Jun Ye Can't Help But Tease His Wife

Chapter 304: Grand wedding (two more)

The most tender one is the tenderness of bowing his head, like a leaf falling over the lake, and ripples spreading out in circles, which can\'t be calm for a long time.

Xiao Man was able to clearly hear the heart beating like crazy splashing in his heart, and the moment he looked up, he happened to look at these eyes, which was particularly bright and special.

If General Yan Mo\'s eyes were cold and melancholy, then the eyes of the people in front of him were fiery, like the raging fire burning in the spring of the recovery of all things.

Xiao Yu put on his military cap. "Okay, you are late."

Xiao Man looked back, and then he knew how long he had been delayed, and he kept rushing out of the mansion.

Xiao Yu looked at the rushing back, and smiled slightly as usual, and she has been with her little sister for a long time. This kind of carefree temperament is a little different.

"Xiao Man, here." Wei Ziqi lowered the window and frowned. "What are you doing? The wedding car has gone far."

Xiao Man gasped in his car and fastened his seat belt.

Wei Ziqi pointed at the clothes on her shoulder. "Who is this?"

Xiao Man hugged in his arms, for fear of being snatched away by her, "Just given to me by General Xiao Yu."

Wei Ziqi stared, "You are talking about the chief\'s elder brother, General Xiao Yu?"

Xiao Man nodded shyly, "He estimated that I would be cold, there is a kind of gentleness in the world, he called you think you are cold."

"Aren\'t you thinking about General Yanmo?" Wei Ziqi asked.

Xiao Man woke up like a dream, she ripped open her clothes, and frowned, "Why am I so passionate and do not fall in love? No, even if General Xiao Yu is a dragon and phoenix among people, but I am already in the heart General Mo, I will never see the change of thoughts that hurt my family General Yan Mo. "

Wei Ziqi gave her a disgusted glance. "Although the truth is a bit hurtful, but I think I must tell you the truth."

Xiao Man covered her mouth. "Don\'t say, I know. You told me not to love Yang Hua and see one. I know that I will face up to the mistake I made today. I will never treat Xiao Yu. The general had that rude idea. "

Wei Ziqi opened her hand and said solemnly, "I just want to tell you--"

Xiao Man covered her mouth again, "I know, Ziqi, I know, you don\'t say anything, I know that as a comrade, you won\'t just watch me commit this kind of unforgivable pedal The confusion of the two boats, rest assured that I will recognise myself. "

Wei Ziqi gave up her persuasion, and there was no way we could call someone who didn\'t wake up to sleep.

Xiao Man looked at the window with interest, holding tightly Xiao Yu\'s coat, what should I do? This coat seems to be sprayed with perfume. It is fragrant and fragrant. I didn\'t notice that I was hugging the healthy body of General Xiao Yu.

The wedding scene was crowded, and the Shen family and the Xiao family belonged to the celebrities of the flower country. Naturally, the marriage between the two was a top-ranking event of that year. The table was opened at a hundred tables, and the most famous people in Beijing were invited.

Shen Yitian stood at the entrance with a meticulous smile on his uniform. The mild, rare day-to-day sight is everywhere, and the eyes are about to laugh into a line. I ca n’t wait to tell the whole world today that their Shen family is overjoyed.

"Bang, bang." Fireworks trembled, firecrackers echoed in the mountains.

Everyone in the mansion raised their heads high and looked at the 111th Army of the K Army who interspersed with the sky.

Shen Yitian stood next to Marshal Xu Mao and clapped his hands. "Brother Xu, such a great gift, thank you very much."

Xu Mao held a glass of champagne and shook the liquor in his hand. He said, "Shen\'s family is so happy. We are long-time comrades-in-arms, so why should we give you a fire?"

"This is not as simple as a fire. These fighters have alarmed the entire Huaguo. People who didn\'t know thought we were in a joint military exercise." Shen Yitian raised his glass and the two glasses collided.

