It's The First Time For Both Of Us

Chapter 30

Translator and Editor: Bunny and Wyvern


Chapter 30

This was a brief story about the descendants of a certain witch in the original story – just one piece. I had no idea it was all about the Demeyas. I got to put it together after I heard Kuhn talk about it.

“I will help you find what you were looking for. Though I don’t know about my abilities yet, I will definitely lend you a hand when they bloom. As much as you helped me, I will surely help you.”

“…Young Lady probably didn’t do the background investigation just by yourself.”


“You won’t easily give me the answer even if I ask you.”


“You don’t need to be. So, what does Young Lady need?”

“Um… First of all, even if I use my witch’s power, make me a medicine that will hide that. It’s alright if it can only hide my power for a short time.”

Hilla shook his head. “You really know everything.”

“Heehee. And uhm, can you make me something that can make someone fluently answer questions, by any chance?”

He tilted his head. “Fluently answer questions…? Are you talking about a truth serum?”

“That one!”

“Why do you need that?”

“I mean… I don’t need it right now, but I thought that it would be useful to have it.”

“it would be a little hard, but not difficult to make. I will prepare it for you.”

I giggled at Hilla’s agreement. Thanks to that, my mood alleviated.

“And another one.”

“Another one? Haha, yes, please tell me.”

“Hilla told me to become your student.”

“It was just a joke.”

“I also want to be Hilla’s student. I want to learn from you, then I can become stronger.”

“Well… if you want, I can be Young Lady’s teacher. I also needed an assistant.”

It was a little uncomfortable to hear that Hilla needed an assistant, but I happily listened to everything he said.



“No matter how much of my past life you uncovered, even if it was of the witch’s power…”


Hilla frowned.

“Young Lady is only six years old now. How have you fiercely endured until you have prepared all of these calmly?”

I was actually worried that Hilla would be angry once I brought up his family, but he was rather concerned about me.

I stood still, fiddling with my fluttering, neatly-combed hair. “I am fine.”

“Young Lady.”

“It wasn’t all that hard because my mother protected me. I wouldn’t have met my father without my mother.”


“But if it turns out that I am a witch, both I and my father will be in danger. As Hilla said, it could place me on the temple’s cutting board…”

(T/N: be placed on the cutting board = be an open target)

“It would be.”

“I don’t want to live in fear anymore. I don’t want to live in anxiety, and I don’t want to hide.”


“I want to live a normal and happy life. That’s why I need Hilla.”

As if he was bothered by his bangs, Hilla swept them away. With his straight hairline and glasses, he looked very cold. “All right. That’s the least surprising thing you’ve said after all you revealed that you know. I also don’t want Young Lady to give a hard time either.”


With a more relaxed expression on his face, Hilla fixed his glasses. “This place is also a precious home for me. I can’t lose a place like this.”

“Then…” I looked at Hilla with anticipation.

“I don’t know how much my information will help you, but I will help you as much as I can.”


“Actually, I couldn’t complete all of Demeya’s recipes. There were some that I can’t duplicate yet and some that have failed.”

“Then how far…?”

“I’ve made all but four of them work, so it should help you. But you should also be aware that there are big loopholes in my recipe.”


“Yes. As you know, I have the bloodline but I don’t have the power.”

“Hmm, because Hilla is a man?”

“Yes. If it weren’t for my sisters, I would’ve lived without even dreaming about this Demeya Recipe,” Hilla muttered longingly.


‘Hilla wants to find his older sisters.’

I didn’t have a brother, but if I did, I thought I would be less lonely.

“There is one thing that my family’s recipes have in common.”

“One thing?”

“Yes, that’s magic. Mana, the source of the witches’ power, is the only way to complete the perfect Demeya recipe.”


“Of course, what I made is the same as the finished product with no errors except for magic, but it is not perfect.”

“Then? What’s different?” Unable to contain my curiosity, I craned my neck a little further forward.

“Well, it doesn’t really matter to ordinary people, but to real witches, it feels bland. It’s like alcohol with a little water.”

“Ah! I understand!” I understood it perfectly, so I clapped my hand unconsciously.

Cold energy like lightning passed by at that moment. It was a slip of the tongue, but I only realized it when a clear exclamation came out of my mouth.

Hilla’s eyes turned suspicious as he tilted his head. “Um? Do you understand? How does Young Lady at your age know the analogy of a watered liquor? It looks like you’ve tried it before.”


