. In that case, he didn\'t expect the other party to do both hands.

Mrs. Shen had a strong tone. "Fortunately, Xiaojing of my family is in good physical condition, otherwise this time she will be in trouble."

"Yes, grandma, I will take care of her next time."

"Don\'t talk about those big words, just clean up, let\'s go to the hospital." Mrs. Shen took Xiao Jing\'s hand and walked out of the villa first.

Shen Shengfeng followed suit.

"What are you standing behind? Drive the door." Mrs. Shen glanced at the big guy behind.

Shen Shengfeng opened the car door.

Mrs. Shen glared at him again, "Help your daughter-in-law after driving the door."

Shen Shengfeng carefully supported her head.

Mrs. Shen\'s face was dignified. "You are a soldier. You are usually big-handed, but now your daughter-in-law is not the same. You can\'t be as sloppy as before. You should be more careful. Feed your food when you are hungry. Tired massage, sleepy cover, these are all things you do as a competent husband. "

Xiao Jing lowered the window without tears. "Grandma doesn\'t need such trouble. I am also a soldier. I can take care of myself."

"Yes, you are also very good. You can stand up with your stomach. Does the country still owe you an outstanding soldier award?" Although Mrs. Shen was agitated, her tone was quite peaceful. Of course, you can\'t be scared. My own baby.

Xiao Jing raised the window silently, she decided, at this time it is better to shut up obediently.

Mrs. Shen went around the car and went to the other side. "Get in the car."

Shen Shengfeng sat in the co-pilot seat, and he felt inexplicably a strong eye attack.

Mrs. Shen said, "You just sat in with such a swing?"

Shen Shengfeng turned around, unknown, "Grandma has something to say?"

Xiao Jing also looked at it, "Grandma, what else do you want to say?"

Shen Shengfeng noticed the direction the old man was pointing and hurriedly opened the door.

Xiao Jing watched the captain lean in and fasten her seat belt. She cried and laughed, "Captain, I can come by myself."

"This is my job as a competent husband. You can\'t stop me from becoming an excellent husband." Shen Shengfeng made a series of moves and returned to the front passenger seat.

The car flew away.

In front of the hospital, medical staff are already waiting.

Shen Shengfeng stood in front of the car and looked at the little guy who was pulled in like stars and moons, but he didn\'t follow him closely.

Mrs. Shen noticed his pause and shouted, "What are you doing?"

Shen Shengfeng looked at the time, "Grandma, I will probably leave for a while, and I will leave it to you."

Mrs. Shen was also a healthy soldier when she was young. She acted quickly and without any clutter. "Aren\'t you supposed to serve your daughter-in-law at this time?

"Any business must be dealt with immediately."

Mrs. Shen narrowed her eyes, and naturally knew that there was a priority, and she sighed, "Here you are, you go quickly."

"Well, I will be back soon."

Shen Shengfeng got into the car and left the throttle.

In the Iron Eagles, Pei Yi was very nervous. The military requested that this scorpion must be delivered today. Such an important person must be monitored throughout the process.

And what did their captain do? He was detained in the Iron Eagles.

Hehe, do you want to send a pile of bones to the military? No, depending on the captain\'s ability, I\'m afraid it won\'t stay even after rubbing the dust.

Shen Shengfeng opened the iron gate, and the iron gate that had been subjected to the wind and frost for many years made a sound like the lingering muffled sound of a dying person.

"Captain." Pei Yue stood upright and shouted.

Shen Shengfeng nodded slightly, "What about people?"

"It\'s closed inside." Pei Yue said and stopped.

Shen Shengfeng glanced at him obliquely, "Just say something."

"The captain just sent someone from the military, really didn\'t hand this guy over?"

"Wait until I go in and talk to him." Shen Shengfeng pushed open the wooden door inside and creaked in the enclosed space.

The man was wearing a blindfold, his hands and feet were locked in handcuffs, and he was sitting in a chair with some decadence.

Shen Shengfeng turned on the lights in the room, and suddenly the room lit up. He stepped forward and took off the other side\'s blindfold.

The man was a bit uncomfortable with this light, closed his eyes instinctively, and then slowly opened it after a while.

The room was very quiet. Shen Shengfeng stood by the table, and tapped the table with one hand, creating the only sound in the room.

Every time a man breathes, the lifelike scorpion tattoo on his neck moves.

Shen Shengfeng stopped tapping, and he spoke first, "Do you know why I want to keep you alone?"

