It's not so much about reincarnated characters!

8 Wind dragon

"Oh, my Lord-- Aisha swears eternal allegiance to you.

Nacht didn\'t know what kind of change of heart - or sublimation - had taken place in Aisha, but it goes without saying that the words were unexpected to Nacht.

Nacht meant to say it in a light-hearted way, like, "Let\'s travel together," but somehow it had become an eternal loyalty.

Of course, she didn\'t mean to say it as a joke. I felt a fate that was as close to inevitable as it was possible to get with her. But if it was taken that seriously, I don\'t know how to respond to it.


Aisha, who wasn\'t fully grown, had caught her foot on a tree root and was about to fall.


With Nacht\'s reflexes and reaction time, it would be a piece of cake for Aisha to support her before she could regain her stance.

\'Are you okay, Aisha?\'

\'Ehehe, I\'m sorry, Master Nacht. But Aisha is fine.

When she supports Aisha, for some reason, her cheeks loosen up in the most joyful way possible, and she says so with a big smile on her face.

Nacht doesn\'t know what in the world is making her so happy.

\'Shall we hold hands?\'

Then he held out his right hand.

"Ha-wa-wa, that\'s so rude--

Even as she said this, Aisha\'s hand was moving closer to Nacht\'s right hand.

It\'s a good idea to have a good idea of what you want to do.

When I was a Toru, the only experience I had with holding hands was at a cultural festival dance, and I was too embarrassed to hold out my hand to myself, no matter how much I looked like a child, but since I became Nacht, I was able to say it naturally.

\'Ha, but it\'s a shame--ha, but no--but--\'

Aisha\'s expression reddened like a boiled octopus and tried to reverently hold her hand, pulled away, and then tried to hold it again, but Nahat couldn\'t hold back and squeezed her hand.

\'\'Hah! I\'m impressed! I\'m honored!

As for Nacht, Aisha is supposed to be a traveling companion.

I want you to be more comfortable with her.

It\'s nothing more than holding hands. Well, that\'s only because Nacht is a female character. In my gaming days, the flirtatious guild members would go along with me even if I was the main male character, using the change in my face to imitate kissing, but when I asked for it from someone I just got to know, I was like, \'Ugh... creepy...\' This is why I was somewhat uncomfortable with female players, even in the game world, as they would say things like "I\'m s*xually harassed by ______...". Incidentally, at the time, I gave him a legendary-grade equipment and was allowed to play, but if I was uncomfortable, he would say over the loudspeaker, "I\'ve been s*xually harassed by ________.

In his previous life, Aikawa Tohru had never been in a relationship with a woman, nor had he ever held her hand. Much less kissed a woman.

When I think of it that way, I\'ve become quite proactive.

Nacht looked at the little beautiful girl, Aisha.

Even though she was slow to grow, she still had no small amount of feminine ups and downs and roundness to her.

Nacht is quite a beautiful girl, but Aisha is probably not to be outdone.

Not to mention her skin, which has been cleaned of dirt and her blood color has improved, and now that the impurities have been removed from her dull golden thread hair and it has become vivid, her hair is as beautiful as art. The way it reflects in the sunlight is like the light of the moon that illuminates the night.

Nacht\'s face also flushed a little when he remembered that he had his first kiss with the girl who was currently holding his hand.


Such a peaceful and happy moment was interrupted by the sound of tactless wings.

It was about ten kilometres away that Nacht\'s hearing caught it with his dragon persona.

But, despite this, in just a few ten seconds, it appeared above my head.


Are the mighty wings fanning the sky supporting its massive body, or is it the blue-green whirlpool of magical power that is supporting it?

Just a shadow standing in the sky, the sunlight was extinguished.

Short - well, even though it\'s short, it\'s short compared to its entire length, but such four legs wrapped in scales that remind you of deep green. Beyond that, sharp claws that would be about the same size as a single person.

I\'m not going to try to measure the size of its spread wings, its physique is the same.

Even so, if we were to force a metaphor, should we say that it is like a mountain? A giant body like a mountain is floating in the sky.

It has emerald eyes that evoke a deep intellect, and eight horns that are curved and distorted as if clothed in the wind.

On its back, a snake-like tail clung aggressively to it.

\'\'There\'s another one over here, dragon.

It was definitely a dragon, though it was a species he had never seen before in the game world, but it was definitely a dragon.

When he found a person, he felt as if he had found his own kind again, and it seemed to be the same with dragons.

It was huge, overwhelming, and even though the absolute strongest of them were there, such as Aisha, who had flopped down on her buttocks and made a crude mistake, there was only a gentle smile on Nacht\'s mouth.

Aisha, who has lost her will to fight, or rather is on the verge of giving up on survival, is told by Nacht.

It\'s okay, Aisha - this is just a dragon. He\'s not my enemy.\'\'

The dragon in front of me does not have a golden circle in front of it.

In the Real World Online, the lower species of dragons are low, level fifty to no higher than a hundred.

Even though Nacht\'s level was not canned, it was still one hundred and forty-seven. No matter how you think about it, it\'s not an opponent to be defeated. Even if it was a hundred level raid boss class monster, which would be the limit of the dragon species, it could be eliminated without any problems first.