"My little help is not as good as Marshal Feng Cheng\'s sensation. Look at it all to congratulate the Shen family and Xiao family, and reward the three armies." Xu Mao said.

Feng Cheng stepped forward with a big laugh, and as soon as his violent voice came out, all the guests along the way turned back.

"Brother Feng broke the cost." Shen one day personally handed a glass of wine.

Feng Cheng waved his hand. "We are all brothers. They talk about what they do. The main thing is that everyone is happy. I am very happy today. What about Brother Xiao? Why haven\'t you come?"

"The wedding car will arrive in half an hour, and they should go with them," Shen said one day.

"The four of us haven\'t been together for a long time. Wait two rounds?" Xu Mao asked.

"It\'s daring, how can two laps be enough, at least four laps, no one is allowed to rely on Pi." Feng Cheng looked up and sulked.

Yan Yan glanced at the big leaders who were very happy to chat, and a woman didn\'t want to come forward to mix anything. When she turned around, a figure walked past in a haze.

Yan Mo left only an empty shell like a walking dead. He looked at the happy environment. The little daughter-in-law who had been distressed for more than ten years now became his niece. He sniffed and suddenly he was fine Want to cry.

"You are the expression of the dead father and mother. Those who didn\'t know thought that our Yan family had died again." Yan Yan took a hot towel and wiped Yan Mo\'s face.

Yan Mo squatted on the ground, picking up the weeds on the ground. "Sister, I don\'t think I should be here today."

"Why can\'t you be here today? It\'s your parents-in-law who got married."

"" And my little daughter-in-law.

Yan Yan squatted beside him, "I know you still can\'t let Xiao Jing in, but my brother, Xiao Jing is now my daughter-in-law, so I\'ll give your sister a little face, if you want me to introduce you How many women? No, so can men. "

"" Am I just so casual in your eyes now?

Yan Mo saw his grievance in his eyes, gave a slight cough, and pointed to his right front position. "Did you see that, the third son of Uncle Xu, who just returned from abroad and heard that he was a doctor of medicine , The looks are also handsome, the main thing is to hear that he has not been in love. "


"How is it? Is there a burning desire in your heart to conquer? Would you like me to refer you for a referral?"

With a moan, Yan Mo stood up from the ground.

Yan Yan was very satisfied with his reaction, and stood up again, with a look of relief: "Take out your courage, let\'s go and use your rude and brutal male hormone to capture him."

"Sister, I need to be quiet."

Yan Yan looked away with two steps, "Okay, I\'ll give you time to think about the strategy, don\'t give up."

The waiter trot all the way, breathing a few breaths, and busyly said, "Madam, the wedding car is here."

Yan Yan sorted out her dress and followed the waiter to the front yard.

Yan Mo looked at the back and forth, sitting lonely in a chair.

"Quiet, the wedding car is here. Would you like to see it?" The two women came out of the manor, one after the other, a blue dress, and a small neutral suit.

The woman called quiet said only one word, "No."

Another woman in a blue skirt frowned. "You can\'t say one more word? No, no?"

"Tired." The woman leaned in front of the pillar, her face really tired.

The other woman did not bother her too much and went straight to the front yard.

Yan Mo listened to the voice and looked at the woman leaning on the pillar. She was wearing a normal small suit, not like other women\'s dresses. She did not use pink powder on one face, and her short hair was simple and simple.

Xu Jingjing noticed someone\'s peep, looked up, and stared unfriendlyly at the man who was staring at him.

Yan Mo moved his eyes away and no longer looked at it.

Xu Jing quietly snorted, stepped forward indifferently, and said, "Speak."

Yan Mo looked around, convinced she was talking to herself, and said, "I have nothing to say."

"Look at me," Xu Jingjing said again.

Yan Mo frowned. "What do you think you do?"

"Ask you." Xu Jingjing said again.

Yan Mo was confused by her succinct words, stood up, face to face, "What on earth do you want to say?"

