It seems that the production skills I obtained in the other world were the strongest ~【Creation】&【Dexterity】Double Cheat for Warriors~!

21 Episode 20: I tried to slash the Orichalcum Golem.

I\'ve found the entrance to the ancient ruins quite easily, but now what should I do?

While I was thinking about it, Iris called out to me.

Ko, what\'s wrong? Since we\'ve found the rumored ancient ruins, let\'s go inside.

No, wait. Are we allowed to explore without permission? I think you should report this to the Adventurer\'s Guild: ......

No matter what, report, communicate and discuss.

It\'s common sense for working people, and spinach should be important, even if it\'s in a different world.

\'In particular, this would be an ancient ruin. It\'s not a good idea for a layman to set foot in a building of great historical and archaeological significance without permission. I heard that the scholars of the royal capital are also interested in it, shouldn\'t we form an official investigation team after hearing their opinions?

...... Surely Ko is right.

Apparently, Iris was convinced and nodded yes.

\'I\'m sorry, I was wrong. ...... Totally, I don\'t know which one of us is the F-ranked newcomer in this. For now, let\'s go back to the Adventurer\'s Guild.

\'Yeah, right. ...... Let\'s just block the entrance.

If someone ransacks the ruins while we\'re gone, we\'re screwed.

I make the door to the ruins that I retrieved in the item box earlier appear to return to its original location.

The door fits perfectly and is completely indistinguishable from the surrounding rock walls.

...... It\'s a door that looks like it\'s supposed to be opened and closed using the item box.

Could it be that these ruins were built with the assumption that a transitioner like me would come?

Well, we\'ll find out the details as we investigate.

We turned our backs on the ancient ruins and tried to turn back to the city of Onen.

It was after we had taken ...... 10 or 20 steps or a little bit of walking anyway, trying to turn back.

Inside my head, I heard a voice.

It was a little different from what you hear when you level up or rank up, and it was terribly mechanical.

\'\'Status scan complete.

Ko Kou Koussaka has the [Otherworlder] skill and therefore meets the qualifications as the Lord of this ruin.

...... error.

Ko Kou Koussaka does not possess the 【Brave Man】, 【Demon King】, or 【Wise Man】 subskills, nor does he possess any of them.

It has been determined to be non-standard. Execute an exception.\'

What the hell are you talking about?

I stopped in my tracks, puzzled, and looked back at the ancient ruins.

At the same time, a strange thing happened.

Right near the entrance to the ruins, the space seemed to distort, and a bipedal giant covered in golden metal appeared.

Right next to me, Iris let out an astonished sigh.

\'\'That\'s transition magic ......! And the Orihalcon golem!

\'Orihalcon golem? You know this, Iris.

\'\'I fought in another dungeon a long time ago, with a party of only A-ranked people, but I came back without a scratch: ......!

While listening to Iris\' story, I activate 【Appraisal】 in parallel.

\'Orichalcong Golem (Magical Laser Cannon Mounted Type)

Description: A golem wearing Orihalcon armor.

It boasts the highest level of defense among humanoid golems.

It is equipped with magic laser cannons in both eyes, and is also able to deal with long range.

Both of the golem\'s eyes glowed silver.

Not good!

...... If it weren\'t for [the mastery of dexterity], one of us would be dead, me or Iris.



I quickly hugged Iris as soon as I could and caught the magic laser on my back.

The damage is zero.

It was thanks to the "Magic Damage Blocker A" granted to the suit.

As expected of Fenrir fabric, it\'s nothing.

If I dare to look for the effect on my body, the area hit by the laser is warm and warm.

It might improve blood circulation and relieve your sore shoulder.

"Ko, are you okay?

It\'s okay. I\'m fine.

I pull away from Iris and turn back to the golem.

I take off my suit jacket and hold it in my left hand like a bullfighter\'s cloak.

Each time, both of the golem\'s eyes shine.

I swung my left arm wide, flipped my jacket and flicked the laser.

I continued to close the distance.

The golem shoots a number of lasers, but all of them are blocked by me with my jacket.

Then, when we were about 5 meters away from each other, I put on my jacket again - I activated the "Divine Speed Blessing S".

In exchange for the magical power, time accelerated overwhelmingly.

I stepped in faster than the wind and thinned out on the golem.

With that speed on board, he took out the Hikino Tree Sword from the item box--and swung it down!

The speed of the suit\'s Divine Speed Blessing S and the Wood Sword\'s Slash Enhancement A create a fearsome synergy.

...... slashed.

Yes, I slashed.

With the wooden sword, I slashed the metal.

And an orichalcon.

It\'s a metal used in the strongest equipment in fantasy RPGs, and probably has a similar position in this world as well.

Nevertheless, I was able to cut it.

\'\'It\'s really a cheat, this .......

Right in front of me, an orihalcon golem split in half on either side and fell to the ground.

Sparks sparked on the severed surface for a while, but then it was silenced silently.

Once again, a mechanical voice sounded inside his head.

\'Exceptions done.

\'\'I will consider you to be at least as good as or better than the [Brave] due to [Protecting your friends].

I\'m going to consider you to be the same or better than a wise man by \'unharmed by the magic laser\'.

By destroying the Orihalcon Golem with a single blow, you are considered to be at least the same level of existence as the Demon King.

Evaluation decision ......EX. thank you for your work.

I approve Ko Kousaka as the master of this site.

The habitation area, mining area and food production area have been reactivated. Please feel free to use them thereafter.\'

Let\'s see. .......

I don\'t know what it is, but apparently I\'ve got the site.