But this was only in the game.

Maybe it\'s different in this world, but Nacht can\'t see the existence in front of him as that much of a threat.

For a moment, he looked at the bracelet on his right hand, but he didn\'t feel the need to remove it.

\'You\'re just being fooled by the size and the hostility, feel it well. Wasn\'t my dragon wave more awesome than yours?\'

That was more of the same, though, and it wasn\'t directed at Aisha.

Aisha nodded coyly as she sat down and gripped Nacht\'s hand tightly.

\'Well--what do you want? Not exactly a walk in the park, is it?

"So you - an alien molecule that came down to this world with a power equal to - or greater than - ours....... .........what an amazing power.......

A voice that resonates in the mind. When spinning people\'s words as a matter of course, it is still highly intelligent.

\'\'That way, isn\'t it your fault that I\'m here--and your business with me isn\'t just to say hello, is it? As for me, I don\'t want to kill my own kind, even over here. Can you get rid of that murderous spirit?

I almost stopped myself from saying that my lovely squire was having a hard time with a lot of things.

Aisha is also a girl, albeit a young one.

Caring is important in many ways.

\'\'--Yes, that\'s right.\'\'

With the dragon\'s words, the wave of killing intent that had been creaking the earth dissipated.

\'\'-- As part of the observers, I thought that foreign objects should be eliminated, but it seems that our strength is not far behind -- again, introduce yourself, I am one of the four great dragons, one pillar (one), the hurricane (gufu). The dragon, Alhazard. People call me the god of wind and travel, but I guess I\'m just a dragon too, according to you.

For some reason, Alhazard told him to be depressed, and even Nacht, who was distracted, let his guard down.

\'\'Don\'t be so depressed--it\'s nice to see your own kind here too, isn\'t it? I\'m Nacht, Nacht Shatin. I\'m the Dragon Man of Spiritual Spirit, I have no ill will. Don\'t worry.

It was Aisha who was most surprised by those words.

Even if there was speculation that Nacht had immense power that wasn\'t human, the astonishment was not justified when he was told from his own mouth that he was a dragonman. What\'s more, it was said that a dragonman who inherited the dragon factor was stronger than a real dragon. There was no way her understanding could catch up with her.

Most of all, though, she understands dragons and dragons by confusing them.

\'\'Even so, I\'m aware of the fact that they\'re foreign, but it\'s terrible to eliminate them immediately.

Nacht let out a breath of relief at the fact that his half-hearted power was working.

\'\'We also have our own circumstances - the risk of continuing to leave a singularity is not small. In addition, we have a role in keeping the world normal, so--\'\'

By the way, do you know why I was called to this world?

The only thing I want to ask Alhazad is this.

Even though he has been reincarnated, unless there is solid evidence, it is a fact that he is suspicious.

Why is Nacht here?

It\'s not because he was called by a god, a reward for good deeds, a summoning of a brave man, or as a demon king.

\'I don\'t know - we are an anomaly in the world. We only have the power to see the singularity.\'\'

Nacht couldn\'t hide his disappointment at the disappointing answer.

He thought that if he was a being who was even called a god by the people, he would know something, but Alhazard couldn\'t know any more. It\'s not impossible that he could be hiding information, but I don\'t think he would tell me that he went out of his way to kill me and then tell me a lie with Nacht holding the right to live and die.

Suddenly, another question came to mind.

\'Then have otherworldly people - people or creatures from another world - ever been summoned or appeared?

The summoning of a hero in a novel, the summoning of a demon king, or a rare person if you\'re an accidental wanderer.

I\'ll ask if any of them have the same case as Nacht.

I\'m going to say that thousands of years ago, there was one case of a demon king summoned by the disaster, one case of a heroic summoning team remaining in the holy city, and... no, that\'s nothing. But the person you speak of who was summoned from another world must have existed throughout history.

Nacht slowly chewed on such words from Alhazard.

\'I see! That\'s good to hear, thank you, little dragon.

What is your purpose?\'\'

It\'s a look that\'s so disconcerting, yet straight and sharp.

However, Nacht has just arrived here, and although he desperately wants to live, he hasn\'t decided what he wants to do. If I had to say it, it would be to look at the actual girls of various species that were only in the game. No, more than that, right now--.

Maybe Aisha and I should go for a little stroll.

Nacht looked at the little lives he had encountered in this world.

\'But, well, you can rest assured that I\'m not thinking about world domination, or killing everyone on the levee, or any of that stuff.

As Nacht said, Alhazard closed his emerald eyes once, hesitated, and then opened them.

\'For now, let\'s just take your word for it.\'

Visiting like a storm, Alhazard rose up into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

After witnessing this, Nacht lowered his gaze to trace his right hand.

Beyond that was Aisha, who was still in a state of abandonment.

\'\'Let\'s just bathe in the water, shall we?


Aisha\'s eyes began to flutter and flutter.

Eventually, Aisha, who had regained her sanity, blushed with shame.

\'\'Nahat-sama\'s ... stupid ... pervert ... gusun ...\'\'

Seeing Aisha in tears, Nacht felt a fierce desire to kill Alhazard for the first time.