The man sneered, "You will regret not killing me on the spot."

"Then you will also regret that you died without the spot." Shen Shengfeng took off his gloves, and the places where his fingertips touched began to drop deep and shallow pits.

When the man\'s pupils gather, he hasn\'t heard of the description of those people before his brother died, but when he saw this for the first time, he would be drawn uncontrollably even if he was in an uneasy mood.

Shen Shengfeng turned his head, his eyes fell on the man\'s body.

The man hit a shudder inexplicably, as if he was being stared at by a pair of scarlet eyes on a moonlit night, as if the hand of death was slowly brushing over his head, he felt the pressure of death.

Shen Shengfeng walked forward, a flash of killing in his eyes, but he was quickly covered up by him, he said, "Began to regret it now?"

"If you want to kill, you will kill. If I go out alive today, you and that Xiao Jing will be killed by me."

"This threat is very useful, and I will kill you." Shen Shengfeng raised his hand and grabbed the opponent\'s neck directly.

The man kicked his feet, and the body was spasmodic. The pain was not the pain of hypoxia, but the hot pain after the skin began to corrode.


Shen Shengfeng only held him for a second, then released his hand.

The man clenched his teeth, his clothes were leaking with blood, and his entire throat was damaged, as if the vocal cords had been cut off. He couldn\'t say a word.

"Want to try again?" Shen Shengfeng held his neck again.

A plume of white smoke rose from his neck, and the blood seemed to boil in the blood vessels.

Pain, the pain that makes one want to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

Shen Shengfeng\'s eyes pressed his hand quickly, his fingertips touched, and the man\'s skin began to fester. He had no time to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

Shen Shengfeng said, "How can you bear this uncomfortable death method?"

The man was stretched, his consciousness was moving away, his face was bleeding little by little, his mouth was open, and his blood was spit out.

There is a strong **** smell all over the space. There is a sense of oppression that can\'t be ignored in this small closed place. The man is a bit afraid of this person\'s approach. Yes, he is scared, and he can be considered to have experienced countless battles. For the first time, the character wanted to die.

Shen Shengfeng gently swept away his head, watching his right neck to this position on his shoulder, and wiped his fingertips little by little.

"Ah." The man couldn\'t bear the pain that was ripped from his skin, but it was a roar, and blood flowed out of his mouth. He leaned on the chair, his empty shell like a lost soul, and his eyes were empty.

"This scorpion is really ugly." Shen Shengfeng successfully etched the scorpion\'s tattoo clean and rotten, looked down at the man who had only half a life left, and raised his head again, "I said, You will regret that I saved you a life. "

"Kill me, kill me." The man growled angrily.

Shen Shengfeng stepped back, his eyes fell on the man who had completely lost his composure.

Pei Yue stood outside listening to the roaring screams inside, and several times wanted to rush in. He was really afraid that his captain would not be able to corrode people with even the slag.

However, the picture he was most worried about still appeared.

Pei Yue stood in the empty room, and the cold wind blew.

Shen Shengfeng didn\'t care about wearing gloves, and then went out calmly.

Pei Yue stepped, "Captain, what about people?" Can he escape as a human? Definitely yes, it should be.

"He wants to see God, and in the face of such a request, I don\'t think I can refuse it." Shen Shengfeng said with ease.

"" Captain, what does your old man ask me to see now at the military?

Shen Shengfeng stopped and looked at him, "Tell the military department that this person is my Shen Shengfeng, let them come and talk to me, and pass this on by the way."

"Captain, are you sure you want to say that?"

"Or you can take it." Shen Shengfeng got into the car.

Pei Ye stood up straight and saluting, "Yes, Captain, I will inform the military."

In the military office, the depressed atmosphere is about to squeeze out the moisture in the body.

Shen Shenghuang stared blankly at the report in front of him, convinced that it was sent by his third brother, and looked up at the person.

Pei Yan was faint at heart, but still stood meticulously.

Shen Shenghuang opened the file, read it verbatim, and finally slammed the file on the table.

Hearing this thrilling sound, Pei Min felt that his heart was almost jumping to his throat.

Shen Shenghuang closed his eyes and calmed down a little mood, "What about that stinky boy?"

"The captain should go back."

"So he\'s ready to give me the mess?"

Pei Yue was silent.

