It's not so much about reincarnated characters!

35 Dragon attack magic

Like a crimson flame running through the sun, the converging flames changed their appearance to a small ball.

The dazzling light had dyed the earth in bright red. Is the light reflecting the red of the wreckage sinking into a sea of blood, or is it the red of a great river of dissolved magma?

In such a landscape, Nacht\'s eyes reflected only one person.

His body was trembling with fear--

The moment I saw the tears that were about to spill out on his cheeks. All of Nacht\'s reasoning was blown away.

The blood flowing through his veins was hot, hot, circulating, and Nahat didn\'t hesitate to lean into the sensation of burning his body.

\'It\'s so depressing--\'

Nacht held out his hand evasively to the illuminating, terrifying symbol, as if to prevent a reunion.

\'\'--Eliminate, the primordial deep darkness (Darkness).

The darkness of the robe that Nacht wears (the robe) spread toward the sky.

It spread out like a carpet, but now it became a whirlpool, drawing a circle.

Like day turning into night, the whirlpool of darkness swallowed the little sun in the blink of an eye.

Nacht took advantage of the darkness and appeared at Aisha\'s side in an instant.

Then he traced a drop that ran down his cheek and caught it with his finger.

You fought well, Aisha, and you\'ll be fine.

Hearing Aisha\'s voice, I think reason returned to her eyes a little bit.

With a pop, he lightly patted Aisha\'s head, and once he felt that he was going to miss it, Nacht stood on the battlefield with Aisha at his back.

\'\'Ugh! What the hell? What happened? It\'s dark, it\'s dark! Oh, I\'m getting light--

The darkness clears, and the dragon suggests such a thing. Of course there is no righteousness to answer.

Nahat quietly turns his eyes to the dragon.

\'\'You are--\'\'

As Nacht\'s words echoed, the world distorted with a gaggle of giggles.

It was as if every living thing, from the spirits and microorganisms that filled this place to the microorganisms, was escaping.

Because of this, I even feel the illusion that the normal world has been lost.

"Nah, nah, nah, nah, what are you--

The atmosphere trembled because the giant body trembled, or maybe the atmosphere trembled because the wind spirit escaped - there was no sound, and the sky creaked.

Yeah, I lied a little.

I couldn\'t stay calm at all.

After seeing that hateful appearance, Nacht could not keep his reasoning in check.

\'\'--You made my Aisha cry!

It was also lukewarm to be called an angry roar.

It was truly a roar.


It is not the voice of a sycophant. It is the scream of one who is tainted with fear.

Nacht does not listen to it.

Magic power is said to materialize and become visible in proportion to its density. Just as the night colored magic power gathered in the palm of Aisha\'s hand.

So it\'s not an illusion.

No matter how many times you rub your eyes, it is certainly reflected in your vision.

The pillar of deep magic power that rises through the heavens - everywhere and endlessly - is a pillar of deep magic power that rises through the heavens. Nacht had released all of his power for the first time since he came to this world.

\'\'Embody the world - the Seventh Sphere, the Jewel of the Seventh World.

The jewel shines around Nacht.

"I will inscribe your soul with transgressions in person--

M-M-Matsu! We\'re going to talk--you\'re not listening to me--!

Each of Nacht\'s jewels serves as a fixed turret.

Each of them can use separate magic automatically (auto), although there is a limit of up to a tertiary position.

That is to say, it is--.

Dragon magic.

--Blast Aerial, the wind dragon that carries death

--The Fallen Lightning.

--Crossing Water Dragon (Across the Aqua)

--The Eternal Freeze, the ice dragon that lives forever.

--The Crushing Earth Dragon (Ground Pressure)

--Binding Gravity Dragon (Chain Gravity)

--The Enddarkness of the Doomed Dragon

--meaning that the biggest gap for wizards, the blank time between magic and magic, is gone.

The first anomaly was in the sky.

The moment the clouds swirled and disappeared.


A typhoon has swung in. Maybe that\'s the right way to describe it. The indefinite wind was an elephant in the shape of a dragon.

The intersection of dragon and dragon - the giant dragon lost its power and fell to the ground.

Nacht\'s continuous attacks did not stop.

There is almost no time difference (time lag) and it does not allow any resistance or counterattack at all.

A dragon struck by lightning had tears in his eyes.

Tears in the dragon\'s eyes as well.

At least as much as he had cried for Aisha, Nacht decided to cry for the dragon.

The long, stinging water dragon tangled in a tightening

The ice dragon, such as the water dragon, froze and turned into an icicle, gouging out its scales.

Fresh blood danced around as well as this.

However, Nacht\'s hands did not stop.

As soon as the ground caved in, the earthen dragon that appeared crushed the head of the giant dragon that was unable to move.

Perhaps because of the impact, several fangs were shattered and scattered.

There, when the shadow falls, Zun, an abnormal overload is applied.

"Wha, ........I\'m sorry.......I surrender......I apologize.......

Finally, two black dragons pierced the wings and devoured them.