"You said." Xu Jingjing politely pointed at his face, "purposeful."

Yan Mo was too lazy to pay attention to her and walked in the opposite direction.

Xu Jingjing\'s face sank, and he did not hesitate to hack it.

Yan Mo felt threatened, and his body instinctively stepped back.

Xu Jingjing refused to give up and continued to attack, "talk."

"What on earth do you want me to say?" Yan Mo was forced to retreat, unable to hit women, not women.

Xu Jingjing said strongly, "Purpose."

Yan Mo grabbed her hand, "What\'s my purpose?"

auzw.com "Ask you," Xu Jingjing said again.

Yan Mo could push her hand open and shouted at her nose, "I have no purpose, you better stop making trouble for me or I will fight like a woman."

Xu Jingjing thought about attacking again, and suddenly a figure rushed forward.

"Quiet, what\'s the matter?" Xu Mao looked around without seeing his girlfriend who had just returned from the task. When she heard the movement here, she knew who she saw again.

Yan Mo saw the chief and saluted, "Marshal."

Xu Mao looked at the two men in tension and frowned. "What\'s wrong?"

Xu Jingjing said blankly, "He, look at me."

Xu Mao couldn\'t help crying. "There must be some misunderstanding."

Yan Mo put down his hand and jumped word by word with the same pride, "Eyes, on me, on my body, I think, look, look."

Xu Mao dragged Yan Mo and walked two steps elsewhere, with a solemn look, "Don\'t be angry with my daughter-in-law. She has communication difficulties. The longest sentence that has always been said is no more than four words. Occasionally only I will say it word by word. "

Yan Mo glanced at the woman who was innocent, "communication difficulties?"

Xu Mao lowered his voice. "Don\'t learn to talk to her, or she\'ll cut you."

Yan Mo coughed, avoiding heavy, said "Sir, my daughter doesn\'t just have a language barrier, but her brain has to be cured. I looked at her and she said that I had an attempt. I was like a superficial person. ?"

Xu Mao slaps on the back of Yan Mo, "I\'m her dear, I\'m very short, you go."

Yan Mo was slapped inexplicably, and before he returned to God, he saw Marshal Xu Mao holding his own girl\'s hand to flee.

Xu Jingjing glanced back at Yan Mo again, couldn\'t help raising his hand, and made a movement to wipe his neck.

Yan Mo reluctantly fought back, squeezed his fists, and then mocked her self-righteousness with her thumbs down.

Xu Jingjing gritted his teeth, picked up the stones on the ground and threw them.

Yan Mo avoided the trace and avoided it, snorted coldly, again with a thumbs down motion.

"Alas." Fireworks shattered the sky, dozens of wedding cars entered the manor in an orderly manner, and the magnesium lights along the way continued to flash.

The door slowly opened, and only a hydrogen balloon rose into the air. The officers on both sides set up their guns and volleyed.

The bullet penetrated the balloon, and the broken balloon sprinkled petals with petals, colorful and very beautiful.

Shen Shengfeng, wearing a military uniform, leaned over and took the right hand of the people in the car. On their sides, groomsmen and bridesmaids stood side by side in two rows.

The long road from south to north, the next stop is happiness.

No matter how bumpy it is, I will not get lost without you.

From the way to life, the next stop is happiness.

Give without grudges, just for a successful end

Xiao Jing raised his eyes, and his face was engraved with a face close at hand.

Shen Shengfeng looked down, engraved with the tenderness of her smile, he raised his hand and gently took off the falling petals on her wedding dress, and his fingertips tightened her little hand more and more.

The red carpet, happy music, and applause from both sides along the way, she walked step by step with her skirt.

The wind rose, the fireworks lit up the passion of the sky lonely, and the helicopters re-arranged in a row from far and near.

In the center of the large manor, a military song sounded loudly, and a row of guards in suits crossed their swords in their hands.

