It seems that the production skills I obtained in the other world were the strongest ~【Creation】&【Dexterity】Double Cheat for Warriors~!

16 Episode 15: I reported on the Adventurer's Guild.

As it turned out, the pink-haired girl was able to be saved safely.

All the painful wounds are gone, and the soft skin peeking out from the skeins of the torn clothes is white, smooth and fresh.

...... I activated 【Creation】 and created the Male Lone Wolf Cloak from the Male Lone Wolf\'s Fur and hung it on each of their bodies.

It\'s a pity that a young girl has to leave her bare skin exposed all the time in front of the public, as expected.


Anyway, I guess it\'s settled for now.

Soaking in a pleasant sense of fatigue, I listened to the onlookers.

I saved both of you. ......

Boyfriend, you\'re quite a gentleman. Yeah, yeah, it\'s important to keep your skin covered.

...... Hey, isn\'t that the Bear Killer?

The Bear Killer was dressed as a bear, right? That brother\'s wearing normal clothes.

No, it\'s definitely the Bear Killer. He\'s the only black-eyed, black-haired guy in this town.

The onlookers seem to have begun to notice that I\'m the rumored "Bear Killer".

I don\'t mind that, but could it be that black eyes and black hair are rare in this world?

Another piece of common sense to check.

As I was thinking about this, the staff of the Adventurer\'s Guild came from inside the city.

Perhaps someone had contacted the guild.

Thank God.

I don\'t have enough energy left to carry the two girls out of here.

The guild staff had a stretcher, and they carried the girls deftly.

Their leader was the instructor, Guise, who played the role of their leader.

He was the one who was in charge of my registration exam.

Hey there, Ko-kun. I didn\'t recognize you from your street clothes. You helped them out, didn\'t you?

Yeah. I couldn\'t leave it alone.

\'\'Haha, you\'re so kind for your two fussy names. In the meantime, can you tell me more about it at the guild?

Of course. I\'ve got something to report to you, too.

What I have to report is, of course, about the Lonely Wolf pack.

* * *

When we arrived at the Adventurer\'s Guild, the two girls were carried straight to the infirmary.

I was ushered into the reception room and had to explain to Giese-san how I came to save those girls.

...... I see. So you were just about to pass through the castle gate when Ko-kun was about to pass through the gate, and then the two of you came in?

Yeah, that\'s right.

I nodded at Guise\'s words.

\'What the hell happened to those girls?\'

\'They were on a foraging quest this afternoon. Something must have happened in the mountains to the north.

The North Mountain?

So they were in the same area as me.

\'Mr. Giese, maybe they were attacked by a pack of Lonely Wolves.

\'A pack of Lonely Wolves? Ko, give me a minute. Isn\'t that odd? That\'s what makes him the Lonely Wolf.

\'But I actually encountered it. Yes, there\'s a history of defeats on my guild card so you can see it. I think it proves that I wasn\'t lying.

All right. Just wait for me to get my magic gear.

With that, Mr. Giese left his seat and walked out of the reception room.

Not long after, he returned with a silver box.

\'\'Ko-kun, can I borrow your guild card?\'\'

Come in.

Handing over the guild card, Guise passed it through a slot in the side of the box.

Then, with a voom, the translucent window floated in the air.

What kind of technology is used in this?

It\'s amazing, the magic tool.

\'What\'s going on with today\'s defeat history at ......! \'Lonely Wolves (male) x 1024\', says ......

Do you believe me?

I\'m not going to question it now because it\'s well documented in the defeat log. It\'s just that it\'s all quite extraordinary, to say the least. There are over 1,000 Lonely Wolves here, and you\'re capable of wiping out a whole pack of them.

I\'m just a woodworker.

Haha, if all woodworkers were as strong as you are, the world would be a woodworker\'s world by now.

Mr. Giese let out a joking laugh.

\'\'Anyway, thanks for the report. I\'ll share this story with the guild staff exactly and let them take measures to deal with it. ...... This is my experience as a former adventurer, but strange things often happen before something outrageous demons appear.

Well, it\'s a standard development in RPGs.

After a series of small-scale anomalies, the boss character\'s seal is broken, and so on.

The guild is open all day long, so if you notice anything else, you can always report it to me. The Adventurer\'s Guild is open all day long. There\'s a nighttime window at the back of the building, you can check it out later.

Adventurer\'s Guild, is it open 24 hours a day?

Probably as they fought for market share with the Mercenary Guild, they decided to expand their services more and more. It\'s a tough job: .......

I finished my report to Guise and left the reception room.

This is the second floor of the Adventurer\'s Guild.

Normally, only staff members are allowed to enter this area, and on either side of the corridor are the \'reference room\' and \'accounting room\'.

Go down the stairs to the first floor, and you will find yourself in the lobby.

It was already 7:00 p.m. on the wall clock.

Maybe it was only dinner time, but there were no adventurers in sight.

I guess we\'ll just go to the inn.

As expected, I was sorry to stay at Chrome-san\'s mansion two days in a row, so I had decided to take an inn tonight.

Well, I was introduced to that inn as well, or rather, I heard it was under the umbrella of the Scarlet Chamber of Commerce, so it\'s no different than being a big help to me. Thank you.

The room has already been held up, and meals are only served in the morning.

When I was about to leave the Adventurer\'s Guild.


I turned around to call out to her, and Miria-san came running up to me with a ta-tah.

There was a hint of anxiety on her face.

\'I heard from Guise that Ko-san was attacked by a pack of Lonely Wolves. ......! Dude, are you okay? Are you hurt or something!

Milia-san takes my hand and leans forward to ask me a question with an anxious look on her face.

She\'s really nice to be this accommodating.

\'You\'re going to be fine. As you can see, you\'re not hurt.

\'Thank goodness ......! You\'re not pushing yourself, are you? You\'re not going to die somewhere in a huff, are you?

\'I\'m on pins and needles. Thank you, I\'m so lucky to have you to worry about me, Miss Milia.

It\'s been a long time since someone has cared for me like this.

When I was in a black company, we were all in dire straits. ......

I can\'t help but smile.

\'~~~! Hey, Ko, you\'re wearing those clothes and that look is not fair ......!

For some reason, Milia-san turns over with a red face.

\'\'Wow, I, I, I\'m working the night shift as it is today, so I\'ll have to excuse myself. Bye, then!\'\'

Oh, oh. Good job, sir. ......?

In spite of my bewilderment, Milia-san spins around and pulls back into the back of the guild with a swoosh.

Let\'s see.

Anyway, let\'s go to the inn or ......!

They say it\'s a pretty high ranked place and I\'m looking forward to it now.