\'Aisha\'s bangles were broken - the substitute bangles are a chargeable item that takes a fatal wound on its shoulders only once - which equates to you killing Aisha once. You are equal to having taken my Aisha, my Aisha, and the life of my squire--

Who on earth could catch that voice?

Even Aisha had never heard Nacht\'s voice, which was cold, too cold.

She must have realized that it was a mistake to expect mercy.

-- forgiveness, you think?

At the very least, Nacht\'s anger would not subside if he didn\'t have to go through the same eyes as Aisha.

\'Squeal, chirp, and wail--that\'s the only redemption you can make--\'

Go around in a circle. The dragon with the spirit in his hand tells us.

"All things leave life and go to death in my hands.

At the end of the night, the bell of the soul rings. Just think of the day of rebirth. Speak your last wish.

Say your last prayer to the dragon--

Perhaps attracted by Nacht\'s words, the dense magic power that was being released gradually changed shape.

The elephant was a dragon, not a dragon.

Its total length would not be able to measure a few hundred meters.

It was black and brilliant.

Its eyes were gold, its scales were jet black, its body was dark, and its claws were crimson.

\'\'This........I might really die........\'\'

"In my name I sentence you to death by the Dragon\'s Breath of the Dragon.

A spherical three-dimensional magic circle was spinning in the mouth that opened like the entrance to the underworld.

Converging black.

A night that was too dark.

A momentary blink of an eye that flowed into such a world. Such a small light became a guidepost.

The night (Nacht) that manifested itself, the dragon disappeared. No, not only the dragon, but the sky, the atmosphere, the earth, and everything else that had been caught in it, lost its shape and melted away.

What was left was a huge hole.

How far that hole, where no light could be seen, was unknown, but from then on, no one approached the hole in the Keparnia Grasslands, known as the "Dragon\'s Abyss".

He turned himself around as if he had no use for this place at the earliest.

With a clear face, Nacht rushed to Aisha.

You killed her--?

Aisha, who looked flustered as Nacht approached, said.

\'No, I\'m barely alive--do you want to put a stop to it?

Aisha shivered as Nacht told her flatly. Now, surely even Aisha would be able to put a stop to it.

\'\'No, you can\'t - no, what.........\'\'

But for some reason, Aisha gradually lowered her voice and--


The next thing I knew, I started to cry.

\'Wow, what\'s going on, Aisha? What\'s wrong with you, Aisha, are you hurt? Whether it hurts or not, let me handle it! There\'s a special class of potions to pay for, and an all-purpose allowance! So I hope you\'re comfortable with that.

But Aisha, with a crumpled face, shook her head full and weakly.

\'\'Wah, wah, because of me--gusu, everyone--egh... everyone...\'\'

Oh, no.

So that\'s what it was.

As long as Aisha was safe, nothing else mattered to Nacht. In fact, he hadn\'t paid any attention to his surroundings until now.

Once again, many lives were on the verge of being lost.

Some of them had been burned to the ground and did not last more than a few hours.

Aisha, who was kind-hearted, must have felt a sense of responsibility.

The responsibility of being a follower of the dragon who fought alongside everyone else. The weight of the lives she couldn\'t protect.

But it was originally Nacht\'s responsibility, and there was no need for Aisha to feel the pain.

Nacht hugs Aisha.

\'Don\'t worry, Aisha didn\'t do anything wrong. It\'s all my fault - magic totalization (All Over Magic) - healing wind (Heel Wind)\'

Fortunately, the dragon was weaker than he expected, and Nacht had plenty of time to spare for his magic. If the dragon was treated as a raid boss, its strength was too low. If that was the case, then that dragon might be treated as a field boss, but Nahat didn\'t know if it was true or not. The common sense of the game era wasn\'t already of much use to him.

After administering first aid, I take out over a thousand advanced recovery potions (hypotonic potions) from storage and make my voice ring out.

\'\'Let the living drink it - this time it\'s my fault too, service - all but the dead will be saved.

Nacht\'s voice had reached every corner of the battlefield. Any adventurer who could move would have begun to act.

The dragon\'s intrusion was clearly aimed at Nacht. Nacht\'s power, to be precise, maybe, but it had gotten Aisha into a futile fight.

I didn\'t assume enough. I hadn\'t seen it coming.

I was so close to losing Aisha.

A shiver ran down my spine.

It was the first fear I had felt since I was born as Nacht.

If Aisha had not been standing here, safe and sound, Nacht would not have been able to maintain his sanity. I\'m sure that he couldn\'t add or subtract and did his best to destroy it.

\'\'Thank God ... thank God, I\'m so glad Aisha is safe--\'\'

A fading, thin voice that didn\'t suit Nacht at all.

Before she realized it, tears were running down her cheeks.

Aisha seemed to be in a bit of pain, but Nacht held her as she was being held by Nacht and wiped the tears that were running down her cheeks with her fingers.

\'\'--Yes, Aisha will always be by Nacht-sama\'s side.

Aisha\'s hand on his cheek was warmer than he\'d expected.