Xiao Jing changed back into a military uniform, and the shining military epaulets shone brightly in the sun. She stood in front of Shen Shengfeng, her hands clasped tightly.

"咚, 咚, 咚咚咚." The drums played, and the saber opened slowly, leaving a road to Kangzhuang.

Shen Shengfeng held her hand, and the bright military boots stepped steadily on the red carpet.


Gu Qingcheng, the old lady of the Shen family, is a famous figure in the capital. She has been living in abundance for a long time. Today, she is dressed in a Chinese cheongsam, which is as old as the name that once caused a sensation in the capital.

"Okay." The old lady even said that the three were good. She sat on a chair and looked at Xiao Jing in a military uniform, her eyes involuntarily turned red.

Once upon a time, she questioned God\'s injustice. Their Shen family was loyal, but the children were not affected, ghosts or ghosts, fortunately fortunately.

"Grandma, drink tea." Xiao Jing knelt straight, handing the tea with both hands.

"Okay, grandma, grandma." Mrs. Shen was shaking with a slight hand in her tea, and she laughed, "get up."

Xiao Jing stood up and stood behind the old man with a smile in his eyes.

Sitting in his father\'s position one day, Shen tightened his fist a little nervously. If it wasn\'t for wearing gloves, he might have been wet by sweat.

"Father, drink tea." Xiao Jing picked up a cup of tea and knelt before the two elders.

Shen took a quick sip and said, "Get up, don\'t need to kneel."

Xiao Jing took another cup of tea, "Mother, drink tea."

"Okay, don\'t pay attention to those ostentatious gifts, Shen Shengfeng, help your daughter-in-law quickly." Yan Yan stared at his motionless son.

Xiao Jing stood up slowly, and her body was twins for more than three months, which was like an average person\'s belly for five months.

Shen Shengfeng walked in front of Xiao Yan, saluting his head, and then knelt down respectfully, "Father, drink tea."

Xiao Zheng hesitated for a moment. He took the tea cup with a trembling hand. "I only have one request, to hurt her well. It\'s not the kind of affection spoken, it\'s a must-have.

Shen Shengfeng responded forcefully, "Yes, father-in-law."

Xiao Yan took a sip of tea.

Shen Shengfeng brought another cup of tea, "Mother-in-law, please drink tea."

Qin Yue already had her eyes red. She was wearing a Chinese cheongsam, and she just took a sip when she picked up the tea cup. "Come up, kid."

"Can we take pictures now?" The cameraman asked cautiously.


Shen Shengfeng and Xiao Jing stood behind the elders, facing the camera and smiling.

With a click, the camera flickered.

Applause rang out.

Xiao Jing tightly held the two big red envelopes Marshal Shen Yitian personally handed to himself. Is it a check to feel this weight?

It\'s not right. The check looks like a piece of paper. The envelope should be a card or something.

Xiao Jing was a joy in her heart. Is it the card given to her by her father-in-law?

Shen Shengfeng leaned against her ear and whispered, "Probably the key to the house."

A basin of cold water poured on Xiao Jing\'s face, she wondered, "The key?"

Shen Shengfeng nodded, "it should have sent us two wedding houses."

Xiao Jing felt her belly, it turned out to be a wedding room.

"This is from your parents." Shen Shengfeng shoved into her hand. "I probably touched it, it might be a check."

Xiao Jing was so pleased that her parents were sincere and knew that raising children was not easy and she should give some milk powder.

Shen Shengfeng shook her hand. "Love this?"

Xiao Jing opened the envelope secretly, and it turned out to be a cheque. She carefully counted the number on the back of the cheque, and her eyes lighted up.

Shen Shengfeng rubbed her little head. "What\'s foolish?"

Xiao Jing was so happy that he clutched the red envelope tightly.

Shen Shengfeng tangled her little hands with her fingers, "Afraid I can\'t afford you?"

"team leader--"

"The captain of your family is rich. Don\'t worry about starving your mother and son."