My eyes naturally fell to the floor at my obvious mistake. “B-because milk also doesn’t taste good when mixed with water! Blegh, it really doesn’t.”

(T/N: Milk here is not powdered milk, but rather fresh milk like goat’s milk, cow’s milk, whatever fresh milk you can think of. It will taste rather bland with water.)

I pretended to spit out as if I drank watered milk at any moment. Hilla nodded his head.

“Ah, yes. You’re indeed smart. But, do you happen to know this? Magical power is more important the higher the degree of crafting, so the more difficult the potion to make, the lower the purity.”

It really touched me when Hilla explained it so easily.

’That’s right, even if you know Demeya’s recipe, you can’t create a perfect finished product.’

“If, as the Young Lady said, she has that power.”


“Completing the recipe is also a matter of time. Of course… I haven’t tried it.”

“I-I’ll do it if I can!”

Hilla smiled bitterly. “As promised, I will help Young Lady. In return, you must help me complete the recipe.”

I excitedly clapped my hands. “Hmm, Hilla is the best! Thank you.”

“But before that.”


“First, we’ll need to find out about your true bloodline.”


’Aren’t I a Descartes and Dilton?’

There was no need to look for my bloodline as long as my biological mom and dad were certain.

“I never thought that Young Lady had anything to do with witches. Neither the Descartes family nor the Dilton family has anything to do with witches.”

“Dilton too?”

“Yes. I would have easily figured out what kind of witch Young Lady is if I could read the witch’s aura, but I didn’t have the power. I had no choice but to find and research information on my own. What’s more, witches set up fake families to avoid the temple—just like me.”

“Fake family… ”

Hilla straightened himself and fixed his wrinkled clothes.

“First, we have to find the real family of the Young Lady, then it will be easier for you to awaken your abilities. It looks like we will have to talk about an important thing so I think we should start the real class…”

I followed Hilla’s gaze and turned to the clock. An hour had passed while we were talking.

It was now time for Pihne to bring me snacks. I’m sure Pihne would ask what I had learned with a smile on her face, but I didn’t want to disappoint her.

“Wh-what to do?”

“Pfft.” Hilla let out laughter that almost resembled a sneer as I paced back and forth while holding my dress.

“Wh-why are you laughing!”

“Until now, I was very confused about who I was talking to, but I think it really is the six-year-old Mariette I know, seeing you flustered like that.”


“Today, we briefly talked about the history of the Ferze Empire. You seem to know that.”

I pouted. “Today is an absolute secret.”

“Of course, those things—”

As soon as Hilla spoke, we heard a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

Pihne appeared after Hilla answered for me. “Is class over? I brought a light snack for you to eat. It’s snack time, Young Lady, so…”

I saw the cookies and fruit stacked on the plate and greeted Pihne with my arms wide open. “Hmm! It’s over.”

“Then I will go back now. I will come properly prepared tomorrow.”

I nodded, chewing the crisp, crumbly, sweet cookie in my mouth.

“You’re going, Sir Hilla? But I also brought snacks for you.”

“I have a lot of research to do in the afternoon. I will be making a first aid kit for Young Lady these days so I am a bit busy.”

I silently stared at Hilla who lied without batting a single eyelash, just like a flatfish.

“Then I’ll give it to you. Take it and eat it. It’s freshly baked and it’s delicious.”

“Oh, thank you.” Hilla bowed his head and said goodbye with the snack plate that Pihne had brought. “Then, I will get going. See you tomorrow, Young Lady.”

“Yes, see you tomorrow!” I waved at Hilla who was rushing out.

When he left, Pihne asked me as she wiped the crumbs off my lips, “What did you learn today? I am very curious about the first letter Young Lady wrote today.”

I shook my head with puffy cheeks filled with cookies. “I didn’t write anything.”

Pihne’s eyes widened. “Not even one?”


“Then what did you learn?”

“Hilla said he forgot today and didn’t prepare anything.”

“Yes? So what did you do for an hour?”

Hilla suggested that I answer I learned about the Ferze Empire’s history, but I couldn’t. I thought I’d have to give Pihne an answer if she asked about the history in detail. And speaking of Ferze, I couldn’t avoid praising the temple, even if I would have rather died.

So I had no choice but to use Hilla.

“I was just playing because Hilla told me to.”

’…Hilla, I’m sorry.’

(T/N: I don’t know if it’s only me that shipped Pihne and Hilla, even though there weren’t many scenes they were together lol [bunny giggling noises])


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