Shen Shenghuang held his hands on the table. "No matter what method you use, get me Shen Shengfeng, or I\'ll sever your iron hawk\'s supplies for one year today. I see how crazy he is."

Pei Yue walked out of the office, sucking in the air with a big mouth, and hesitated after making a phone call.

About two hours later, a leading car was parked under the building.

Shen Shenghuang was working on his official business. He heard the knock on the door and said coldly, "Come in."

He originally thought that the comer would be his own **** third, and he was going to scold him when he pushed in the door, but before he could say anything, he was stung back and almost got internal injuries.

Mrs. Shen walked in with a vulgar look, and closed the office door behind her with a backhand.

Shen Shenghuang stood up, actively let go of his seat, and stood side by side respectfully.

Mrs. Shen leaned her hands on the armrests, watching the grandchildren who secretly fell in love with the little girl who hadn\'t achieved success in a few years, slamming the table.

Shen Shenghuang couldn\'t figure out the old lady\'s intention to come over at this time, whispered, "What do you have to say to me, grandma?"

"Aren\'t you the third brother to roll over right away? I\'ll roll over for him, let\'s say what you want to tell him."

Shen Shenghuang was sulking in his throat.

"Talk." Mrs. Shen raised the volume.

Shen Shenghuang couldn\'t help crying and laughing, "Grandma, I have a business official and my third brother said."

"Nothing big can stop your third brother from taking care of his daughter-in-law and my baby Grandson-in-law."


"Are you ashamed? We, the Shen family, old, young and old, think that your third brother is lonely and old in this life. This is a good thing. They are the first to have a daughter-in-law, and you? Your hands and feet are healthy, and your daughter-in-law is healthy. What about your daughter-in-law? Mrs. Shen jabbed his shoulder hard.

Shen Shenghuang was almost **** off.

Mrs. Shen sighed, "You, the eldest brother, are thinking about your third brother everywhere, and you are still thinking about sending him a task. I tell you that you\'d better stop his task this time. If my baby granddaughter Sun What\'s wrong with you, I was the first one to cut you. "

"Grandma, you can\'t—"

"Say whatever you want." Mrs. Shen interrupted him directly, and it was clear that she interrupted him intentionally.

Shen Shenghuang looked at the sharp eyes of the old man, and the extra words were swallowed back. In this case, I was afraid that I would say something that was not acceptable. The old lady would have to use her pair of pruning, beautiful and sticky rhinestones. Fingernails slap themselves. There was no major problem in hurting myself. The old lady broke her finger, and her mother was afraid to kick him out of the family tree.

Mrs. Shen was very satisfied with his current expression and sat back on the chair. "Now let\'s say, what exactly did you want your third brother to do over here?"

"He disposed of an important person privately," Shen Shenghuang bluntly said.

"What\'s this, special teams have the right to deal with prisoners, this is the privilege granted to them above."

"But this man\'s military department named his surname to be kept."

"and then?"

"The third brother left him with no slag." Shen Shenghuang stroked his forehead. "At least it\'s OK to leave a whole body. I can also excuse this guy for committing suicide. Now, how can I deal with this?"


"Grandma, although we are a family, business is business, and such things cannot--"

"I heard that Captain Liu\'s mother recently came to Beijing. I happen to be busy recently. I will invite her out for a cup of tea tomorrow, and by the way talk about the two of you. What do you think?"

Shen Shenghuang stood upright with his head upright. "It\'s all one family. I\'m the eldest brother of this kind. I should take care of it for the third brother. You can let him take good care of his brother and sister. . "

"Good boy, take care of it. I\'ll go to the hospital first." Mrs. Shen stood up with a smile.

Shen Shenghuang personally sent the old lady out the door, "Do you need me to accompany you to see your aunt tomorrow?"

"What do you do with a big man in our women\'s affairs? Just handle the things in your hands, and look at your success. If you have the wisdom of your third brother, your son is afraid of playing soy sauce. . "

"I totally respect Fenglin."

"Come on, wait for my news, and work harder. How can a woman take the initiative in this kind of thing? You have to use your actions to conquer her." Madam Shen looked around to make sure there was no one, and secretly Took something from his bag and shoved it into his hand.

Shen Shenghuang touched the thing in his hand, it was a square box, and he looked for a moment. Is this a security measure?

Mrs. Shen cast a thoughtful expression, "Use it well."

Shen Shenghuang hurriedly stuffed the square box into his pocket and stood up and saluting, "Yes, grandma."