It seems that the production skills I obtained in the other world were the strongest ~【Creation】&【Dexterity】Double Cheat for Warriors~!

43 Episode 11: I tried using dark magic. I intended to check it ...

What I got from the Adventurer\'s Guild was the following information.

The one that appeared was the large A-class demon "Needle Turtle".

Its carapace is thick and has countless large spikes growing out of it like a sword mountain.

It has a thick carapace with countless spikes like a sword mountain.

They are not very active during this season (from autumn to winter). However, once they start to rampage, they can cause a lot of damage. If you want to defeat them, you should prepare your forces and finish them in a short time.

The Adventurer\'s Guild is currently preparing to defeat them, and it seems that my arrival was good timing.

The knights led by the lord will also arrive tomorrow, so it seems that a joint adventurer, mercenary and knight\'s guild will defeat the Needle Turtle.

...... but somehow, the Needle Turtle was closing in on this city.

\'\'Ta, it\'s bad! Well, demons! A demon has appeared just outside the city!

A guild employee shouts that as he runs into the lobby, sweating.

One of the adventurers asks loudly back.

\'I thought Needle Turtle was a meek demon!

It seems that the mercenary guild launched an attack on their own initiative and failed to defeat them. ......

"You pissed off the Needle Turtle. d*mn it! That\'s why those mercenary guilds!

Hmm, it\'s a mercenary guild indeed.

What they do is not good.

I\'m curious as to why they made their move on their own, but more importantly, the Needle Turtle is approaching the city.

I\'m not sure how to defeat it, but it\'s the best way to do it.

...... As I was quickly putting together a plan in my head, the head of the city\'s adventurer\'s guild branch approached me.

He is a slender young man with glasses.

He gives the impression of being somewhat nervous and proud.

It wouldn\'t be a knock-off from the adventurers.

He has the vibe of an elite ...... recruited as an executive candidate.

\'\'Dragonslayer-dono, may I make one request ......?\'\'

You mean the Needle Turtle?

\'\'It\'s embarrassing to expose our incompetence, but it was not calculated that the Mercenary Guild moved on its own. We are also unable to respond to the ...... suddenness of the situation. Could you please hold the Needle Turtle back ...... until we can regain our posture?

The young branch leader said this and dropped to his knees on the floor.

He was about to get down on his knees ...... that threw off his pride, so I crouched down and grabbed the chapter leader\'s shoulder to stop him.

The Adventurer\'s Guild and the Mercenary Guild are different organizations, and there\'s no need for this person to apologize for the Mercenary Guild\'s arbitrary actions anywhere.

He must be the type of person who takes on a lot of things.

\'\'Is it enough to keep them stranded?\'\'

...... yes. Please, please.

\'Alright. Just to be sure, you should also calculate the reward for taking down the Needle Turtle.

I told him and ran out of the Adventurer\'s Guild.

* * *

Before noon, the people of the city had become much calmer.

This was probably due to the city\'s sturdy walls and the trust built up by the Adventurers\' and Mercenaries\' guilds.

But with the Needle Turtle looming in front of them, the city was in a state of panic.

The mournful cries of the fleeing people reached my ears.

As for me, in the extreme, I don\'t mind abandoning the city of Surie and running away.

If I activate the suit\'s 《God Speed Blessing S》, I can immediately retreat to a safe zone.

\'\'But that would have too bad of an aftertaste.

I activated 【Spatial Leap】 and warped out of the city.

In order to avoid causing damage to the city, I waited for the Needle Turtle at a slight distance.

Little by little, from beyond the wide grasslands, the mountains were getting closer.

No, not a mountain.

It\'s the Needle Turtle.

...... big.

It would be about 20 meters long.

As for its size, it was about the same size as the Extreme Extinction Black Dragon.

Just like the preliminary information, the Needle Turtle\'s shell was thick and had a number of huge spikes growing out of it.

As for height, it was about the height of three stories of a building.


Still, it\'s doubtful.

If it\'s such a large demon, there should have been at least some sightings of it for a long time.

I activate 【Appraisal】 while tilting my head.

\'\'Needle Turtle (isolated species, furious).

The Needle Turtle spontaneously arose from a pool of magic element, not from its parents.

It is furious and extremely dangerous.\'\'

I see.

I\'ve never heard of the category of isolated species, but if it occurred naturally, it makes sense that there are no eyewitness accounts of it.

This turtle must be a recent arrival.

So people were made aware of its presence when it attacked the wagon last night.

I\'m still a long way from the Needle Turtle, but the other side seems to have noticed me and roared.

\'Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

At the same time, a dozen spikes shot out of the shell like missiles.

Do you want to avoid them?

No, it can\'t.

I have the city of Surie behind me.

I need to contain this.

We\'re playing defense.

Deploy the barrier to protect the city.

The Guardian Golem emerged from the item box and immediately gave the order.

Instead of replying, the Guardian Golem let out a driving sound and raised its hands and deployed a barrier.

A wall of pale magic power is deployed.

All of the Needle Turtle\'s spikes slammed into the barrier and shattered into pieces.


It seems that this was unexpected for the Needle Turtle, and he makes a puzzled sound.

Since that spike doesn\'t seem to be able to break through the barrier, it would be best to leave the defense to the Guardian Golem.

The attack is ...... what to do.

I\'m wearing Diabolos Armor now.

Thanks to the 《Dark King S+》, my aptitude for dark magic has also increased, so I should try using magic as well.

When I thought that, a voice echoed in my brain.

\'\'The conditions for obtaining the sub-skill within the 【Otherworlder】 skill have been met. 【Magic List】 will be released.\'\'

The list of magic I can use appeared in my head.

However, there is only one at the moment.

The dark magic ...... dark burst that the drunken sorcerer tried to activate before.

If you focus your mind, a description comes to mind.

According to it, Dark Burst is "the lowest level of dark attribute attack magic" and "low-powered, but capable of continuous fire".

Okay, let\'s try using it as a check.

The chant is ...... I believe it was something like this.

"Darkness of the abyss, annihilate my enemies without even a trace of ashes. Dark Burst.

As soon as I finished saying it, a little bit of strength drained from my body.

The magic goes into effect.

Just as the dark power seemed to converge towards the Needle Turtle, it caused a huge explosion.


It\'s supposed to be the lowest level of attack magic, but the power is strange.

Is it because the 《Darkness King S+》 has increased the aptitude of dark magic?

My dark burst had caused the earth to fray and create a deep crater.

The Needle Turtle was killed by the blow and was stored as a corpse in my item box.